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Meet & Greet ?
chadw5577 8 Reviews 1924 reads

I know there is a meet & greet board and I checked it but this seems more of a newbie question.  I was recently invited to one but really have no idea what it is, how it works and most importantly is it worth going. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.  

I've attended a few M&Gs and, for me, they have all been worthy events.  

You get to meet some of the providers that you've only had a "taste" of, metaphorically speaking -- their web site, their discussion board presence, maybe their social media feeds. Putting a name and face together in an actual face-to-face meeting is highly valuable to me but then I'm an old-school kinda man -- sales and customer service have been my career path for decades. Being able to establish some rapport with another person by talking with them is invaluable in business and it's especially important in this p4p hobby.

I had recently sought out a provider in Portland, OR, and we had electronic communications over a period of 2-3 weeks before the appointment. Since I was traveling quite a ways to the city, I like to have some sense of how we might get along (also I was booking a 2 hour encounter). There was a M&G being hosted in the area the day before our scheduled appointment, so I checked with my provider and she replied that she was going to attend.  

We met at the M&G and talked for a while -- as it turns out, we were completely compatible and it made our encounter the next day even more relaxing and enjoyable. We also did some things during our session that probably wouldn't have happened on a first encounter if we hadn't met and gotten the right vibe from each other.

Oh, another upside of that M&G -- I got to meet and speak with a number of other providers, got a sense of who they are and how they present themselves. I met a lovely young woman with whom I talked for a good 90 minutes; we've already had one session and we'll be meeting next week for an overnight visit.

So M&Gs can be quite productive :)

sinfin461 reads

most of the dudes that go, are hobbiest that love to gossip and get free time from the ladies. The same guys always, that never schedule but love to chit-chat. Providers go to the M&G mostly to meet other ladies but care too little for the guys.

-- Modified on 3/18/2017 1:32:03 PM

GaGambler359 reads

I have actually booked sessions with quite a few ladies that I met at M&Gs. Thinking back over the years I saw one girl that I met at an M&G once or twice a week for a good year. I doubt that she would share your cynicism

Most M&Gs have screening every bit as tight as by any provider, anyone without impeccable references don't get invites to the M&Gs I have been a part of and I have both attended and held more than just a couple of them over the years.

To the OP, most M&Gs are "mixers" where a few dozen providers and a few dozen of the guys get together for snacks and drinks and get a chance to meet in person to put a "face to a name" among other things. In many cases there is an after party at either a strip club or sometimes at a local incall location of one of the girls or agencies. I have made many long term friends lasting for MANY years at some of these events.  

Don't listen to the cynics, M&Gs  can not only be a lot of fun but they also give some of the lesser known girls a chance to get some exposure and to prove they look as good as their pics.

...I always go to a M&G looking to see a few ladies that have caught my attention. It's been years since I had to wonder if she would look like her pictures when she opened the door. M&G also made the screening easier. I was screened in order to be invited. She was too. Many times the provider would tell me I was good to go because we met at the M&G. I can't say it happened everytime and you shouldn't expect it but it did happen. Meeting her friends helped especially if you've seen them. There is your reference face to face.

I also know new providers to the business were able to make connections and get recommendations. I introduced new providers and/or new attendees around the room at a few of the M&G's I attended.

-- Modified on 3/18/2017 10:42:40 PM

JakeFromStateFarm335 reads

I'll bet I've booked at least a dozen sessions with women I've met at M&Gs and have had multiple sessions with several.  I've never heard a single woman I've met at a M&G complain that they were not productive and fun.

I've had sessions with at least 3 gals I first met at M&Gs and in fact have seen them multiple times.

I don't even attend a lot of M&Gs either.

I'd attend more if they weren't always on a weekday, at least in my neck of the woods.

might like to P4P with. Providers are there looking their best and willing to meet new clients. You see providers as they are not after potential photoshop pics.

I attended one last Sept. and have seen 2 ladies I met there that I had and eye on but were new to me and wanted to meet them first. i also have a few more on my "bucket list" for the near future.

I usually go with a plan already in place for afterwards but some guys go to find a date for the evening afterwards. Your choice. At the last M & G I attended, I did have a few ladies ask if I "had any plans for later". But like I said, I had pre-planned my fun. least all the ones I attended in my area screened. The providers attended at no charge. The clients payed a fee to enter. The ones I attended were never more than $50.

You don't want to attend one where no screening was done for obvious reasons.

Don't know anything about a list ( I assume you mean a standing list) but each host would have their method. When I entered the M&G my name (handle) would be checked off and I would be allowed to enter.

Go read some on the M&G board where folks have asked questions. You'll find information there.

GaGambler312 reads

In Atlanta for example, back when I lived there most of hosts knew each other. Most of the time, we would share the "prescreened" regular attendees to cut down the work of having to screen EVERYBODY each time we held a event of party. Screening a hundred or more guests in a short period of time is a LOT or work and speaking for myself, if I had ever had to do that much screening I never would have gone through THAT much work just to host a party.

Most of the events are as you stated, the girls attend at no charge and the guys pay around fifty bucks to cover the cost of the venue and the food and drink, some of the party host have charged as much as a hundred in an effort to actually turn a profit and then again one of the parties I hosted was free to everyone as I picked up the tab myself.

Outside of a M&G, I've had the fortunate opportunity to meet some of my clients before and outside of a session.  Personally, this is very helpful to me as a provider.  It gives me a great sense of his style, mannerisms, etiquette and personal preferences.  Also, I know more than one client that enjoys seeing a provider dressed in clothes as well.  It gives hobbyists the opportunity to see providers in a different light.  In the long run, I would imagine it's a time & money-saver.

Thanks to everyone for your insight and comments.  Looks like I have a party to attend.  

ThePeopleRule271 reads

They busted the owners of a local site after attending one of their M&G's.

P.S.: For you amateur legal experts who are thinking there is nothing illegal about attending one:
They had other evidence supporting prosecution; attending put faces to names, perhaps making arrests easier.

I would love to go to M& the Milwaukee or Chicago Area.....
How can I find one.....googled escort meet and greet = nada...
kind of a newb...but, I think it'd an excellent way to find a couple of regulars.
or change, if you wanna move on....

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