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party friendly
orallyfixated 1452 reads

What does this mean? I can't find it in the list of definitions. Thanks.

Open to drugs, usually smokin' weed.

Posted By: orallyfixated
What does this mean? I can't find it in the list of definitions. Thanks.

Posted By: DJ1985
Open to drugs, usually smokin' weed.  
Posted By: orallyfixated
What does this mean? I can't find it in the list of definitions. Thanks.

Others delve into harder drugs including but not limited to cocaine. Anyone who advertises the use of any kind of drug should be avoided, in my opinion, because a drug charge is a much more attractive charge than simple prostitution.

90% of the time it is harder stuff. You mentioned in your post that "party" meant drugs, usually weed. My post was saying "party" means drugs but usually not weed, but much more serious stuff.

I agree with you that it's a bad idea to play with drugs in prostitution, (In my mind drugs are bad period, and I have never indulged in my life) but they are out there and I was just answering the OP's question.

Posted By: DJ1985
Others delve into harder drugs including but not limited to cocaine. Anyone who advertises the use of any kind of drug should be avoided, in my opinion, because a drug charge is a much more attractive charge than simple prostitution.

You seem to know the mind of potentially drug addled providers, I'll leave it to you to interpret their ads offering drug use with any and all comers. Have a great weekend.

He's so emphatic I guess he's been with a lot of party and 420 friendly escorts. And no party escort smoked weed  

Posted By: DJ1985
You seem to know the mind of potentially drug addled providers, I'll leave it to you to interpret their ads offering drug use with any and all comers. Have a great weekend.

GaGambler371 reads

but in this case I have to concede "party friendly" is just as likely to mean weed as any other drug, and unlike PS I have done well more than my share of "Partying" of both kinds, and I think my sample size of hookers who party is a great deal larger than his, especially since he freely admits that he doesn't do drugs of any kind and thinks that all drugs are bad.

Sorry PS.

BTW I fully agree that LE LOVES to stack charges and drug charges in conjunction with prostitution can do a LOT more damage to your life than a simple charge of solicitation.

So either way, all of our advice is pretty consistent, "party friendly" means "open to drug use" and drug use makes a rather low risk hobby MUCH MUCH riskier.

Yup, you can write 420 on BP so if they put party girl, your nose is gonna hurt. Just sayin. Wish I could actually have sex on that stuff, but alas, no dice lol.

GaGambler330 reads

The first time I ever got coke dick was when I STRONGLY started thinking about stopping that shit. About the third time it happened to me was my last, given a choice between sex and coke, I will take sex every time. Besides, I don't get the geek monster after having sex all night, I wish I could say the same about an all night jag of coke.

When I look at BP ads I typically assume that the girls that say 4/20 friendly are talking about weed and the ones that say they party are talking about coke.

I've also never heard anyone under 30 say that they party if they are only talking about smoking weed.

I think it is clear that "party" means different things to different people. In the end, it means what the provider thinks it means. So in all liklihood, you are all correct in your answers.

But I think it is safe to say that, while it may vary for each individual, party means some sort of illicit drug activity.

When you meet the provider, after you are both relaxed and comfortable with each other, ask her what she means by "party." That is probably the only way to know for sure.

Be careful out there.....

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