Newbie - FAQ

posting delays
batman12 6332 reads

A few times I have posted messages asking about any info on unreviewed providers. Each time it takes 2-3 days for the posting to appear. What's up with that? Does TER contact the providers or do any kind of funny business before posting such messages? What is the usual lag time for postings approval anyways? Something smells fishy.

New posteres to the boards have their post reviewed by the board Moderators. THis is called being moderated. I review posts as often as I can, usually once a day.

CRS17030 reads

I have been asking about this question for days now,still to no avail?!? What do you guys have a skeleton crew on the weekends or what?!? It sure doesn't make me want to spend the $ to get a VIP membership if it takes 3 or more days to use the boards! At first I thought it was just the new site,but I see it's just the service in general:(:(

CRS17224 reads

Okay,so I'm new to the site and I'm moderated,how long do I have to endure a 3 or more day wait? I mean,how long do you have these conditions for new people,as I'm wondering if the wait is worth it or not? It doesn't encourage people to want to stick around if they can't feel a part of the boards.

Mr. Info8651 reads

Everyone starts off as moderated.  Posting on
your local board so your local moderator gets to
know you is the best way to get unmoderated.

tokai8653 reads

I'm a newbie, and I started off moderated. After about 7 posts in a 3 day period, I am now unmoderated as of today!

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