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Re: Clear EVERYTHING when shutting down your computer. I ...
exislandboy 17 Reviews 2323 reads
1 / 5

It has been stated in threads before this that it is a good idea to open an anonymous email account with msn, yahoo or others.

You should know, however, that it is important to log out of your account rather than just closing the page.  On my computer, if I don't log out of my gmail account before closing the page, the next time google is opened my gmail address is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Not a good thing if others are sharing your computer.  Just a word to the wise.

DC. 51 Reviews 1882 reads
2 / 5

to automatically log out of gmail, and if you use Firefox for browsing, then you can set it up to be about as secure as possible as far as history, auto-fill-ins and the like.  I think Yahoo can also be automatically signed out, but I'm not sure.

For great security, I've been hearing good things about smartphones and IPhones that are not shared.

Good luck

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 1444 reads
3 / 5
tokai 2717 reads
4 / 5

Setup your browser to clear cookies on exit.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1045 reads
5 / 5

even do this when I'm using a public computer like in a hotel business center where I am now.

-- Modified on 3/2/2008 12:46:01 PM

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