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Am I being taken or is it for real?
lunytune 1 Reviews 7994 reads

I am new to the board and have never posted before, but my experience is somewhat limited so I thought I would ask you guys what you thought.
I have seen this one girl who offers only massage a couple of times.  Everytime I see her she is hot and delivers as promised, so of course I wanted to go a bit further.  I asked if she was FS and she said no on the phone and does not advertise it, however, at the end of our second meeting she told me that she does offer it as more of a luxury type thing rather than something she does all the time.  She said it was important to her to like and trust the client and be into it before she does it.  Again, the services I have experinced thus far are superb, a HJ first time and a CBJ second time, but before I consider a larger investment I wanted to solicit your input?  She has been very friendly and straight forward so far.  I have no reason not to believe that she means what she says.  Further the reviews I have read thus far seem consistent as none have stated she does FS.  Does it seem that she is for real and I might actually bag this beautiful woman or should I beware?...FYI the FS price for such chosen ones was $500, I can afford it and the money is not a problem as I believe it is worth it, just wanted some advice from my elders first......

Why don't you tell us, after you do it?

She said she'd do it and gave you a price.  What's the issue?

No hard issue...Just new to the board and did not know if it was normal for certain providers to be choosy or if it may be a scam?...thats all...will let you know when I find out

If the money is not an object you will not miss it if she stop short of FS. But if she does what she says she will do for her price, you could have a memory that will stay with you for years.
Some other advice. Stop asking ladies about their services over the phone, that can land you in jail.

Sorry if it read that way, but it was in person at our second meeting, sorry for the misunderstanding.....

she has already been unclear about what services she provides, and can't find any verification that she indeed does do what she does for $500.  That is a large place to possibly "take one for the team".  That amount would almost cover 2 visits to tried and true providers in most markets.

LVP5580 reads

Warning...Alert She only does FS with those guys that she likes is OK but you have not "bagged" her. You two probably have a good chemistry but she isn't in love with you. Take that $500 and see a FS provider and repeat 100 times "It's all about the money"

Perhaps I was inarticulate.  By bag I meant to go to FS with her. Not any romantic involvement. I am not so naive as to believe that LOVE is involved. I was really just wondering if anyone has ever experienced a provider that was choosy like that about FS and what your thoughts are about it... I mean she is really hot and I would love to go that far, but I dont have any illusions that we will marry and live happily ever after....I already have that and am not looking for it again....One woman who reminds me of my failures as a man on a daily basis is more than enough in my life. I just want some hot times with a hot lady where I am the focus of attention for a change and I dont have to tolerate the other 99.99% of the time where we are not
Perhaps I am naive though, I mean we choose to seek out providers based on our tastes, is it really unusual that some providers would be that picky as well?

"we choose to seek out providers based on our tastes, is it really unusual that some providers would be that picky as well?"

Well you have a point here Luny and here is the thing the best of the best providers are not picky, they cannot afford to be.  If they were they would turn away ever 5th guy and the negative reviews and bashing would be flying and filling up this board on a regular basis.

The best providers are not picky they find something attractive in every man they meet and give thier best effort every time.  This is how they become the best.

What you have here in this situation is a woman who maybe would not make the best provider in the market.  Thats OK though she likes you and is willing to give it up, but keep in mind she has turned down 4 other guys as to ugly for her standards.  No matter how hot she is that idea makes her a little uglier in my opinion.  Of course she is not ugly but her attitude is ugly in a way and this attitude may come across in her performance.  And of course it will make you think "maybe if I was better looking I would have gotten better service" that's a terrible feeling to walk away with after droping 5 bills.

The feeling I prefer to walk away  with after seeing a top reviewed provider is "boy I must be hot from the minute I met her she could not get enough of me" the best ones will have you beliveing this for weeks after you see them, and that is worth every penny.

They all do us, what really matters is what they do to our minds.

But I digress, go busta nut, good times!

I think you are on to something here Luny!  Talking with another provider recently I found that this situation is similar to how she started as well.  So I think this may be a natural progression into the business.  I mean think about it some girls just cannot meet someone, get naked, and have sex with them (BTW thank the lord for the ones who can).  They need to get real comfortable with someone before they can take the next step.  So to this end I say go for it, she obviously must like you enough to make the offer so that is a good thing.  

And on the review front here is the thing.  She may not want you to write a review of the Full service part becase after all she may only want to appear as being a massuse.  On the other hand what if she is just plain terrible at the full service part?  Should you have an obligation to warn future guys?  Well I do not know about that.  I say since she does not advertise as being a full service provider you should not write any review to that end.  This is a bit of a gray area.  Tell her though that if she ever does plan on dropping the massage entirely and just providing then you will have a review ready for her to get her started.

Good Times!!

Thanks for the sage advice Kappi, I may partake and just hold off the review unless she says otherwise.  It does seem like a natural progression though.  To me at least.  

thanks for the input

dragoon76834 reads

If you are turned on by her, then give her the dough and go ahead.  I think it's for real.


you are right I should just suck it up and toftt.  She hasnt been unclear about the services she offers thus far, she has just stated that she is very selective about FS.  I will try and schedule an apptmt for this weekend and take the plunge.  Thanks for the input guys....

most girls that only do massage and not Fs... think that since they dont have sex, they arent doing anything wrong. They cannot get busted. What they dont know is, they could get in more trouble giving a massage without a license and doing HJs and cbjs than prostitution.

A masseuse gives a massage. I wonder if I go visit mine if he will diddle my fiddle and lick me :)

As said, see a FS independent. Probally less expensive  and she knows what she is doing. Chemistry is for dating sites.

-- Modified on 12/2/2005 8:10:03 AM

Kappi pretty much summed up the way I feel. However, the price is a bit steep and you can get a f/s provider at a more reasonable price. It's your call. Good Luck

Flip a coin.  $$$$$ for an unreviewed lady could be risky.  As someone else has said, that is almost two dates with a known lady.  But, ya gotta go with your gut feeling.  TOFTT and let us know.

I took the plunge and it was worth it.  I just enjoyed myself and had a very nice time.  A little pricy but this is not an every day thing either so it didnt hurt the pocket book too much....Read the review if interested....Next thing I want is two girls at once, any recommendations?.......

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