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My ATFs don't want reviews on national boards
bill40 2794 reads
1 / 11

I recently emailed a provider who has a very
nice website,but as you guessed it, has no reviews. In my email, I asked if she had any on
TER and she said doubtful because she requests
everyone not to leave any reviews because she is
a private person that does not want any sessions
described on public forum. Does this sound a little fishy or do I have the prospect of meeting
a real winner in the hobby? My only fear is not that she gives poor service but I stumbled upon
LE- She has a very professional website on several sites and none of them are CL. Am I
good to go?

wanderineyes12 2 Reviews 1955 reads
2 / 11

Quite a few of the providers I see are MILFs, usually part-time, trying to make a few extra bucks here and there.  I usually ask a new provider if she'd like me to write her a review, and most of these decline.  Alot of these gals give really good service, they just prefer not to be too well known.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 1647 reads
3 / 11

Many providers request no reviews for privacy and security reasons.  Please honor their requests.  There may be a myriad of issues for their request, none of which are a reflection on you, the hobbyist.

Just be vary wary of Cl, only advice I can give you on that.


-- Modified on 7/8/2007 8:13:36 PM

Delusional diva detector 1993 reads
4 / 11

There are many legitimate reasons why a provider may not wish reviews on TER or elsewhere.
There are also many exploitive reasons a provider wouldn't want reviews.
Your job is to not be naive and do your homework so that you don't end up "exploited".

bigal111964 29 Reviews 1573 reads
5 / 11

I too have come across a MILF who has no desire to be reviewed.  She says it would destroy her family if what she does got out.  This situation seems very good for me because it would put us on a level playing field as far as discretion is concerned.  I need it as badly as she does.  I was glad to see the discussion pop up because I was wondering the same thing about could it be a LE ploy.  In my case I've been in IM and phone contact with her for over a month (she's very selective it seems) and I really doubt LE would care so much as to string this along for so long.  Then again you never know, right?  It's always a calculated risk.

jsparrow2 8 Reviews 1539 reads
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some providers ask that some activities be left out of the review because it is not offered to everyone. YMMV is not respected by some people.

Roady 2 Reviews 1307 reads
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Go to the local board and ask if anyone has heard of or seen the lady in question  yes or no.  I have done this and have received the answer.  This will not give you a review for performance but it did handle the LE question for me.

RoseMallowe See my TER Reviews 1344 reads
8 / 11

This is true of me. I also don't want to participate in the he said she said backstabbing that goes on. I have some old reviews from when I first started, got soured on them right away.

buckeye-kev 15 Reviews 1410 reads
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accurate and full and un-edited.  Asking you to censor them is BS IMO.  I respect their wanting to keep a low profile and not wanting ANY REVIEWS.  But if they say okay then it should not be under any restrictions or editing requirements.  If they did acts with you they don't normally do or want known then they should ask for no review at all.  The YMMV thing really pisses me off!  It is a scam invented by advertisers and not a weapon to be used to deceive other hobbyists here.

buckeye-kev 15 Reviews 1616 reads
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due to LE and "too hi a profile" reasons.  They only allow them on small local boards.  I respect their stance on it - rightly or wrongly.  Some have requested their profile to be removed if someone does review them here.

So it isn't necessarily a warning sign.  But obviously it makes seeing them a tad dicier if you don't find the local boards or they don't allow any reviews at all.

This is one reason I still occasionally get burned, as you have to take some risks to get real good GFEs in my area. IMO

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1449 reads
11 / 11

CL ads yes but legitimate web sites? No, it' not worth their time and effort. One of my favorite ladies ever is UTR and does not want reviews. She values her privacy. Sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

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