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People have a right to be left alone
zisk 86 Reviews 1338 reads

The general argument against making this hobby illegal is "who is being harmed?". Well, in this case, people are being harmed. It wouldn't matter to me what the purpose was, ...prostitution, selling weed, late night business meetings, or just a bunch of inconsiderate partiers. I would not want to be woken up repeatedly, night after night, for any reason. If the person these late-nighters were going to go see could not keep it under control, I'd call the cops too. My right to privacy and sleep in my own apartment trumps your "right" to whatever activity you are engaging in.

...and not everyone can fall asleep so easily. Especially if you just get woken up yet again.

SPF453129 reads

Was watching the news last night on Channel 9 LA.

They said a brothel (their words) was busted in Orange County Newport Beach and three Asian women arrested.  They advertised on Craigslist 160 roses for 1 hour massage.  Here's what happened to wreck the operation.  Hobbyists got confused about which condo door was the happy place.  So they were knocking on the doors of other people in the complex at all hours of the day and night.  One condo owner had had enough and called the cops and they watched the place for two weeks then used a handheld ram and went in.  (Man did it screw up the door and jamb). The madam is facing up to 6 years in jail and the two girls up to 1 year in County jail.  So newbies and vets alike, make sure you get the directions right!  That's the number 2 rule.... number 1 as always is YMMV!  Cheers!

Years ago, when someone knocked on my apartment door at 3 AM looking for the apartment where Mimi lived, I'd have invited them in and had a drink with them before sending them over to Mimi.

Just goes to show how uptight the world is these days.

Had a date with a favorite lady, and when we booked it, I just said, "same place as last time." She said OK.  

I got "there" and called - she was stuck in traffic.  So I drive around to avoid sitting in the hotel parking lot.  Phone rings 10 minutes later, she gives me the room #, and I say OK, 3
minutes.  Then I say, gee, I figured I would have passed you on the road - she says, I'm at the *****.  Holy shit - I'm at the #####.  

If not for that off-hand comment of mine, I would have been tapping on the door of some hung-over industrial tool salesman.

The ***** was the place we met time before last.

To put it bluntly, only an idiot would set up an AMP in a residential neighborhood. Use a freeking hotel or get a storefront somewhere. I know of two similar operations near Boston that got busted a couple of years ago for trying the same stunt. It's not always about knocking on the wrong door. The neighbors always figure out what is going on just based on the foot traffic.

Avoid these places, they are run by greedy idiots.

GaGambler1750 reads

I just ran into a similar situation here in Atlanta last week. The accent of the lady answering the phone was so bad that I couldn't get the right address from her, even after three tries. Unlike the dumbasses the post mentions, I chose to go elsewhere.

Hahaha, I came close to that myself, but thankfully the guy in the background grabbed the phone and gave me directions in very clear English.

To set up a Amp in a residential setting is beyond dumb but they do exist in some cities. they are bust just waiting to happen.

amsterdam931365 reads

I lived in a developing Eastern European city and like all cities in the region, upper, middle and lower class people often live in the same neighbourhoods and occupy the same buildings.  The downtown building I lived in had two apartments per floor.  My apartment was an expensive, refurbished suite for ex-pat business men.  My floor neighbour didn't have quite the level of luxury I enjoyed but fortunately for me, he was operating a 10 girl brothel about 15 feet across the hall.

"Brothel Management" and the girls they employed quickly became close friends of mine with the girls bathing in my Jacuzzi bath in exchange for home cooked meals while Management and I drank vodka and told stories.  Not to mention I had on-demand providers at various discounted rates for being such a good guy and regular customer.  Perhaps we inadvertently created the first "loyalty reward points" program in brothel history (if one doesn't already exist).

Anyway, back on topic.  Given the proximity of the brothel to my home, our buzzers to get into the building were likewise right next to each other at the front door of the building. As such, hobbyists would regularly press my buzzer when trying to access the building and at all times of night.  I of course would give them access, wait by the elevator and direct them to the correct apartment...even offer a suggestion of what girl to select. At times I had unexpected knocks on my door from hobbyists who had been in the building. Similarly, I would show them the correct place and offer my advice.

I would of course invite the hobbyists back for any feedback they had on girls I should avoid.  The truth is, I enjoyed them all anyway so I just passed the feedback on to the girls hoping they'll improve their technique.

The reality of it is, if you get woken up night, you'll be asleep in 10 minutes...I just can't believe how difficult some people can be.

GaGambler1099 reads

It's amazing how stupid and difficult people can be, especially in a backwards country like the US where the hobby is illegal. I just got back from Medellin a couple of weeks ago, and there are literally dozens of "casas", mainly in residential neighborhoods throughout the city. Amazing the difference in a country without puritanical, quasi religious, anti prostitution laws.

The general argument against making this hobby illegal is "who is being harmed?". Well, in this case, people are being harmed. It wouldn't matter to me what the purpose was, ...prostitution, selling weed, late night business meetings, or just a bunch of inconsiderate partiers. I would not want to be woken up repeatedly, night after night, for any reason. If the person these late-nighters were going to go see could not keep it under control, I'd call the cops too. My right to privacy and sleep in my own apartment trumps your "right" to whatever activity you are engaging in.

...and not everyone can fall asleep so easily. Especially if you just get woken up yet again.

Yeah, I gotta go with you on this one.  I'm pretty cranky when I'm woken before I've gotten my beauty sleep.  I could picture myself playing across the hall, and then going postal when somebody woke me up knocking on the wrong door.

I don't care what my neighbors are up to, as long as I can sleep through it.

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