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Motel lesson for everyone!
tmtlr27 3619 reads

Wanted to share this on the newbie board but it might benefit others.

I always use the in-call for providers because of a bad experience I got with a paper trail once. So both of my ATF’s don’t have an in- call location so we rent a room and spit the cost of which I refund them along with my donation.

Today I met my ATF at a motel. We both have to drive about 45 minutes so we have been going to the same motel chain. It’s not the better chain but not one of the worst either. I would mention this chain (you can PM me if you want the name), as I don’t know if it’s allowed on the boards. The usual routine is she will pay for the room and I will wait in a nearby parking lot and then she text’s me the room number. All went well today until we got into the room. The room phone rang and the manager told my ATF that when she stayed 2 weeks ago and they did a room check it was missing 2 pillows. He said that he had called L.E. and they would be there shortly. Well, after some quick talking we decided it would be best for me to split and let her go to the lobby to see what was going on. The one thing I like about her is she doesn’t take any bull. She went to the lobby and demanded to know from the manger what the crap was going on. He asked her why was she coming so frequently but staying such short times. He said due to the electronic keys he had monitored that she was staying in the room aprox. 2 hours then leaving and not returning to stay the night. He then denied he had called the cops and she demanded her money back and there was two other people in there and she told them how she had been accused of stealing and being harassed and she wouldn’t advise them to stay. She got the money back and left. We met up at another nearby motel but it blew about 40 minutes of our time!

My guess is this guy figured out she might be a provider and didn’t want that at his hotel. I really don’t get this as the dude and the hotel is out $70.00 every week and plus, with the economy being what it is, why would he care. She always is dressed top tier, she is from another state (this motel is on the line of two states) and neither of us has ever been loud or did anything out of line.

So lesson learne, we will mix it up with a lot of different motels so it doesn’t look so routine.

Frankly it sounds like the hotel manager knew EXACTLY what your lady was up to but I'm a bit surprised that he even cares...He's got way too much time on his hands if he's sitting around checking room key access logs.

I would recommend that you get the room in your name and text HER the room number. A woman booking a room alone attracts much more attention than a guy does.  Pay cash and don't use a debit card as a security deposit.  There should be no paper trail to worry about that way.

-- Modified on 1/8/2009 3:00:21 PM

tmtlr271980 reads

I wrote a post a while back how showing my drivers license sent an email to a spare email account my wife used thanking me for my stay. It took a lot of talking to make her believe it was a spam email.

So I no rent a room anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can certainly understand how that would scare you off.  I've been renting hotel & motel rooms for business and pleasure for about ten years and I have to say that nothing like that has ever happened to me. In any case, I am separated now so it's not an issue but I have a PO box and a lap top that no one else has access to.  It came in handy when I was living with my wife.

tmtlr271233 reads

I always use my business address (I'm self employed) and have my private lap top and hobby email but like I stated earlier, somehow through my drivers license (it is required at check in!!) their computer cross linked my name to an email account the spouse uses.

But, lesson learned. We will mix up the motels we stay in so there isn't a routine!!

why did you give your e-mail. You should never have an issue paying cahs and giving only the onfo that is needed to rent the room.

tmtlr271529 reads

My whole point is I never gave them email. Somehow their computer linked my driver license to a email my wife had used for entering contests. That is why I no longer will rent a room!!

I'm not really a newbie but I never knew they could monitor how many times you come in and out... That is ridiculous.

Kudos to your ATF though!  Smart lady :)

Bootzie581512 reads

If its an electronic card key dont return it keep it and throw it away

Not in the card itself.   The door writes nothing to the card.  

OTOH the card system probably keeps a log.

So keeping the card would do nothing to erase that log.

I use a number of properties in my local area and check into them all with frequency (sometimes remaining hours, sometimes remaining days).

I take care of staffers, tip the maids/valets/porters well and operate with an awareness that they all have an idea of what is going on.

Though I have not personally encountered issues, a client told me of once visiting a provider at her incall hotel room and her receiving a call from management shortly after his arrival.  Staff declared that they knew what she was up to and didn't want "her kind" on the property; they insisted that she leave nearly immediately without a refund.  I've heard of other girls indicating that they have been "excused"-prompted to leave by nosey staffers.

If you say that this hotel is a mid-range property they may have had issues in the past with prostitution.  

Believing ourselves to be "normative" sex workers and patrons, often TERmites forget that there is a big world outside of those of us who operate with a sense of honor, respect and etiquette.

An agency friend of mine had to send two visiting girls home a few months ago because they were fighting in the hallways (physically) and generally behaving like heathens.

Personally, I would have eaten this property manager alive for his invasive behavior and hillbilly surveillance moves  BUT I also understand that sometimes there are things that are beyond our control or outside of our line of reasoning/understanding.  Perhaps that particular hotel has had a series of busts because of its convenient location or inexpensive rate- cheaper properties tend to tighten reins after the police spend a great deal of time knocking on the doors, popping girls or setting up shop to sting there.  Perhaps the local police department tipped the manager off and told him to be wary of suspicious behavior- this is not unusual.

Anyway I'm glad that you escaped unscathed.
I will write you a PM out of curiosity about the chain.

It's generally a good idea not to visit the same motel or hotel, week after week. The staff get to see your habits and no one should know your habits.

I operate in and out of hotels as if I'm Jason Bourne being watched by my enemies. You just have to assume you are being watched, even if you are not.

I have a method of blending in and I always hop around. Never the same hotel twice in one month.

It sucks that you had to go through that. That had to be incredibly annoying and disruptive.

From what I've known about motels. They generally do have too much time on their hands and depending on how some of the buildings are structured, they can see your comings and goings. I never check out (formally). I just leave my key in the room and they don't know when I left.

I know it's a pain in the butt, but I generally scope out a hotel before picking one. I like to see how many exits there are for example.

Good luck!


Timbow1237 reads

Yep ya gotta use   common sense :)

Sorry that happened to you, sounds like a hairy experience. In the future try a few tips I use when using a hotel..

1. As others have said, don't use the same place too frequently. Mix it up a bit so that staff working at the hotel don't see you often enough to remember you.

2. If you are only going to use the room for an hour or two and then leave, give it a lived in look before you go. Dampen a towel and toss it on the floor, rumple up the bedding so the bed looks slept in, and leave a little trash in the trashcan - ie en empty soda bottle, some tissue, whatever but definitely not the 'evidence'. Bring a plastic grocery bag and carry THAT out with you.

If you want to be even more cautious have your lady friend arrive with a garment bag and briefcase. Choose hotels close to airports. Alot of business travelers will pop into a hotel just to have a place to freshen up before going about their business if they are only staying in a city for the day. If your lady friend is questioned as the manager did in this case, she can tell him she just got into town for business and just needed to be able to freshen up and change clothes before going to a business meeting.

The motel guy was probably one of these born again christan republican types because most of them are under educated they think it is their mission to stop prostitution.  While many want to ho chase themselves but their low paying wages can't afford it

We have a winna!!!

Pure speculation, but it sure sounds like the motel operator has a personal moral issue with what he suspects is happening in that room.

Could it be that he just wanted in on the action? :)



I'm reminded of a post from back in August.  It recommended that you "Pretend you are a secret agent and if you get caught it's death by firing squad." It was intended for clients with SO's, but it sounds like sound advice all around.

I checked into a hotel for a few hours while I was having some work done on my vehicle at a nearby dealership.  I had a small travel bag and a laptop.  A few hours later there was a knock on the door and my ATF came to welcum me.  I left a few hours later and told the desk that there was a death in the family and I had to return home.

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