Newbie - FAQ

Just don't put a link to your website in it.
swimtrekr 58 Reviews 337 reads

If you are replying to a post, I believe it's OK to include the link, but if you are starting a thread, don't put it in there.  Also do not include a picture of yourself in a post, unless it's on an ad board, or the Photo only board.  Even though you've been around a while, you might want to read the self help center regarding posting guidelines in general and ad posting guidelines.


-- Modified on 6/25/2014 8:17:21 AM

WTF!!! Can someone tell me how to reply to a post on the general discussion board without going threw the bullshit of being told that it seems like an ad? I think wishing a provider Happy Birthday isn't being inappropriate do you? Or commenting on an amazing post from a Hobbyist about guys being fucking CHEAP!!! On the Ohio board. It was priceless! I had to say something. I couldn't keep my trap shut on that one. And I'll be damned if I didn't revise it 3 fucking times and they still said it was an ad!! The fuck it was!! Can I copy and paste it on the provider board so you guys can see it? or is that not allowed either?  What am I doing wrong? I'm not a complete idiot! Just blonde =) Hahahahahahaha!!!

Hope you girls are staying save out there.  


They put this on the newbie board!!! LMFAO!! I've only been a provider for 12 fucking years!!! I was being a wise ass in asking what to do.... But feel free to give this newbie all the advice you have that will help me in the future on making a comment on the general discussion board and ad board. I'm so new at this bullshit I feel like I'm still in diapers! Any advice from my beautiful ladies out there??  

Thank you in advance,

Annalise :-)

with a copy of the offending post, and asking them what it was that made them think it was an ad?

Thank you guys for your input... I wanted to choke the moderator!! I didn't post a picture or a link to my website. Matter a fact I didn't for the very reason that I didn't want TER to think I was fishing. These guys in Cleveland must think who is this chick? Lol!! Giving my opinion and my wise ass comments! Lol!! But I finely revised it 3 times and they posted it. Damn that was a lot of work for one post! But oh.... it was worth it. You guys are awesome!!


I your starting the post no website link is allowed, but if your responding to a thread your allowed to link your website.  The majority of my posts that were rejected the case was I was talking to much about myself, or services I offer.  To be honest it depends on the Mod.  Maybe 1, or 2 really do not care for you.  I have noticed some are super anal & others actually care for us providers.  Good luck!

If you are replying to a post, I believe it's OK to include the link, but if you are starting a thread, don't put it in there.  Also do not include a picture of yourself in a post, unless it's on an ad board, or the Photo only board.  Even though you've been around a while, you might want to read the self help center regarding posting guidelines in general and ad posting guidelines.


-- Modified on 6/25/2014 8:17:21 AM

...  after reading it I am guessing you're a damn awesome date... uh oh, does this constitute me shilling for you -- now we're both doomed.   Stay thirsty my friend, hard to imagine you're doing anything wrong.

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