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Re: I began providing at 21 years old in July 2006; I am now 24
missbrookesong See my TER Reviews 1200 reads

Excuse me Ally, no disrespect but I would hardly call paying for college tuition as "nonsense". And many, many providers are using this as a means to an end. If you look at this, actually probabaly all providers are doing this as a means to an end. I know very few women who plan to do this forever and many women are doing this profession as supplemental income to attain more of what they want. A "means to an end" you might call it.

And I myself am a "young agency girl". But whatever, i've already participate enough in this thread. I am so tired of people feeling that just because I am young and in this buisness, I must be emotionally unstable, immature, unknowledgable, irrational, ect.

What are thoughts on young, yet leagal aged, 18-20 year old providers?

Do any of you have a "policy" against using those under 21 for moral reasons? Those of you who have used the young ones, do you feel they are as good as more experienced providers?

What do some of you providers think? And how old were you when you got in the business?

I prefer to be with a woman, who I can be fairly assured of having the desire, hence freedom to be with me or not. For that reason I would choose to be with someone at least in their twenties and independent.

Rosco_P_Coltrane1603 reads

I make it a point to see younger providers, although I have seen very few under the age of 21.
Remember, provider years are not always accurate.
They don't have experience on their side, but I can overlook that for a young hard body.
There is one 18 year old provider who posts on this forum, who has my attention, both heads. She also has very high performance #'s.

I was 48 when I started Sexy Carolina.

I have strong opinions regarding "using those under 21"

Most of my life was dedicated to America's Youth.
Twenty years of coaching, teaching, studying and working with juveniles. My own children 16, 17, 21 and 28, also give me insight into the mentality of young adults.

And this....

It has been noted that adolescent brain is still growing in certain areas. The region responsible for such things as impulse control and moral judgment is the last to mature. Sometimes this does not take place until the individual reaches the early 20's. This was discovered by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Perhaps environment, how a child is brought up in his home life, makes the difference in such matters regarding impulse control and moral judgment.


Sexy Carolina

Thanks Sexy. BTW I checked your site out and if you are ever in Dallas, i would love to see you!

You never really know what kind of reply you might get to such an opinionated post. Most times I don't take that into consideration, when I write. Passion wins out.

There are as always exceptions to any rule.

Take the drinking age. Throw in a USMC private.
He's old enough to die for his country, but he can't legally buy a beer.


Thanks for the post. Please don't let my opinion stop you from saying what's on your mind.
Use an alias.

I posted a discussion about age last week but let me say this, I tread very likely to girls who are under 21. Particulary ones that advertise that age.  Many are young girls who are really under age but advertise as 18 19.  Secondly, if a provider look good and have good reviews, happened to be 18 then drive on but I must question someone who specifically looks for the younger the better.

Not that I don't like younger women, 30+ is what I am willing to pay for.

I want to start off by emphasizing the fact that I do NOT judge anyone - neither hobbyist nor provider.

Having said that, it is almost a knee jerk reaction to get a creepy crawly feeling in my tummy when the subject of age comes up, and I read a post from a 50's something (or even 40's something) man who espouses a preference for younger ladies. I chalk it up to my own set of standards about right/wrong though, and try not to let my own beliefs color my attitude when reading posts of that nature. Quite simply, there is nothing illegal about such a preference, and it just isn't my place to judge. But yes, it bothers me. That is just me being honest.

On the question of what age is appropriate to start providing. My answer to that is rather complicated. I do think that there is such a thing as too young, but I can't give you a specific age. Eighteen is, in my opinion definitely too young. Is 21 years old really that different? I don't know. I think what it comes down to is that a level of mental and emotional maturity needs to be there for a lady to choose this occupation without allowing it to harm her. But at what age does a woman have that level of maturity? I don't know. I suspect it is different for every woman, so I can't really put an arbitrary age on it.

My real concern when it comes to young women and providing, is that for some, I fear it may impact their ability to enjoy relationships later on in life. Lets face it, we don't always see the best side of men. That is why we have provider's boards intended to put the word out about bad guys who would harm us or rip us off. I worry about ladies who haven't yet had long term intimate relationships forming opinions about the nature of men based on some of these types of experiences. Then again, perhaps I worry too much.

As for how old I was when I started providing. I was 33 years old, and I was fulfilling a fantasy I'd had for many years - and OH what an experience that first time was. *smile* I freely admit though, that in comparison to what I know today, I could take what I knew about sex when I was 18, and fit it inside a thimble :)

Rosco_P_Coltrane698 reads

I don't see why the subject bothers you.
I am mid 40's, and can still see civies 10 years younger then me. I have no reason or desire to see someone my age, or older, civie or provider.
I like a nice thin athletic type of body that most MILF's have not seen in years.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to see a younger provider.
Besides, I like to see the younger providers before they get jaded.
To each their hon ;)

I don't think the issue to be jaded has anything to do with age.

If you  are selective and Enjoy People You can have lot fun.

-- Modified on 3/1/2009 7:26:22 PM

and she's got the tightest body on the planet. And she's right too – an 18yo can be jaded and a 45 year old can have a fresh positive mental attitude.

Young providers – and here I would say anywhere from 18-23 – are definitely different than older providers. Of course there are exceptions. Generally though you find younger providers to be a little more self-centered. They enjoy the money but they haven't learned about the human connection. The advantage of older providers is that you can connect a little better as a human being. Because I like tight bodies, my sweet spot tends to be a provider in the 27-30 range.

There are moral issues with young providers but of course there are moral issues with seeing providers in general. I think if you want to stay pure, electric trains are a better hobby.

And new to this buisness. I actually am eighteen lol and I don't quite see how there would be a moral issue with seeing younger providers. We are of legal age and have not been forced into this in any way. I consider myself a rational yet sensual person and I absolutely love this. Could not ask for a better job and did tons of research and put a lot of thought into this before getting into it. True, age is linked with maturity and experience but there are exceptions to everything. If a provider enjoys her job and is good at it I don't quite see how there can be a moral issue with it. Not all young girls are dumb and naive (:

You are an exception. I noticed from another post you made that you are in college, clearly giving yourself options just in case you decided that the biz is not for you.

well thank you wizard and of course hehe.
As great as this job is, I know that my charming good looks won't last forever lol and with that, my income.

Anybody would be a fool not to have a plan B.

I was technically "young" but I was also "good and damn grown" at 21- I was already a college graduate and had been out of my parents home since the age of 17.
I was well-researched when I entered, hands on and had total awareness of myself.  I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20 years old and had four partners when I entered the business.  Despite this lack of technical experience I always knew that my preoccupation with sex would lead me to this world and I was unafraid of it.

I spoke on the telephone with a 21 year old provider this week.  After a thirty minute conversation I was confounded by her lack of logic, reason and general sense.  Though I'm technically not much older than her and was her age when I began I could not relate and understood how it is that many hobbyists find younger providers intolerable (though many also enjoy carefree and simple- they can tolerate stupidity for a terrific lay and are only interested in the physical aspect of the providers service).

Personally, I can see what the appeal is physically, but I find the idea of the 18-20 year old provider a little...sketchy.
I suspect for most it is simply a means to an end: tuition, a new car, shoes, purses and other nonsense.  I look at some very young agency girls and wonder how they feel and what they see beyond the cash.  Will they be able to look at themselves in the mirror in ten years? Or will they be filled with shame and grief over participation in something that they did not fully understand?  I am quite sure that there are forty or fifty year old providers who would say the same for me so I'll end on this:

It takes a very special, emotionally evolved & independent woman to own what she does as a sex professional.  I am confident that this can occur in a developed 18 year old...I doubt that it occurs as much as it does in a 30 year old.

-- Modified on 3/1/2009 9:35:39 PM

Excuse me Ally, no disrespect but I would hardly call paying for college tuition as "nonsense". And many, many providers are using this as a means to an end. If you look at this, actually probabaly all providers are doing this as a means to an end. I know very few women who plan to do this forever and many women are doing this profession as supplemental income to attain more of what they want. A "means to an end" you might call it.

And I myself am a "young agency girl". But whatever, i've already participate enough in this thread. I am so tired of people feeling that just because I am young and in this buisness, I must be emotionally unstable, immature, unknowledgable, irrational, ect.

"I suspect for most it is simply a means to an end: tuition, a new car, shoes, purses and other nonsense."

I was referring to items listed at the end of my sentence as "nonsense" (purses)- as a woman who has used the hobby to pay off a considerable amount in student loans you don't have to remind me that there are women who use the hobby to pay for their education, erase student loan debt and/or plan for their future.

If you feel my words and that of other participants are not applicable to you that is only something that you can know.

On message boards we tend to speak in generalities.  If it isn't illustrative of you then you shouldn't react defensively.

The fact is, the people involved in this thread are two and three times your age.  Undoubtedly there is at least one person in this thread who has been involved with the hobby longer than you and I have been alive.  These people have seen a great deal- hell, I've been involved in the business for three years and several agencies, many scandals, personal losses, several tours, an 1000 mile move, and interaction with hundreds of clients and providers alike: I've seen a great deal too.

Many people here would agree as well that the business is difficult for young people in general.  We are expected to be able to communicate and interact with people who are twice/three times our age, who are worldly, well-traveled and generally more experienced in business & life.  Frankly, there are many young participants who are simply not equipped emotionally to deal with seasoned providers and hobbyists.  If you feel that you are different...OK, but do keep an open mind and allow yourself to learn from others involved in this discussion anyway.

Take all thoughts on a message board for what they're worth and under no circumstances take them personally.

Just know that at your age you may think that you have a total understanding of your behavior and its impact on the future quality of your life.

At my age, you begin to realize: you don't and you may not for a long time.

Be happy and attentive to yourself Brooke.


no matter what you think, if you are young, you will change and grow into who you will be.
I do not think there are many young ladies who are suited for this world until they are at least in their mid 20s. Its a tough business mentally and emotionally for someone who has not matured in that aspect of thier life. It does tend to "use them up" so to speak.
I get a creepy feeling as well when I read a 50 something guy who reviews some 18yr old little girl. Yes little girl! She may be legal but honestly there are few and far between who at that age can handle all this world drags with it.
Its not so simple for them to seperate it out.
Many agencies don't want to deal with them for this and many other reasons.
I was a fun hot chick at 20, but truely I am so much more complex now as a woman than I ever could have hoped to be then. As people we grow into ourselves in time. At 18 you are still a child, legal or not.

Rosco_P_Coltrane827 reads

People mature at different ages.
I know a guy who is 30, but acts like a teenager.
I know women who are 30 and completely unstable.
Calling all 18 year olds "children" or a "little girl" is inaccurate, and to some a little insulting.
I can relate to Brook on her level. I was working  going to school and out from under my parent's wings at 18. I was far from a child.    

smartassplayin1033 reads

let us not forget at age 18 as "children" we can now vote,  be tried as an adult, and best of since were just children we can join the military and die in exciting far away lands.  Oh yea in most states you can buy your very own firearm at 16.  I hope no one acts immature with those.  I think you might have to be a couple of years older to buy a handgun depending where you live.

not calling all 18 yr olds children but as a mother of 3 I know areat many this business could easily gobble them up. Playing with one teenager is fun I am sure for you guys, but playing here and being in a business are not the same.
It comes with a whole other set of issues which some and many but definately not all can handle.

I do find it creepy when a guy wants to be with a gal the age or younger than his own daughter. Can't help it it just strikes me as icky.  I personally won't see anyone under 40, just not my cup of tea.

Not trying to judge any one and yes there are those who can handle this on all levels, but truely not many.

As for me im only 21 as well. I get guys that ask if im sure i know what im doing. Hmmmm, thats for them to find out..."I can do anything she can" lol... I agree that with my age as I get older I will be one of the best. Im here to stay... Many girl get in the business for the wrong reasons. One is they are nearly forced to. I have goals. SuCCeSS is a key for me!!! When my business is set up, Im sure I will still be here guys!!! Age in nothing but a number as they say.... Sweeter,Tighter,Etc...

Shout out to all the young roviders!!!


-- Modified on 3/2/2009 9:15:30 AM

Zachysk643 reads

From what I've read of the previous posts, it seems like many providers and some hobbyists think it's "creepy" or "weird" for an older hobbyist to be with a very young provider.  What are your thoughts about both parties being in a similar age bracket?

shudaknownbetter1174 reads

Sure the young but legal ones look hot...  but frankly, I prefer nice looking mature ladies...  things just seem to go better.

GaGambler858 reads

I am a dirty(not quite old) man, I like hardbodies,  I almost exclusively hobby with women from 18-25. OTOH in my civvie life I usually "date" women in their early to mid thirties.

I am so lucky to live in a city like Atlanta where a single guy with all of his teeth and most of his hair can find all the MILFs he would ever So why would I choose to hobby with the same type of women I see for free?

There is no way I could go out a pick up a different "twentysomethingyearold hottie" every night, but a man could go out and find a different divorced 30ish to 40ish MILF every night he wanted to.

I guess I am the only honest pig left on TER. ROFL

But I also very much love to see MILF's, GILF's, and any other acronym you can think of as long as she was born a woman and has stayed that way.

I'm in it for the ability to truly enjoy the woman I'm with.  I see the MILF's for different reasons that I see the young providers.  Neither reason is better or worse for me in my choices.

I like what I like. I will have a hardbody every now and then though.

Geesh...SexyCarolina comes to mind for one, shes got the looks the body and shes quite engaging as I have read.
Hard bodies are Not strictly just the younger ladies.
I think that is a form of sterio typing as well.
There are plenty of under 30 gals who are Not tone and fit and plenty of over 40 gals who are tone and fit.

GaGambler1052 reads

and what I like is a "young hardbody". To tell the truth I like all different types of women, but what I am willing to pay for is the young, hardbody, spinner types.

Now don't take this to mean that I only frequent 18 yr old gymnasts, but the vast majority of my hobbying is done with women 18-25, 110 lbs or less that are built on the slender side.

Combine that with her experience, both in thought and physical prowess, and you cannot go wrong.  She, and a few other ladies on this site have the whole package. When you find a package like that it's a hobby win - like hitting that nut flush on the flop and watching the other guy chasing the straight to the river.


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