Newbie - FAQ

Re: Congrats, and welcome to the hobby!
lungman 2405 reads
1 / 30

Had my 1st experience.....with a provider.....beautiful women......went very well!
This ? is for other provider's......I invited this LADY (and i mean that in the strongest sense of the word) accompany me to a Broadway Play(300.00).....for 2 Tickets....(100.00-150.00)dinner for would any of you this just for the fun of it.......with a client........or would you be expecting to get paid for your time(dumb question?).........i know this is a buisness!....
just wanted some feedback.........Thanks!

DC. 51 Reviews 1740 reads
2 / 30
lungman 10 Reviews 1311 reads
3 / 30

would like some feedback from some of the other provider's.......on this one........please.....
...................................thank you.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1668 reads
4 / 30

this tells me you still are a newbie...of course I expect to be paid for my time. Ter, my website , Eros any place you find a Ladies ad isn't some chick just looking for a date, it is first and foremost Our business. It is a profession. We do expect to be paid to work. So do you work for free?  Just the question alone tells me you really are not in tune with this business.  If I was just an easy chick just looking for a date I'd be on a dating site. No actually I wouldn't I HAVE a BF and I only want this one so there I am all set...
Many men take their ATFs on nice vacations and yes, they are paying for her time.

-- Modified on 7/18/2008 11:58:15 PM

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 2000 reads
6 / 30

You may think that you are paying for sex when you see an escort but ultimately you are paying the lady for her time. Her time is her commodity. One visit with a lady does not qualify you as anything but a customer. I'm sure she would love to join you at the theater but I wouldn't expect to get her time for free.

If you read the boards for a while you will see dozens of posts from guys who take providers on vacations with them, take them to all sorts of places. In all cases they are paying for the trip but they are also paying for her time. This doesn't mean that there are not deals to be made, especially with long-term ATF, but there is always some level of compensation involved.

One appointment and you are already trying to turn it into a civvie relationship? Keep reading...

mistabeo 10 Reviews 1985 reads
7 / 30

well, getting a free ticket/meal isn't really spending time with a gentleman for "free."

WildTurkey-101 141 Reviews 1775 reads
8 / 30

Plus Mr Lungman seems to think she would be impressed with the cost of ticket and dinner, he should step back and realize she can make that in a half hour and take herself...

lungman 1093 reads
9 / 30

what is this..........jump all over the newbie nite........just asked a simple question......
thank's for the disrespect!

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1476 reads
10 / 30

I can afford to take myself to a show AND out to dinner, and my BF as well. It's my TIME that you are paying for strictly. No way around it, my time is money and that's it.Now my BF he gets my time for free...we are "dating".  If you want to take a lady out and get her time for free I suggest you date.

AND it's not just my time, it's that guilt free "NSA" knowledge that comes with this profession. You know you don't have to throw all the bells and whistles and if afterwards, you never call again it's all good. If out of the blue, 6 months later you call I won't feel "used" like the average woman you may "date" would. I'm happy to hear from you,and can't wait to catch up with you and so on. You read my reviews, and know what to expect, You are busy and dating would complicate your life, I won't. Its the discretion you are paying for, and you don't need to lie to me about being married.I don't care either way and I want nothing more from you than our time together til its over. I treat you like you are my long lost lover, even though we have just met. And you know I don't expect any more from yes woman in this business are different and unique as well and that difference comes with a price.

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 12:22:45 AM

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 1188 reads
11 / 30

As for whether ladies would accompany you to a Broadway show and dinner for free?  Personally, I would not even consider asking my ATF of four + years that...this is a 4 - 6 hr. night on the town...most ladies have a price structure for that.  Expect to pay that over and above the costs of tickets and dinner.  If you are well established with the lady, and she likes you, she MAY cut you a break, or offer extra perks, but never expect ready to pay full fare every time you visit with her...

jazz32 24 Reviews 1605 reads
12 / 30

I have no idea why are so upset.  

You asked a question, one that you yourself suggested might be dumb, personally I'd call it naive.  You received consistent, reasoned and informative replies from both provider and hobbyist.  I'm sorry you didn't receive the answer you wanted, but that's life in the hobby.

Any negativity in the replies was caused by your "not a newbie anymore" boast in the subject of your original post.  Disrespect -  Were you attacked?  Did anyone call you names?  Did anyone question your parentage?  No!!!  All everyone said in their replies is that your claim and your question both indicate that you still have a lot to learn about the hobby.  Your angry reaction certainly indicates that this is true.

Now if you want to see disrespect, and gross immaturity, take a look at this new topic that I chose not to post (it should look familiar to you):


by the way
Posted by lungman, 7/18/2008 7:58:33 PM  

i was banging beautiful women........all over the world.......before you guys......had even learned to jackoff!

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1449 reads
13 / 30

This is a message board, not your blog.  If you don't want to hear the responses don't ask the questions. No one here is jumping all over you. You asked, we answered.

followme 1193 reads
14 / 30

You proclaim you are not a newbie, then you complain that “what is this ….jump all over NEWBIE nite”
I think you contradicted yourself.
I would say that if you feel it necessary to self-proclaim you are not a newbie ……You are still a Newbie !

You asked a question and you get honest answers from respected members of TER….How is that disrespect?
BTW what have you done to earn our respect?

Also ( jazz correct me if I’m wrong) but you post this all under an alias.

Now are you man enough to apologize to all the good and respected members of this community that you insulted and disrespected.

You’re Welcome

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1417 reads
15 / 30

This "disrespect" Mr. Lungman, that you seem to be talking about is really in the direction of the Lady in question, and on Your part.
I do believe you did not mean it that way, but being a newbie, and you are still, you are not totally intune with what all is involved.

To expect her, the Lady to be grateful for a date with you, that you have invested enough in this "date" and you should just get whatever you want for free now. (her time that is)  Think about it hon.
You could date a Lady , civie that is, spend all that $$ on her show, dinner and still have nothing more at the end of the night, but a private companion, well you feel we should just give you what you want cause you "invested enough"?
It was a very narrow viewpoint and yes disrespectful to the Ladies in this profession.
As I said before, you are paying for my time and all that comes with it.
No disrespect meant on my part and I see none on anyone elses who answered your post. You have a great deal to learn about this business, the Ladies in it and the boundries that exist between  a Companion and the Gentlemen who are her clients. For the most part it has been my experience, there has been a great deal of respect on both sides. Read the boards, learn from what the long time TER Gentlemen and the Ladies have to say, keep an open mind...and good luck.
A defensive additude in this business will get you nowhere. A Post like this one will definately put you on a few DNS lists if it persists. There are plenty of sweet Gentlemen whom we can spend time with where the boundries are not in question. They are very clear cut for the most part and respect of them on both sides is an absolute must.

Now...Everyone have a really sweet day!!!
Play nice all

lungman 10 Reviews 1491 reads
16 / 30

now that's the answer i was looking for..........
thank you! answered the simple,direct,
question that i asked...!.....I thought this site was to try and help each other..............
if your on this site.....just to slam other's......just to get your ya-ya's off........
i suggest you find an S&M site.......then you can beat each other up......leave this site......
to those of us.....who have some class...........
like the gentleman.....who answered my question..
with respect,wisdom,etc......and kept his personal opinion's to himself!

lungman 10 Reviews 1445 reads
17 / 30

all i asked was yes or no.....on paying her for her time.....nothing more.....nothing less.......
I didn't need the"Do you work for free?".........
"Not in tune with the buisness"....who said anything about....."looking for an EASY chick"...
just wanted to take another human dinner and a musical.....has nothing to do with sex!........Geez......doesn't anyone on here.....
have a heart.....My provider was right..."the world is a screwed up place" far as boyfriend's go.......(i wish all provider's had a Man in their life....that loved them unconditionally)......believe me....The "Buisness
and the Money"......wouldn't mean shit to them...
it's the lack of the world today....
that perpetuates......many of the world's problem's.......including......the escort may not agree.....but my heart tell's me......i'm me ni-eve..................but i know i'm right......
can you honestly tell'd take money..
over a genuine....loving relationship...........
.............................God,help us!

lungman 10 Reviews 979 reads
18 / 30

Alot to learn........i don't think so......this hobbying not (Rocket Science).....
the only difference
hobbyist)......and us so called "Newbie's"......
is that you've had to pay for sex......alot more often......................"Alot to learn"?.....

lungman 10 Reviews 1299 reads
19 / 30

Well i'm sure she would'nt be impressed with you
you have to have some class.....for other's to be impressed with you!......try it some time(having some class...that is!).................

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1534 reads
20 / 30

Sometimes it's smooth and sometimes it's crunchy...

You are not posting in a vacuum here (regardless of which alias you use) and when you ask a question you are going to get all sorts of answers to it. We are all entitled to our opinions and your post is fair game once you put it up on the board.

If you don't want to hear our answers you can feel free to stop asking the questions anytime you want. I don't anticipate any of us changing our posting style simply because you don't approve of it.

good luck to you...

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 3:59:06 PM

lungman 10 Reviews 1371 reads
21 / 30

What makes you think......that i'm not a sweet Gentleman.........the disrespect.....has nothing to do with the question.............
Intune?.....there is nothing more to it.........
i'm paying have sex with me.....
Did i say anything Dinner/Musical......for
Maybe......she would just like to be treated.....
like a lady......and just enjoy a relaxing nite out.......without sex.....being involved.......
Ya would be best......if i just get it straight.......from the horses mouth.....
........I'll just ask her!......if she want's paid for her be it................'s no disrespect to her.............
to ask her....either way......Ps.....i didn't mean any disrespect towards you,personally......
My problem is......i care too much(if there is such a thing).....about other people.....just want to be that person....that brings someone else's life.....if that's wrong.....then i'm charged...........Be Safe...Ok.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 992 reads
22 / 30

Providing is a job. What these ladies do for a living has nothing to do with love, their personal lives or yours.  Get over it already. You have babbled on two different threads now about all the different things that must be wrong in a woman's life driving her to escorting. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not victims and they are not looking for your sympathy, just your business. good fuck and you think you know everything...

-- Modified on 7/19/2008 6:27:34 PM

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1330 reads
23 / 30

Too funny dude, a guy who pays for sex trying to bust balls on other guys who pay for sex....

zisk 86 Reviews 957 reads
24 / 30

But it seems you are also a newbie to discussion boards in general.

Aside from your general antagonistic attitude toward other posters when you don't get the responses you want, your own posts are a chore to read.

So, some simple constructive advice. Lay off all the makes it difficult to well as quite keep using them to....connect both related and unrelated thoughts......that is what paragraph breaks are for.

lungman 10 Reviews 1489 reads
25 / 30
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1222 reads
26 / 30

really glad to hear you finally got what you wanted out of such a stupid question in the end.
It is personal though, and its funny as well.
This is a business man! Would you walk into another business and expect services for free cuz you are a nice guy?
Why would you think she couldn't get a date on her own. Chances are she's hot,interesting and passionate and could date if she wanted. If she took all her clients up on dinner and a show for "free" she'd need a second job.  You are a client....a client...not a friend, or a buddy, a pal a lover or a BF. You are business, that alone is disrespectful to ask her to over step the boundries and get a freebie!! It's not the sex hon, if you take her out n never have sex HER TIME is still what you are paying for. There is more to this business than sex. By you not knowing that, I call you a Newbie!!
Now I have long time sweet Gentlemen I have been seeing for a long time now, I adore them, and several are my friends as well, but when it comes to "business" friendships aside they are my clients. They would never concider seeing me ever without my time being accounted for. They certainly would not disrespect Our friendship by even asking.  Good luck to you though.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1428 reads
27 / 30

we are certainly NOT victims and if he sees it that way, thats just wrong! no need to be rescued here, I chose this lifestyle with no regrets.

followme 1265 reads
28 / 30

You are not a respected part of this community.

you did in fact get respectful asnwers to your first post/question.
And you become rude, vile, nasty, and insulting to alll who tried to help you.

It is clear and without doubt that you are not mature enough to realize that and not man enough to apologize for your behavior.

To top it off you are now on the Erotic Highway board insulting the Love Goddess.
You make it clear that you have no class whatsoever.

Since you are not man enough to apologize here I'm sure you do not have the courage to apologize to her either.

Thank you

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 1772 reads
29 / 30

While I won't label you a newbie, you are still IMO definitely a rookie hobbyist.  Some suggestions to eventually develop into a veteran:

1) Grow a thicker skin.  Posting anything here subjects you to all sorts of replies.  The replies posted here did not attack you, but merely pointed out that your views of the hobby are considered incorrect by most.  Lashing out only makes you look bad, and many will not take you seriously from here on.  Be lucky they did not make you the object of hostile humor: once that happens, you can be sure you are in trouble here...

2) You have much homework to do.  It seems apparent that you have not read enough provider websites, nor enough posts on this, the general board, or the regionals.  Would suggest that read back many pages to get as much info as you can.  There are other hobby sites outside of TER that also provide a wealth of information; read them!  This is especially important in the beginning.  

3) Note that the hobby has many ground rules: You just violated one of them by mentioning that the ladies even potentially waive their fees in lieu of a show and dinner date.  Note that most providers enjoy being wined and dined, and taken to shows.  But they are professional companions, and expect to be compensated for their time.  Had you completed your homework, you would have known this...      

4) Avoid excessive use of ellipses, and try to write in as clear a manner as possible.  The ladies will develop an idea of your educational level and desirability in meeting with you.  Not to forget mentioning that it's easier on the eyes...

Good luck in your future hobby endevours...

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2062 reads
30 / 30


As to LG ,anyone in this forum who has had any type of issue, her answers are spot on and always helpful.  

SO GROW UP AND GET OFF HER ASS..................
Do not disrespect her on the board in her forum no are out of control.........

(see how annoyiong that is)

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