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Re: 40 year plus...and erection worries - Viagra Advice??
bikebryan 18 Reviews 1632 reads

It goes to show that if you don't NEED it (you can already get it up) then it does you NO GOOD.

KUNGaLINGus2731 reads

I love to hobby and been doing so since I was in  my early 20s.  Now that I am in my early 40s I have noticed my peckah doesn't get the ole woody like it used to.  So....I started popping the blue pills.  Mixed reviews on these babys.  First, I get a huge head rush to the point my head is beet red when my provider shows up.  (I look sunburned!)  Sometimes I get a major stiff hard on, but sometimes, its just average.

Any Viagra experiences?

Common Sense1485 reads

Try cutting it in half, wrap the other half in saran wrap for later.

It goes to show that if you don't NEED it (you can already get it up) then it does you NO GOOD.

justtoopersonal1349 reads

You didn't post the doseage you're using but more is NOT better, in my personal experience.  The blue V pills come in 25, 50, 100 mg doses...  and interestingly, all cost about the same.  My doctor told me that it's ok to cut them...  the coating is cause they taste nasty.  I get Rx for 100's & cut them.  Just Swish the cut tab down with water.  Use the smallest dose that works...  I'm currently using about 12.5 mg...  lotsa bang for the buck!  

The pills are not a cure all.  There is definately a mental aspect.  Also it doesn't increase sensation if that is a problem.  

Just getting an erection...  that does not stay up...  might still benifit fron V.  Make sure you're not distracted (the brain controls everything & it has to be turned on too).  

I have spinal cord damage.  I know what I'm talking about.

ED is CAUSED by something in most cases. High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar etc. I am 50 with both of these issues and didn't need V until about two years ago. If you are only in your early 40's and needing medication to get an erection you should be talking to your doctor about this, not us. Take care and good luck.

search through this board and gen disc back a while we had some great comments by users of cialis and viagra,the pros and cons are there for both.
which you choose is dif for everybody your gp should give you samples of both, they are very dif and work on the same issue but you may feel one works better for you than the other.

Similar demographics.  I am sure my issues are psychological - I wake up frequently enough in the morning to know that the mechanics are just fine.  Others have suggested the 100 and then cutting them in half.  (down them quickly, the taste is awful.)  I found considerably less headaches with Cialus.  Talk to your dr and try them both.  Avoid the online channels - Just ask and you Dr will be willing to accomidate.  (Or another local dr elsewhere if you don't want to bring this up with the "family" dr.)

I find this advice distasteful.  You admit you have nothing wrong, yet talked a Dr. into medicating you for a condition you DON'T have.  I would not trust that physician for one second.

I'm not sure your comment was called for. The second phrase of his post said "I am sure my issues are psychological." My interpretation is that he was saying that he believes he's physically fine (gets the 'morning wood') but isn't able to get it up to 'play'. That's still a problem. That would still necessitate the medication for many people, unless they were to spend thousands of dollars and much time in counseling to fix the "psychological" aspect.

oh, it's very real.  If anything my complaint is that sometimes even the medication doesn't help.  But I have found the headaches to be less with Cialus - and I can take just one.  So my general game plan is take one Friday eve before the S/O gets in and then hope she's game when things work out.  Sometimes that's the morning wood, sometimes that's because she's in the mood to help.  And sometimes it doesn't work anyway.  The problem with the blue pill is the headache wasn't worth the "maybe it will help/maybe it won't".  And for the record, if I though the shrink would help, I'd go that route to.  My dr (well trusted) indicated to me that *most* who benefit from the medication fit a very similar profile.  Thus my earlier advice- go talk to your Dr. Be straight forward and let him know what's going on.  That's what they're there for.

P.S.  No offense taken.  I never let ignorent people offend me. ;)

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