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It's more pernicious than even that....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 245 reads

I have a large family, and up until 10 years ago, you could count on getting news about goings on via phone calls and emails.  Now I'm expected to be on Face Book, Twitter, and God knows what else to keep abreast of everything.

I'd even consider joining except for the fact that the great wall I try to build around the hobby and my family life, to say nothing of the business life, would come crashing down on account of the Orwellian tendency for these SM outfits to bore holes through these walls even while trying to convince you that your privacy is their number one concern.

I heard all this predicted some 40 years ago by a very brilliant computer expert, but I, and others, just scoffed.   Doubtful that there's anything that can be done about it now.

I am sure providers screen for potential new clients via social media (I know I certainly would). However, does not having these accounts hurt one's chances?  

I am aware that it is unusual for someone to be so adamantly opposed to social media; (I am not obese or disfigured, I simply a private person) but I have a feeling that not having facebook has hurt me in the screening process.

but so far at least, not providers.

I find it a very pernicious trend, as I don't do SM at all

Employers, not all of them, do screen SM to review candidates.  If data is available publicly on the internet, it's fair game for them to use it.

GaGambler305 reads

Big Brother is officially here,  you are judged for everything you say on Social Media and even worse, your silence is deemed as you having "something to hide" and is used as a negative as well.

I am so happy I am not "employable" in the first place, but if I were in the job market, I'd be PISSED!!!

I've never heard or read about anyone not having a social media account being viewed in a negative fashion.  I personally know lots of individuals from across the US who don't have any web presence.  I mean zero.  Not even an Amazon account.

Yes, big brother is here and has been for a long time.  I do on occasion search my own data to see what the results come back with and will take the appropriate actions to limit or eliminate it.  I will say it's nearly impossible to do, but as they say, an ounce of prevention.

I have a large family, and up until 10 years ago, you could count on getting news about goings on via phone calls and emails.  Now I'm expected to be on Face Book, Twitter, and God knows what else to keep abreast of everything.

I'd even consider joining except for the fact that the great wall I try to build around the hobby and my family life, to say nothing of the business life, would come crashing down on account of the Orwellian tendency for these SM outfits to bore holes through these walls even while trying to convince you that your privacy is their number one concern.

I heard all this predicted some 40 years ago by a very brilliant computer expert, but I, and others, just scoffed.   Doubtful that there's anything that can be done about it now.

At this point, nothing can be done about it now.  Anyone who thinks or is under the impression that their presence on the internet can be concealed or hidden is delusional.  Given the advancements in all the various software tools and techniques that are available, if someone is that intent on uncovering something, they will.  It's a constantly evolving world and the level of sophistication continues to grow.

It shouldn't. Some contact forms ask about social media accounts, but I've never provided it. That said, I'm verified with a couple of services, but they've never asked either. I have a Twitter account under this name, btw, but its only for provider contact, which seems like a contradiction but its recent and mostly for fun. And following space science. Go figure.

I only use them to see family pictures as that's how they are shared.  A provider's screening might include searching any data you supply...  names, phone numbers, email addresses, even user names.  If you real life pops as a result, you should be aware.  
I deberately use different information to block cookies & tracking for the purposes of advertizing.  

I don't think lack of same will hurt your chances of screening.  She will likely want something she can use to verify your identity.  

-- Modified on 9/18/2016 4:27:57 PM

Search Newbie AND General for "nefarious tentacles pernicious" [any of these words]
by author impposter (that's me!) and a day range going back at least 365 days. That will turn up numerous threads on the evils of all Social Media.  

From General, 10/5/2015 at 6:06:31 PM:  

The pernicious, multi-tentacled, invasive, disgusting Facebook has been discussed previously, many times.  
"Settings" and "filters" will NOT PROTECT YOU from the digital reach of Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and all of the other behemoths who are there to connect your digital dots whether you want or intend them to or not.  
Almost any trail on your computer can become interlinked with other trails. Buy a teddy bear for your 10-yo niece on Amazon and the next thing you know she is friended on some Provider's Twitter feed that you thought was separate because you used a fake name when you logged in.  
These companies have tentacles that will touch you everywhere, and not in a good way.  They are NEFARIOUS.  They can expose you and ruin your life in pursuit of their self-stated goal of connecting everyone in the world -- EVEN IF IT'S AGAINST THAT PERSON'S WILL.
Mouthwash doesn't help, Brillo doesn't help, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser doesn't help.  You need to AVOID the stain of FB, Twitter and the others completely.  That's the only real protection.
TER'ers have posted several examples of the inadvertent outing of real lives via Social Media. You THINK you are being safe but it's nearly impossible. Go ahead ... google "koala bears" and close your browser. For the next several months you'll be getting ads, popups, notices, all kinds of crap about koalas, travel ads for Australia, discount coupons for Qantas in your email and who knows what else? A coincidence!  NOT!  

No time to write more details, but be very careful if you venture into SM (social media) as it can cause you more pain than S&M (sadism and masochism).  

Here's another link to another discussion:
Board: General
Subj: Social Media Will Ensnare You in Its Nefarious Tentacles
Date: 2/5/2016 5:31:06 PM

Posted By: misterlee2003
I am sure providers screen for potential new clients via social media (I know I certainly would). However, does not having these accounts hurt one's chances?  
 I am aware that it is unusual for someone to be so adamantly opposed to social media; (I am not obese or disfigured, I simply a private person) but I have a feeling that not having facebook has hurt me in the screening process.
-- Modified on 9/18/2016 10:39:37 PM

I've been asked for links to social media accounts three time.  All three times I declined to give them that information. I've been asked twice to send pics, I won't do that either.  I'll pass on a lady if I believe the data she is asking to validate me is more than I am willing to provide.

But personally, I don't find it to be particularly reliable. It's not as though Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn do much (if anything) to verify identities. If that's all a lady is using for screening, she's going to get herself in trouble.

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