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Not to mention, a lot more expensive. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1367 reads


caneguy073099 reads

Anyone care to set out some of the ways by which a hobbyist may get caught by an SO.  Curious to know from the experiences of those out there...  Thanks.

Two come to mind:

Not having another cell phone just for the hobby [TracPhones or GoPhones work fine]

Leaving e-mails up on the computer screen

just an observer1923 reads

The little things can cause problems that just make life miserable-
     **Smelling like a different soap or perfume
     **Leaving cash withdrawal slips in an area to be found
     **Forgetting to have the time away justified
     **Buying or sending flowers or gifts from a specific merchant and then being recognized later when the SO is with you
     **Altering normal sexual function on the home front
      **Calling out your ATF's name in your sleep
       **Forgetting who you are with and slapping the SO's ass and talking dirty

Ok, I was just teasing about the last two but hopefully my message will sink in. Many times it isn't so much the big things that cause issues but the smaller ones.... Play safe Kisses 4 now

Getting busted by your SO is much, much, much more likely than getting busted by LE!!!  So let's be careful out there!

One of the most unpleasant, unwelcome and unnerving things to a provider is an e-mail/phone call from a SO who has just discovered your ill covered trail.

sassy123451241 reads

Yes, it must not be at all unpleasant, unnerving or unwelcoming for the SO....

After's all part of the job, eh?

I covered ways not to get caught in this series which is part of the Instruction Manual!

on Main Street in the town that you live in in order to save a few dollars at the parking garage.

That's how I got brought down.

Also, make a point to the hotel not to mail the hotel bill to your home along with all the calls and phone numbers that were made from the room to the provider's home.

Devoted to not getting caught in an affair.  The same rules would pretty much apply to hobbying.  Google returned this site:

Some are so dedicated they even use an alibi network:

Glad I don't have to worry about this stuff :D

wrufian1125 reads

Aaron has some good affair stories. (Who the funk IS this Aaron dude?).

sassy123451750 reads

Or......(now imagine this).....

You could try some respect, class, and adult behaviors by deciding to get a divorce if you are not happy.  This way you can play till it falls off, and no one gets hurt except the little guy.

GaGambler1523 reads

what are you doing here anyhow? I listen to my own conscience, I don't need yours

sassy123451618 reads

Hmmm, I do not remember giving you my conscience...perhaps yours is just working out with your imagination?

I know my views are not popular, they are not of the frat boy or cheerleader variety...sorry.  But hey, perhaps in some small way my voice will be heard and get people to think.

GaGambler1432 reads

No I'm single, I can have all the fun that I want without feeling guilty for a second.

It is a free country though(more or less)and it is a public forum, so I guess you are entitled to your opinion and equally entitled to share it with us. IMHO You're still a buzzkill. lol

this is meant to be a friendly board!!! :-)

GaGambler1300 reads

and I did follow it with a "lol"

Don't worry, any fighting to be done I'll save  for the P/R board.

sassy123451478 reads

No worries, I have been called worse than a "buzzkill", lol!  In fact I got a kick out of it.  :)

I do however, apologize for myself getting a little snipey wipey.

It is sad to see someone post about covering their "hobby" from their significant other.  We all have our own free choices in life....everyone in this forum is completely entitled to do what they wish, however people tend to forget, that they are essentially robbing their SO of THEIR free choice of who to be intimate with.

To clear out one's life first is the most sure fire method of not getting "caught".  After all, I don't believe any of us married folks had a gun to our head when we said our vows.

Again, my apologies for getting a bit pissy.  And I commend you GaGambler for playing fair with me, as well as with the ladies.

GaGambler1676 reads

I do try to be rude in the politest manner possible. lol
BTW I didn't say that I disagreed with you, just that you were a buzzkill. Don't tell anybody though, I have a reputation to uphold.

caneguy071155 reads

By the way I respect your opinion but I am sure you are aware that most things in life are not as black and white as you want to portray them.  In many situations, there are other innocent third parties that might get hurt if your solution were the one taken.  Obviously there could be a host of other reasons provider may be a solution to issues between SO and Hobbyist.  Finally, it seems to me that many providers would be out of work if they could only cater to those without SO's...Just my thoughts.

sassy123451210 reads

Innocent third parties are also hurt by deception, so either way one loses.  This you can trust me on.

I know there are many reasons out there, that a married person would use providers for, this is not the issue.  This issue, is if one is not happy and cannot work out a solution, does hurting others really solve the issues.........or create more issues and involve more people?

I never meant to imply that providers should not accept married clients, that would be silly.  The fault is not with what they do, it is with the choices the married ones make, it is the married one's responsibility.  And to worry about them being out of work, well I doubt that would happen.

You are correct, I do not know you nor your situation.  If my words ( as I said before ) can make just one person think, and save one person from the pain that can come from deception, then I say it is worth it.

I came home from work a different way after an appointment, and realized that the car ahead looked really familiar.  Oh yeah, it's normally parked next to mine in the garage.  I was about to make a quick turn, but thought better in case I'd been spotted already.  Thankfully, I had a few blocks to listen to a traffic report, and have some details of an accident that had happened on my normal route home.  It also explained my being home a bit later than normal.

wrufian1249 reads

I have cheated on my wife before. I went to some site called affair tips .com and found the info I needed to cheat. I ended up cheatin on her but it made our marriage better because I realixed how important she was to me.

Now I love her more than ever and we are married for 8 years!

I made several mistakes years ago when I dated a beautiful woman from work.

On one occasion, I went home with lipstick on my collar.  I explained it away, but it does raise suspicion.

On another very hot date, I stayed considerably longer than  planned and my sister in law called my wife at work to inform her that I was MIA.

You have to have reasonable excuses for your absences from home.  A friend of mine got caught by telling his SO that he was going to Costco.... for three hours.  He used this stupid excuse several times; his SO decided to hire an investigator to follow him.

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