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Married - What finally pushed you over the edge?
bruscar10 8 Reviews 2767 reads

into the hobby?

All the stress and complications of family life definitely contributed to my decision. I was very fortunate to have a great first experience- just wished I'd relaxed more.

It was a bunch of street walkers working the track in the old Combat Zone. Back in the 80's and early 90's the street scene in Boston was incredible. There were dozens of great looking girls working the street scene almost every night and I was working nights in Boston at the time. Temptation got the better of me one night and I picked up a hot little red head...half and half in a secluded parking lot for a hundred bucks and I never looked back after that first experience...

For me it was not one event that pushed me over the edge. It was the cumulative effect of many things, along with an opportunity. I usually make an annual pilgrimage to Las Vegas and usually the SO makes the trip. This year she decided not to go. So the opportunity presented itself. I stumbled on TER and the rest as they say is history.


Dude, I am so kidding.  

I was simply going for the joke.  

No offense intended or implied.

After not getting laid for 3-1/2 years, I decided to go get some. It was a health issue with my wife, no hatred, no ill will, just a fact of life. It never entered my head where it might lead. The word "hobbyist" to me, meant someone who built model airplanes.

not exactly dry, but 5 times in 5 years.  Same as issue as hungry.  Health - issue w SO, no ill will just something I have to deal with.  Was on medication that killed my desire for sex, but switched meds a couple of months ago..and...boing I could not keep it under control.

Just ask Eliot Spitzer... i mean the man is a high ranking politicial, have good daughters, a wonderful wife, yet he went ahead to get a call girl for over 10k +... its mindboggling really

In Spitzer's case, I would have to say that power had a lot to do with it. I think people in a lifestyle where they are used to having people cater to them leads to a feeling of deserving everything. "It's good to be the king!"

I think in my case, it's not power but empowering my life. Tired of having to ask what time it is with someone who doesn't wear a watch or has it set to a completely different time zone. I'll go buy my own watch, dammit!

I have a friend who is a CEO and completely sympathetic to Spitzer. My friend feels that when you have that much power, even as a CEO, even your family and friends begin to ask for favors, and you begin to feel like a meal ticket for everyone.

So an opportunity where you know where you stand it a definate stress reliever.

DickWart1864 reads

Variety.  And less than satisfactory quantity and quality from the wife.

My wife is the love of my life and I would never do anything to hurt her.  Menopause his hit her full bore.  Sex is nearly non-existent.  I worry now that I will never experience the excitement sex offers.  A provider simply gives me what I will NEVER get at home.  It's that simple.

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