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Totally Newbie questions about call system.
dgqb 2523 reads

Read quite a few reviews here, and some providers use 2 call system, some use 3 call system. So what is the difference?

Two call system..First call confirm appointment
Second call confirm exact location.  Third call, I am not finish with the other customer so wait. If you see a girl with a 3 call system, don't

Unless you count the original inquiry as the first call I have never heard of a three call system...

I am a 5+ year provider and have never heard of the 3 call system.  I am still learning, however :)

dgqb1595 reads

Nice to know, Erica. You must use 2 call system or email, stamped! lol.

1st call- you confirm the appointment and get directions to a location NEAR her "residence"...

2nd call- you get directions to the SPECIFIC incall location...

3rd call- you let her know you have now ARRIVED at the incall location...

This system is used to prevent people who are playing games or who are intending to noshow (and also people who legitimately have to cancel at the last moment,) from knowing the EXACT location that the girl is working out of...!!! You often see this is the girl's incall is also her PRIVATE RESIDENCE etc..  

As frusterating as it may seem, it is for her own safety and discretion.

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