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Numerous top level girls have had this happen to them.
JackDunphy 629 reads

And it poses no long term issue. I would mention it on your local board but your tone is key. Keep it relatively short and get yourself on the record. Once. Then drop it like its hot.

Don't get into a bitchfest if someone takes a shot at you. Be classy and above the fray.

Don't worry about this one episode as you will be judged by the totality of your reviews.

Okay, I'll try to keep this story as short as possible:

This guy sent me to the wrong address (not only house number, but a different street entirely!) a couple blocks away from his place, kept me waiting outside, then walked up and told me he had no cash and needed to go to an ATM, which is already creepy and pretty disrespectful. Nevertheless, he assured me it was a block away, so I said I'd walk with him despite the cold and my stilettos. Lo and behold, it was about a 20-minute walk there and back. When we got into his place, he figured that'd be a good time to tell me he was only able to take out 10% of what he had agreed to on the phone.

Of course, I refused. I had made the trip out to his place and had already spent about 45 minutes waiting for him and then walking around with him, so I thought it totally fair to ask for gas money for my trouble and wasted time. At this point, he blew up at me - yelled all kinds of abusive terms at me, physically threatened me, and actually chased me out of his place.

This was a couple of months ago, when I was still naive enough to put up with a lot more that I should, and before I learned how to thoroughly screen potential clients. Today, however, I logged onto TER, and saw that he has written me a super negative review! I work hard for my reviews, and each one is important to me. Now I'm afraid that this angry review - not a word of which is true, of course - could seriously damage my reputation and livelihood. I've emailed the TER admins, but is there anything else I can do? Will this review really just sit there, in full view, until they've had a chance to look into the matter?

I find this all really upsetting. Yes, it was my fault for failing to leave as soon as I realized he had sent me to the wrong address, but I feel like some guys really get off on messing with women, and we providers are an all-too-convenient target. I'm probably giving him exactly what he wants by being upset by it, but it really is getting to me. I hope any potential clients can see through the bull, and realize that ALL of my other reviews say the polar opposite of what this guy claims.

Thanks for reading through my wall of text! Any advice would be much appreciated.

Wow.  I'm sorry.  That sounds awful.  

Some vets will chime in with something helpful,  i got nothing.  

But i will say i honestly admire the providers in general.  
Takes a lot of balls!

...and his sticks out like a sore thumb. hobbyists here know a phony ad when they see one. don't stress it; you'll be fine.

meantime, explain the situation to the admins here. they'll investigate. i'm sure the fact that you have nothing but good reviews here other than this one will not be lost on them either.

happy holidays!

Posted By: SarahLaChatte
I've emailed the TER admins, but is there anything else I can do?  
Sorry, but not really.  You have to wait on them now.   Some ladies post a denouncement of such reviews on their regional boards, but I'm not certain that helps.  It might help you to feel better by publicly venting about it, but I'm not sure it really helps the situation.
Posted By: SarahLaChatte
Will this review really just sit there, in full view, until they've had a chance to look into the matter?
Unfortunately, yes.  

After reading your account of what transpired, I then read the review.  This boils down to the very definition of he-said/she-said so this will be a tough call for TER, in my opinion.  

Please, please reach out to me via PM if you'd like to vent or have any other questions.  I sincerely wish you the best of luck with this!!!! xoxoxoxox

GaGambler865 reads

and one where both sides have almost equal credibility, I honestly don't know who to believe, the OP or the guy that reviewed her and admin is going to have the same problem here trying to pick a side on this one.

My advice to the OP is to accept the fact that the review will most likely stand and to try to make sure that it's only one bad review out of a sea of good ones. The review itself is too short on details to ever disprove he saw you as the only real detail besides a fifteen minute topless massage is one that you agree upon in that you went, directed to or otherwise, to the wrong address. I just don't see TER being able to justify pulling this review. Sorry.

Alan_Nimm660 reads

that are all positive.  This is what I and other "hobbyists" call an outlier... way outside the norm for your reviews. It will stick out for awhile, but as you get more and more positive reviews it will fade into the sunset.  

The advice above re posting on your local board was good. It will let potential near-term clients know your side of the story. As Debbie said, getting the review pulled will be problematic as long as he has proof (email, PM etc) that he saw you.

GaGambler707 reads

You do have a couple of things going for you. Number one, you have zero BSC posts on your local board and number two, all your other reviews are glowing about you. One other thing that seems to be in your favor is that your reviewer doesn't have any posts on the Boston Board at all, so it's unlikely that he or his friends will respond by trashing your reputation.

My advice when posting this on your regional board is to admit you are disappointed and a bit hurt, but do NOT come across as angry or a bitch, even if you have every right to be. No monger wants to book with a drama queen, so keep your wits about you and post with a very civil tongue and you should be fine. Who knows a few of the local white knights might even give you a sympathy booking which could lead to more positive reviews from guys with solid reputations.

All in all, while I doubt seriously you will get this review removed, I don't think it's going to hurt your business and if you keep your friendly upbeat attitude like you have so far on that board, you might even use this to your benefit. Good luck.

With good reviews below it and good reviews above it his version of what happened won't mean anything to most potential customers.  
Posting about it on your local board will just draw more attention, if anyone asks just tell them your side of the story.

I'd say you went way above and beyond to meet this man which turned out to be a total asshole. Thankfully things didn't get worse than they already were and you made a safe exit, but if this type deal ever happens again just leave immediately.

And it poses no long term issue. I would mention it on your local board but your tone is key. Keep it relatively short and get yourself on the record. Once. Then drop it like its hot.

Don't get into a bitchfest if someone takes a shot at you. Be classy and above the fray.

Don't worry about this one episode as you will be judged by the totality of your reviews.

Sorry this happened to you.  It may indeed hurt you short term but will not when it is buried by good reviews.  Experienced hobbiests can tell a reviewer with an axe to grind...  and his own fault for violating so many of the rules of this game we play.   I can see a slightly off address but blocks?  No Way.  Having the donation in hand is his responsibility...  before you arrive.   What he has really done is ruined his own credibility.

if this did occur months ago, the review is listed as November which makes this False. Also, from what you wrote no session took place so no review can be written.

What on earth were you thinking to discuss rates on the phone? How did you screen him in the first place?

68firebird681 reads

First thing, definitely get in touch with Debbie; she is known to be very helpful. And a lot of the other advice given here seems right on the money to me.  

Your other reviews mention a couple of things that do, however, concern me.  

First, several of them mention the "LE check".   You need to realize that the typical "he has to undress first, or grab my breast, etc"  because that proves he's not a cop means nothing in terms of protecting you from an undercover cop setting you up. They are allowed to do all of that and more and still bring charges against you. You need to learn how to screen potential clients ahead of time.  

Second, several of the reviewers mentioned that you are not as slender as apparently advertised.  I'm not being critical of your appearance, but a lot of clients would take notice of that in your reviews and consider it a bit of false advertising.   I suggest you be completely upfront, and only post accurate pictures.  

Lastly, it's up to every lady to offer only what services she is comfortable with. But without kissing and CBJ only, again, a lot of guys pass on that.,  

Don't sweat it, be safe!

-- Modified on 12/17/2015 4:32:03 AM

Thank you so much for the support and advice! I am still a new provider, and unfortunately I really don't know any other women in the industry, so I've been on my own, relying on my own research skills to find my way. I started out in this just a few months ago, and over those months I've certainly made some changes. You're certainly right that I was naive about things in the past, and I probably continue to be naive about some things, so any advice really is appreciated.

Re: the "LE check" - I've learned to require referrals for each client I see, and I have become an avid user of P411. Any additional "LE check" would be more for the client's comfort, as I've had a handful of clients request this in person.

Regarding my weight: in the interest of being totally upfront, I'll admit that I did switch BC pills briefly, which caused me to quickly gain about 10-15lbs; I did realize this, though, and switched back, and my weight quickly dropped back to normal. I agree that it's important to be upfront and honest, and I strive for genuineness in everything I do. I'm also scheduled to have some new photos taken this weekend, so hopefully everything will be clear once I've posted them.

Regarding boundaries: I was sometimes uncomfortable with kissing when I first started, but no longer have a problem with that. Beyond that, I make sure that each client has read either a review or a menu that makes my boundaries very clear before I confirm an appointment, and I haven't had any issues with that thus far.

Thanks again for your help, and for reading my super long reply! I respect and appreciate your directness, and would love to hear anything else you might have to offer.

Have fun out there!

...Your profile shows Kissing - No. You need to get that changed. I didn't read your reviews but if the later ones say you and the client did kiss (and the menu has you choose between kissing with tongue and without tongue) you should click the "report a problem" button on your profile and request TER change your profile to reflect you do kiss. Give them the evidence in the reviews to support your request.

Thanks for the advice! I didn't know I had the power to change anything in my profile; I thought that was all on the reviewer's end. I have to admit that always struck me as strange, but I'm actually psyched to know that I can add and change things myself. This is super helpful - thank you!!

...back up your requested changes. There are some things TER may not change if you can't show evidence. But change in rates, change in hair color, breast size, age really should be kept up to date with problem reports or use the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page. If you use Contact Us be sure to include your TER Provider ID#.

Thank you - I actually already submitted a bunch of changes, mostly providing answers for all of those categories with a "don't know" following them. I don't want to bombard them with messages, but if there are things that don't get updated, I will certainly follow up with documented evidence. I'm all about being upfront and honest, but there are lots of things that simply can't be discussed over the phone or via email with a prospective client, so it's fantastic that TER provides us with a way for guys to get an idea of what each provider is like.  


GaGambler601 reads

by adding kissing to your menu, if your performance remains exactly the same besides that one addition, most if not all of your 7's will start turning into 8's for performance.

I have read the text of many of your reviews and a common theme is they all seem to be quite pleased with you, your menu limitations are the only thing appearing to keep your scores where they are. This should change for the better for you right away.

68firebird490 reads

You are very welcome.  It sounds like you've got the things I mentioned well under control. Be sure to follow up with what mr XYZ suggests to get your profile changed.  

Take care, lots of us are always around to assist.

Reviews can not be written of NCNS for this reason.   Since you did meet, he can write a review.  The date on the review, is the date it was submitted & reviewers are allowed 90 days to write a review...  that's really a long time.   So there's no techical violation in his writing this review.  

It is highly unfair for him to take up so much of your time & then only offer a fraction of the donation as full compensation.  I consider him to be a SCAMMER.   He will be recognized for what he is & hopefully find it hard to book dates going forward.  

Yes, you are entitled to compensation for your time & travels but frankly, it's often better to decline compensation & just walk out.  It's far safer for you.  It is very hard to make a believeable story if you decline payment...    
I've read of sessions that just weren't working & were stopped mid-session...  and the provider declined compensation or made substantial refund.  Some gentlemen have given nice tips & she remains in high reguard as result.

Thanks to you all, I have a pretty good idea of how to proceed, and I'm feeling much better about things in general. I'm amazed at the kindness of strangers on the internet - this has totally renewed my appreciation for TER! You all took a good amount of time not only to read through my side of the story, but to go through my other reviews, etc., and to come up with some fantastic advice for me. I'd like you to know that each one of you has offered me something that will help me not only in this situation, but in many others moving forward.



I hear that this is the very best way to warn other hookers and let the guys know the other side of the situation.  

Be objective and non emotional. State the fact and leave it at that. Don't bother with arguing your point with others...just say your peace and walk away

-- Modified on 12/29/2015 9:18:00 AM

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