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Legal Escort Activities??
philyguy92 1750 reads

Noob here,  what are legal activities an escort can do on an incall?  I.e. Lingerie modeling? masturbation show? Can I J/O myself? Etc.

Thank you

So let's just leave it at that for now.. I guess if she touches herself, you can touch yourself, watch her, she can model, anything outside of that (sexual favors in exchange of money is illegal)..

that would outlaw even masturbation or even feigned masturbation.

Most also make it illegal to show certain parts of the anatomy (guess which) in exchange for money.

You might want to ask this on the legal board where some legal eagle types can quite chapter and verse on these matters.

(still not a lawyer)

looks like the strip club I go to shows everything though lol

but in their case, they must have an entertainment license.  You will most likely not find a gal with one, however.

(still not a lawyer)

paying for companionship is legal.  Some, if not all, states have licenses for escorting.  You are paying for her time only.  Any sexual activities where money is exchanged are illegal.

Agree with mrfisher, post this on the legal board, you might get some more concrete replies.


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