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Photo on P411?
mike454 1713 reads

Total newbie here.  Just joined P411 but not getting much traction.

I tried PMing some providers but have gotten zero response back.  I have some theories as to why, but thought I would ask what you thought.

Do I need to add a picture to my P411 profile is that why they don't respond?

Is it because they see I am a total newbie with no references?  They don't want to waste their time?  If this is the case I think that is kinda rude.  At least write me back to say "no newbies" or "take a hike".  I'm cool with that.

Or does it take more than a day to get a response and I need to be patient?  Given that people make dates with providers and hook up within hours I am thinking this is not the case.

Let me know what you think...

I don't think it matters.  Your problem sounds like you are simply not checking what P411 gals say about how many references they require.  Some who say they're "newbie friendly" also require two OKs.  You need the ones who require no OKs.  See a couple of them and, a day after the session, as for their OK.  Problem solved.
Don't expect much response from a gal who has decided not to see you.  It may be she gets too many requests to respond to you.  Or she may just be disorganized.  Works both ways.

When I first got a P411 account I put a pic up. Providers I saw said they rarely see that, advised against it and one even said she preferred no pic because she likes the surprise.

Use P411 as the verification site that it is. I usually contact via email first and let the provider know that I'm on P411 if she would like to check my refs there.

I'm betting it is your last paragraph. Very few providers on P411 "hook up within hours." And most providers have lives outside of this hobby. They may also be busy 'in' the hobby. So you are not going to always get responses right away. Give them a couple days to respond, then either send one follow up message, or move on to another one.

The picture is not important. Some guys will post their pics on P411, and the ladie's might apprieciate it since they will know who is showing up. However, many or most hobbyists will not post their picture in conjuction with any hobby site. It is up to your level of comfort or risk tolerance whether you want to post your picture there or not. But having no picture there, is not the reason for your lack of responses.

A few more things to consider:
1) As inicky said, you have to look for providers who are newbie friendly and require no 'oks.'
2) When you said you sent PMs to these ladies, were those PMs through the P411 system, or the 'request a date' form on P411. There is a difference in how they receive those. (or were you talking about PMs here?)
3) Is there anything in your PMs that may make you seem rude or out of line, or maybe just a time waster?
4) Did you read their websites and follow their requests for contact, etc.?

Good luck.

You've found the right place to start , so congrats for finding TER and the newb board.Now lets address some of your questions.

Response time varies, and some will not respond at all, so get over the "I think it's rude" attitude. This is the hobby and it's different than any other business you might be involved in. Most providers are independent, they have no boss, so throw out the business etiquette  handbook. However, I will say, when you run across a provider who's got her shit together business wise, it's very refreshing and many top rated providers do have savy business skills as well as great bedroom skills.

Some providers are inundated with email and others have full time jobs, families, etc to take care of. Trust me, no provider sits in front of her lap top 24/7 waiting for emails.  I would say most veteran hobbyists observe the 24 hr. rule when it comes to following up an unanswered email.  When sending the second email, it's key that it's worded correctly, and I'll save that for another post at this time.

Most top rated providers will NOT "hook up within hours" of your inquiry. Screening can take time. There are many threads on this topic. Learn to use the "search" feature that TER offers. Trust me when I say this, there's probably NO newbie question that hasn't been asked. Just make sure to set the search "days" at 360 or more.

Don't send a PM, send an appointment request, or a pre-screening request, which will be sent directly to her e-mail. Many times, the one's who send PM's are not serious about scheduling an appointment, and the lady will take you more seriously if you request a pre-screening or an actual appointment. The last 10 PM's I received on P411 were from gentlemen no where in my area, just commenting on my pics & asking if I'd ever be visiting their area, lol.

Send an appointment request via P411 not a private message.Sometimes guys send me messages through there but most like Nikki said are not even in my area or they want to see me right now.
The right now requests if I am not available I will respond and sometimes I will not if I do not like what was said in the message.Every provider is different on her response time so you will get many different answers on response time.I always reply within 24hrs usually within a couple of hours.But,you do not know what these providers are doing maybe they are on vacation,booked,not working,personal issues,etc.

On P411 you can see when the last time a provider logged-in to the site so if you send messages and the providers do not respond but have logged-in move on.Some might not respond if they are not newbie friendly.
Generally,I am not newbie friendly but at times exceptions are made but I do agree if one is not newbie friendly just let the gent know and he can find someone who is.Are you contacting newbie friendly providers or providers who require references?This info will be on her P411 profile.Having a pic on your profile is not a cause for not getting a response.I have had a few guys contact me who have their pics posted I like that I know what to expect.I have only seen a few guys with pics on their profile.
I believe there was a discussion on this board sometime ago about P411 profiles and guys adding pics to it too lazy to try to search for it.

Good luck to you!

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 1:13:14 PM

I'm a newbie too, and had my first appointment this week with a p411 provider. Although not all of the providers responded to my appointment request, a number of them did. As other have stated, use the "request an appointment" feature rather than send a PM.

When I requested an appointment, I wrote a very polite note with my request that explained that I don't yet have any references because I'm new to this, but that I'd be happy to provide my employment info for screening. If you are comfortable doing that, it's been my experience so far that providers will often accept that instead of references from other providers.

I think it may have to do with being a newbie, so look for providers who say newbie-friendly. Nonetheles these girls you PM should at least TELL you 'thank you but I don't see men with no references/newbies.' It takes three seconds to be polite enough to answer your PM so yes I agree definitely it's rude. Occasionally, for myself anyways, I might be away from my computer for a day or two and not have time to respond, but I always DO respond. Be patient, look or search for newbie-friendly providers.  Also, only ONE client I ever saw on P411 posted his photo. Clients prefer to be anonymous. Profiles of the client will state his body type, whether he has facial hair or not, etc, and other preferences, and providers often go by that to judge whether they might or might not want to see him.

However, as you stated, thereis no reason as to why the provider shouldn't get back to you. Even if I receive a rude question, I answer NO, and that's it.

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