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It's frig'n controlled frustration
VeracitysVengeance 1667 reads

bordering on a total Rip-off.

The gal does everything possible to get you to the edge of climax (sans BBBJ or coitus) then wants you to extend the feelings promising an exponentially greater climax later on in the session.

I know already I'm gonna get some flack from one or more slick talking, wallet raping queens of this "spiritual" BS; but unless you're looking for some existential, Buddhist monk, transcendental trip into sexual epiphany rather than a good raunchy wrinkling of the bed sheets you may feel like you just paid $$$ or more for a Hand-Job.

VeracitysVengeance1668 reads

bordering on a total Rip-off.

The gal does everything possible to get you to the edge of climax (sans BBBJ or coitus) then wants you to extend the feelings promising an exponentially greater climax later on in the session.

I know already I'm gonna get some flack from one or more slick talking, wallet raping queens of this "spiritual" BS; but unless you're looking for some existential, Buddhist monk, transcendental trip into sexual epiphany rather than a good raunchy wrinkling of the bed sheets you may feel like you just paid $$$ or more for a Hand-Job.

No offense meant, but I have to tell all that I think tantic sex is the future of sex.

I think it is the best thing to happen to sex since lube.

I love it because it allows people to prolong the wonderful and euphoric period of sex just prior to ejaculation for long periods of time.  When the ejaculataion does come, it is stronger and more wonderful.

It takes some discipline to get it right, but what worthy thing doesn't?

Click on link below for more information on the subject and a host of wonderful tantric providers from all over he country.

and you are a very helpful, generous contributor to this board;  but is it possible for you to ever NOT jump in for the defense of every mediocre, past their prime, delusional diva or charlatan with little more than droopy boobs and a vulva to their name?
If you want to drink their kool-aid, nod, clap, and chant in approval like so many audience members at an Oprah Winfrey show taping; knock yourself out. The vast majority of us here just want to have wet, sloppy, animalistic NSA sex, laced with enough perversions to be considered illegal in a hundred different countries. We do NOT wish to kneel in obsequious homage to some self ennobled “goddess”, queen or any other superfluous or idiotic veneration hoping to find some higher plane in getting our nut off.        

-- Modified on 10/12/2007 9:41:41 PM

From that article linked (did you read it?)
"Thus, tantric sexuality often cultivates ecstatic consciousness as well as increased spiritual awareness of the erotic consciousness that pervades our human embodiment as well as everything that contextualizes this embodiment."

Doesn't sound bad or painful to me.

Some men DO wish to find higher planes and to worship on the soul level of honoring a goddess and being recognized as a god... in the belief that we are ALL manifestations divine.

And some just wanna' animalistically fuck.

That sounds good too.

Knocking those who are trying to embrace a deeply  integrated sexuality just sets you up to be knocked for the lack of consciousness you display about your choices.  You know, do unto others?  Judge not least ye' be judged?  Maybe even work positively so that all the spheres of our expression here might be embraced?  (Well, or at least not persecuted...)  

Can't we all just FUCKing get along?

Just my .02

but this is a board for "Newbies", where guys AND gals are struggling to simply learn some acronyms, identify statements like "I'm real open minded" as a common ruse, and get the straight dope on how to hook up with a provider that will take em' around the world (not to the cleaner, or the PD ). They don't need a sesquipedalian sales pitch written by a William F Buckley Jr wannabe on a Viagra and peyote button cocktail like the quote you gave from the "goddess" link.

Nothing wrong with a couple of points of view for the newbies to deal with.

No offense taken here at all, in fact, I've enjoyed your writing.  It's entertaining.

actually find themselves here looking for info on Tantric Sex, so why impose your opionion of what they need or not?  Let those who have had experiences in the matter (Like Mr.Fisher) answer such questions.

There is an edification to be had with a skillful tantric teacher; but the inherent mysticism of the practice DOES lend itself to exploitive, profiteering charlatans.  ‘LamayaCox’ kindly offered a Wikapedia definition of the practice to the quizzical newbie. ‘VeracitysVengeance’ gave a cynical opinion possibly based on a disapointing experience, or on his interpretation of the obfuscatory language used in many tantric practitioner’s websites. 'Mrfisher' responded with a flowing endorsement of the practice and even mentioned that it is a learned “discipline” requiring time and effort to perfect. He even included a weblink that vindicated mine and others allegation to the mysticism and often confusing language that I/we interpret as an opening for legerdemain, and therefore give warning to curious newbies.

I fail too see why I/we should be impugned by you for merely looking out for the welfare of the newbies which is the purpose of this forum.    

-- Modified on 10/16/2007 7:15:22 AM

and I am frequently left with questions.  Just what services are on offer?  I don't need someone to help me connect with myself and my partner so I can experience sexual joy, I need a partner that will provide sexual joy.

I'll probably never visit a "goddess", but its not all bunk.  One of my provider friends has a tantric BJ technique that first gets me hard, and second curls my toes, long after we both know that I am fully spent!

-- Modified on 10/13/2007 12:04:58 AM

See my review of Uma Parvati and you'll see why.

Honestly, if your worried that you not going to get the usual goodies, that should not be a concern.

a lot of variety between ladies.

I think that which many newbies feel about first looking at the 'Hobby', like all the acronyms, etc, can also be felt by seasoned hobbyists as they try to understand this other avenue of exploring our sexuality. Since a lot of the ladies also incorporate some Eastern philosophy/religion into it, it can seem real 'out there' from our Western mentality.

While of a Western mindset myself, I have found some material helpful and useful in my own experience that I have not come across through normal venues many of us often find (magazine columns, 'mainstream' books like "The Joy of Sex", etc.)  

Jazz, I do agree that some of the ladies' sites do leave one wondering what is offered (and why review boards can be helpful). On the other hand, some of the things which Tantra and the other disciplines offer for increasing sexual joy can not be all experienced/learned in one 1-2 hour session. Some things build on others. I think most of us by nature want to get understanding quickly. Imperfect analogy, but learningt o become a better cook has required me to learn some 'basics' I hadn't thought I needed to focus on. But understanding those things has enabled me to beocme a better 'improve' cook. I think Tantra offers that as well.

I do think that it (Tantra) is a more personal experience, and requires one to make a 'connection' with the lady. Some men don't want any connection, so Tantra probably doesn't appeal to them. And it may take seeing a few different Tantra ladies before finding one that meshes well. I've been blessed to not have to seek beyond one special lady. She and I are fellow explorers.

Actually, 'Tantra' has different meanings to different practitioners.

Hi folks.. my first post here! I'm a Buddhist practitioner and I thought I'd jump in... go easy on a noob. ;)

In Buddhism, the 'root' meaning of 'The Tantra' is the secret teachings of The Buddha which involve rapid enlightenment, but which require symbiosis of the male-female energy. In other words, you need a consort, and you need to live it every day. It's not a sex thing, although the sexual elements are incredibly powerful. But you can't be a non practitioner and receive benefits (much) anymore than someone else can give you liberation.

The word 'Tantra' means 'to weave' in sanskrit.. like weaving cloth. It's point is to bind together warp and weft (male/female) in order to create the cloth of enlightenment. It doesn't necessarily imply bonding between you and your consort, although that will often happen with serious practitioners.

Tantra exists in many forms, in many practices including Hindu Yogic, Bonpo Ritualistic and Vajrayana Buddhist practices. It is an ancient, hidden practice that has achieved rock star status when people realized "Hey.. I can combine religion and sex..?" And no, The Kama Sutra is not a Tantric text!

So.. Tantra is NOT all about sex. It is about weaving energy, and a small, tiny part of it.. the part that sells a lot of books with naked people in them, is about sex.

That being said, Tantric consorts offering their wares are likely to be very in tune with their own bodies, and be able to quickly attune themselves to yours. If they are genuine, they will likely provide you with an absolutely mind blowing experience. Well.. that is assuming you are able to go with it. ;)

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