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Re: do providers use alternative methods of birth control in case the condom fails?
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1021 reads

well yes there are other methods used, but if in the case of, for some reason all fails...I'd be the first one in line at the clinic ending that very unwanted pregnency early.

On several occassions, I've had a good quality, name brand condom break with girlfriends. Most of the time, I was told "well, don't worry, I'm on the pill." Once, it led to an emergency call to a doctor friend who made a "morning after" pill available.

My question to providers is whether you ladies use an alternative method of birth control in case of a burst or broken condom. If so, what method do you use? Have pregnacies ever resulted from time spent with hobbysts? What liability does a hobbyst face if there is no 'alternative method" and you conceive?

Thanks for your responses.

This is a legitimate question and one I've asked my other provider friends about. I had part of the plumbing removed a LONG time ago so babies are over and done with. The condom is for disease prevention only.

Don't even think bareback babe.

Maybe you should reconsider it.

-- Modified on 7/10/2008 4:03:38 PM

Please go seek help. Anyone who would put their life on the line for a few moments of pleasure is in trouble, and I mean deep trouble.

Not only are you sleeping with the lady your with but also every person she has slept with in her life time and she, with a life time of bed mates of yours. These days most girlfriends demand a condom until you are married or at least in a commited relationship.

Now after saying this. I am hoping your preference is a dream to come, with the one you love, forever.

Kisses Haley

I believe it is your screenname more that concerns us more than your actual comment/question in your post

I just thought a little extra importance on being careful needed to be mentioned. I might of sounded off a little to stong but didn't mean too. Thanks Taylor for bringing that up!
    Kisses Haley

PopeFollowme LXIX2073 reads

There is a birth control pill for women approved by the Catholic Church.

A Saint Joesph's asprin held firmly between the knees.

Especially for you and your ilk.

Thank you

Um, from the look of your user name, I don't think you are asking because you are worried about a condom break.

We are big girls. We handle our repruductive responsibility quite well. I'm sure more than a few ladies have experienced unintended pregnancies. However, I would say we probably do far better than your average girl at a bar at making sure that doesn't happen.

For my part, I had an IUD inserted 1.5 years ago.  It's more reliable than tubal ligation.  So yeah.  I have a backup.

Just wondering, but if a provider got pregnant by a client, what would happen?  Obviously everyone involved would be unhappy... Any of you web-lawyers know of a legal precedent?

Yes, I realize that the fellow would be prett dumb to admit he was with a p4p lady, but what if the encounter took place in Nevada?

It seems like that should be covered by workmans comp.  As a job related incident.

GaGambler2094 reads

The details of conception are irrelevent. You break it, you buy it.

The courts are not concerned with the rights of the parents, only the welfare of the child. If you are the unlucky sire of an illegitimate child conceived due to a leaky condom during a p4p session, you are just as responsible as a loving husband who knowingly and willingly created a child with his loving wife.

You don't have to admit to anything nowadays due to modern science, Can you spell DNA?

shudaknownbetter1082 reads

Several of the ladies I've seen have removed & checked the cover for leaks or breakage before disposing of it.  I'm sure this was for birth control.  One sure does not want to screw up in this manner...  

well yes there are other methods used, but if in the case of, for some reason all fails...I'd be the first one in line at the clinic ending that very unwanted pregnency early.

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