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PM restrictions with aliases
zelig 1424 reads

Over on the Chicago board there was a discussion regarding a provider reporting being robbed by a client. The provider, or a friend of the provider posted a warning with no identifying details - using an alias, presumably because the provider was worried about retaliation from the their. Readers were encouraged to send PM's for more info. I haven't usually had VIP status, but I do now. This allows me to PM people who post with their regular ID, but I don't see a link to PM the original poster. I'm a client, and I don't have many reviews, but I do have VIP status. Is there some way I could have sent a PM?

Obviously, this is an issue for the providers only forum, but many providers don't have access to that, so posting about such an issue on the regional board seems like a good idea. Since, I'm not a provider, this isn't a critical issue for me, but I would guess that some newbie providers might have the same issue as me.

There is no enveloPe by their name but you don't need an envelope to PM. Just click on the alias name, and the PM window will open. You can also type in the alias name in the "to" field of a PM, or copy and paste it in.

All VIPs have PM abilities. Only VIPs can have aliases, so all aliases can send and receive PMs. All regular handles have the envelope by their name, but if they are only a basic member they can't receive PMs, so the envelope really has no bearing on someone being able to get a PM or not. It only means it is a handle and not an alias.

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