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Profile Corrections
LilyTER See my TER Reviews 716 reads

Have been watching this board on how first reviewers create profile.
Saw discussions on how hard to correct.
Over the years thing on mine became more and more wrong so yesterday sent a problem report to TER to correct five or six item to include menus , phone, and rates
These were corrected  in minutes
Thank you TER
Others of you have errors ask to change it is easy/
I was surprised

especially things pertaining to a woman's appearance, as TER is reticent to make those changes as well they should be.

But for the provider, it is a lot easier, especially if it is things related to her service.

I'm glad to hear that you found it nearly effortless

Difficult? It's damn near impossible.

I've asked TER to change a provider's bisexual rating from "yes" to "yes-not really into it" after having her tell me that she is not truly bisexual and is not really into it. TER replied that since she has previous doubles reviews where the guy didn't complain they wouldn't change it. Fucking ridiculous.

Well I probably wasted my time then. I recently saw and reviewed a local provider in my area whose body description is way off and her pics are old. I would not have booked with her if I knew the real story. I submitted a problem report to update but now based on what is being said here I don't have high hopes of any changes happening. I understand the problem, there may be guys out there or other providers trying to downgrade a providers profile that she doesn't deserve, but probably more likely is that the profile does need to be changed becuase it is old or just plain false.

regarding any contradictions between a gal's profile and the actuality.

I've seen this in many reviews, and therefore TER seems fine with that.  Just keep things civil and fact based

I did that in my review. I tried to be nice about it too. I guess as we all know, the reviews carry more weight than the profile, as it should be.

NoYellowEnvelope258 reads

... as long as there's hard facts to support the change.  For example, for age an age from a recent ad or board post from the provider works.  For rates, a link to a P411 page or similar page showing rates works.  

Changes where it's my word vs. others don't fly... nor should they IMO.  How can TER fairly arbitrate the truth based only on opinions from different clients?  Especially when one cliebt's opinion is different from an established profile and other reviews?  I know that can be frustrating, but I also understand why more info is needed to substantiate a profile change from clients.

as you found out. All ladies should constantly update their profiles but many don't. I'. Not sure where the rumor that it is difficult to do so originated, but it is exactly that, a rumor.  

It is actually quite easy for any TER member to update a provider's profile, as long as they have proof.  

TER wants profiles to be accurate. This is why they give 2 free VIP days for accepted problem reports.

I agree  
Have done many problem reports to profiles and found that sometimes as a client it is not easy to get things changed based on reviews, but if her P411'admits to 30 and she is kluster as 25' it will happen.
Feel all providers should go in and and even if they do not change other things fill in the Do Not Know
Helps provider and client

Well I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. I submitted 2 problem reports and the profiles were updated very quickly. I must give a shout out to TER staff for that. One was a pretty easy fix, just combining 2 profiles that were of the same provider. The other was a bit more in depth as it was about changes in appearance which to be honest could hurt the provider but the way it was it wasn't accurate anymore and essentially was false advertising.

Posted By: LilyTER
Have been watching this board on how first reviewers create profile.  
 Saw discussions on how hard to correct.  
 Over the years thing on mine became more and more wrong so yesterday sent a problem report to TER to correct five or six item to include menus , phone, and rates  
 These were corrected  in minutes  
 Thank you TER  
 Others of you have errors ask to change it is easy/  
 I was surprised

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