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Non-Stud Material a Non-Issue?
coyoteUgly56 9035 reads

I have found that reading a lot of reviews can be somewhat discouraging and intimidating. When I read a lot of these reviews I get the feeling that "Hey, that's not me...I'm not that big, or I can't pound that hard and long"...My question is how much do providers expect?...and can you seriously expect to satisfy them when you don't qualify as a Super-Stud when they have had so many partners and so much experience? I would think that, for a lot of men, sex is not as enjoyable as it should be if you don't feel you are satisfying you're partner (it's not for me). Just looking for some input from some of you more experienced guys who don't consider themselves a "STUD". God, please tell me I'm not the only one who has felt this way.....or "I'm only asking this for a friend of mine, it's not for me"!

JHCB7098 reads

Ever read Penthouse Forum? You know everybody who writes to Penthouse is at least 9 inches.

If hobbyists had to submit a picture of themselves when they submitted reviews you'd see a lot of fat bald guys with vivid imaginations. lol


coyoteUgly567749 reads

You mean to tell me every other man in the world does not have a nine inch member? Damn, I feel better already!

CHJB5804 reads

No most of us are well over 10 inches.

S_p = A*exp( - Q_i / B )

S_p = Penis size
Q_i = IQ
A = 16 inches
B > 0

just think of it as going to a restaurant. you don't expect to have to cook your own meal. besides, there are ladies who will spend the whole session pampering you. pay attention to the reviews and you will see descriptions like sweet, kind, caring, etc.  be willing to tell the lady what you would like to experience. good luck.

Coyote you are not the only one so do not feel bad.  Remember these reviews are written by the guys who did the act so of course we were the best guy in the room at that time!

And stop and think about it for a moment do you really think these women want an endless line of 10 inchers who can pound away for 60 minutes straight?  Alright well yes some do, but in general they could care less how you perform as long as you leave happy and are satisfied with the way you personally performed.  I am thrilled when I hold out for 10 minutes vs. my normal 5 on my first pop.

But you are right it is a good feeling if you can give the lady some pleasure also and to this end I have found just asking what she likes, and then actually doing it, speeds that process along.  

So what do providers expect?  They want you to try your best just as they are trying thier best.  Can you satisfy them?  Maybe not in one area but perhaps you do something else very well.  

Remember these girls have had alot of sex, nothing we mortal men do will surprize or shock or satisfy them all that much.  Just relax and have a good time with them, what could be better than having fun at work for them.  And if one or both of you comes away from the experience sexually satisfied well then all the better!

And also any reference to "Me" or "I" above I was also talking about a friend.

coyoteUgly566246 reads

Thanks Guys....a lot of help...appreciate the advice. I can honestly say that you have changed the way I have been thinking about this issue!

Dear Abbynormal5483 reads

you're the man!  That's what the donation covers.  That's why you select a well reviewed GFE.  JHCB said it right (though I doubt that happens often), the majority of the hobbyists are bald fat and around 50.  Have you noticed many ladies say they will only see men over 40.  So don't worry, you'll measure up just fine because most of the ladies are more concerned with being with a gentleman than being streched internally by a horse like schlong.

Dear coyoteUgly56....people lie. Just have fun.eom

Not only do most women find "hard pounding" annoying, we also aren't concerned with size... but are concerned about cleanliness, consideration and compliments.

coyoteUgly565582 reads

Thanks Misty're a real sweetheart! It's really nice to hear the opinion from a provider...especially about this subject.

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