Newbie - FAQ

Little Phil got it right . . .teeth_smile
FormerNewbieDiaperChanger 3301 reads

If you enjoyed their company, in addition to the compensation, pay them a sincere compliment and touch them while you are saying it. Shoulders, face, neck (not down there) and it will stick in their mind longer than you can imagine. Way more subtle than a tonsil tickling liss but much more memorable. You go girl!

Come see us in D.C.

When a client says something like "we should do this again soon," or "I can't wait to see you again," is it likely they mean they are actually planning on it? I've had repeat visits from maybe three gentlemen over the past month or so, but I hear that kind of thing a lot more often, and I was wondering if maybe it's just a polite way of letting me know they're pleased with how things went.

I'd love to hear from both providers and hobbyists.

Amanda (the new girl :-))

TERs_Welcome_Wagon1576 reads

Thanks for stopping by, and don't be a stranger.  You won't be the new girl for long!!!


Sounds as if they are quite pleased!
I have a gentleman I see 1-2 times a week. He can't WAIT to see me. LOL
On another note..I have heard that a lot also. But maybe out of 10....half call me back.
Keep up the good work darlin and WELCOME!
(said from the other newbie...STILL) ~winks~

Some will look to return, and others are just being polite.  You can probably up the amount that return by saying something nice like "I can hardly wait".

Another factor to consider, for what it's worth, is that guys may look forward to seeing you and get distracted...we don't tend to have long attention spans.  I've developed a list of 5 or 6 ladies that I've seen, and want to see again, but I don't have the time to do that.  When I started, I told myself that I'd never repeat, but then I saw a lady that I just had to see over & over.  For a while, it was her & more variety, but then a few others caught my attention at a level that I needed to repeat.  So now, I don't have time to experience variety, but ended up with a new friend on Friday.  You see, we're just fickle.  But if we're really happy to see you, we'll eventually find our way back.  Just don't push customers away, hoping for it to happen.

Thank you, Little Phil -- that makes a lot of sense. :-) It's nice to have the other perspective. As a new provider, I didn't know what to expect and I was surprised by how often I heard that. I thought maybe it's some form of etiquette I wasn't aware of....

hornung903 reads

it is probably a case of not being able to put the benjamins together to make a return visit.

when they said it, were they looking right into your eyes with a big grin on their face, or where they sort of tossing off the line as they headed out the door?

Did they clear their throat just before saying it (bad sign), or did they touch their face with their hands while they said it (another bad sign, the higher up they touch the worse.)?

Of course, the real test is if they call again.

You look like someone I'd come back to see at least.

If you enjoyed their company, in addition to the compensation, pay them a sincere compliment and touch them while you are saying it. Shoulders, face, neck (not down there) and it will stick in their mind longer than you can imagine. Way more subtle than a tonsil tickling liss but much more memorable. You go girl!

Come see us in D.C.

Welcome!  I personally think it depends on the guy.  I have plenty of reg's that I see on a weekly basis, however some are once a month, or even once every 2.  It all depends on finances, and if they spot another provider they're interested in, they might still try them out and bypass seeing you.  It's something you'll just have to get used to hearing, I agree, body language is a key, but it's also easy to fake.  Don't take it to heart sweetie if someone acts more than interested in you, even after thru emails or phone calls.  Some men like the companionship as well, and some are just lonely men who can't afford us.  It's a hit or miss game.  Just play safe, have fun, and don't let them rule you!!
Good luck sweetie and take care!

I agree that some mean it and some probably don't. I only say it when I actually do mean it, and if I have no intention of seeing a lady again, I'll just thank her and not make a comment about seeing her again.  I agree with Mr. Fisher  that body  language and facial expression will tell you a lot.


-- Modified on 10/1/2007 3:05:28 PM

-- Modified on 10/1/2007 3:05:49 PM

dreamweaver71407 reads

First of all, welcome Amanda.  Hope to see you on the boards more often and best of luck in your new venture.

Amanda, there are tens of thousands of guys (and ladies) playing in the hobby.  As such be cognizant of the fact that many times some of the questions that we all tend to ask have no single right answer.  With so many people involved there will always be lots of opinions, lots of preferences and surely lots of possible answers to any one question.

Although in most cases there is no harm deliberately meant, when you read replies that are prefaced with all inclusive language such as 'When guys say this they mean that..' or 'Every guys likes...', or 'All providers...'; throw caution to the wind.  For every person that fits the bill for such a reply that contains these statements, I assure you there are plenty of exceptions.  In time I trust you will get a better feel for what I'm saying as you will see this yourself time after time. Watch out for 'all', 'every', 'nobody', 'never' type of statements.  They are are too inclusive and often times cause a sincere reply to read false.  So getting back to your question....

There are likely many reasons why you hear this response.  Some guys may do it just to be polite, some guys may be sincere and have every intention of calling again, some guys are sincere and may call again but at the same time they dig variety and may go elsewhere for awhile until they return, some guys may not be telling the truth but want to leave on a very positive note, some guys may mean it but happened to meet you while they were on the road and as such may not have realistic opportunity to repeat despite their feelings...and I'm sure there are countless other reasons.  Even if it should turn out that is was just a polite gesture or a complimentary statement then that's not a bad thing is it?  Just be careful that you don't put so much into it that you make plans that are dependent on these statements. I think that you'll get a better feel for genuine repeat client potential over time.    

I agree with the suggestion that if you get such a reply and you too had a good time with the gent, then look him square in the eyes and express your sincere hope that you will each see other again sometime soon.

First, Amanda welcome.  Both you and Sam who posted about 12 lines down in the thread are two ladies I would plan on seeing if I were in your general area.  Unfortunately, the left coast and Minn. are not real close to the Southeast where I live.  

I agree with most posters above.  I will say a similar comment if I enjoyed my time with you.  I travel on business and don't always control my schedule so following up to see a particular lady sometimes takes a few months.  Of the 40 or so different ladies I have enjoyed being with, I think I have had repeat visits with about 25 or 30 of them.  Very rarely do a see a lady for two times only.  If I repeat, I will usually see them at least 3 or more times.  Hope this helps you.

I really appreciate the time that everyone took to share their insights and experience. From now on, when a gentleman says "I can't wait to see you again," I can just be free to enjoy the compliment and let him know that I'm looking forward to it too. (And thanks to you all I can see there are lots of reasons why some time may go by before that happens, even if he really does mean it! ;-))

Thank you for the nice welcome!

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