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It seems to me when a post of mine is pulled from a thread....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 262 reads

it is usually just the posts that appended to the offending post that go down with it.  Other branches of the thread remain up.

just a question for all:

When A thread isn't board-related, the entire thread is pulled, right? All posts in the thread are gone.

Now if a thread is board-related and most posts are compliant with posting policy, does just the offending post that violates posting policy get pulled (the thread remains) or does the whole thread get pulled? If the thread gets pulled, why?

Would appreciate any enlightenment you can offer.

I've seen individual posts pulled for violating policy, as well as entire threads pulled seemingly for a single post that violates policy. Was just curious as to the basis for deciding to pull a single post or an entire thread... especially when the thread and most posts seem well within posting guidelines.  

Just happened on the GD board.

all replies are pulled.  Admin is responsible for pulling threads if they feel it is not in line with the board theme.  Doesn't matter what the replies are, they all get pulled.  Look on your account manager to see why your posts got deleted.


my post was pulled because the thread was pulled.

The question is really how we determine whether to pull a thread (many posts) or a post (just one post that offends). I'd rather see my offending post be pulled than an entire thread. Not fair to other posters, IMHO.

And yes, I get that there are complexities that stress Admin resources. No worries.

Since I'm no longer a mod, I can't do it.  Unfortunately, I don't think they pull individual posts.  Have no idea how they determine how to pull a thread or post.  If I, as the newbie host, ask them to pull a thread, they might do it or not, I have no influence other than to ask.....


it is usually just the posts that appended to the offending post that go down with it.  Other branches of the thread remain up.

the point I was trying to make is that only those posts that flow from a specific pulled down post get pulled with it, not the entire thread, unless the OP's post is the one that gets pulled, which happens too.

GaGambler226 reads

A lot of it has to do with "report a post" and some members utilize (abuse) this feature more than others, and sometimes I imagine rather than trim all the offending posts off of a "train wreck" thread, Admin sometimes gets lazy and just pulls the entire thread. Which is something I can actually relate to as I have done the exact same thing when I was a mod.

A big part of why things don't seem to make much sense at times is that rarely is admin proactive in pulling/moving threads/posts, usually they are reacting to RAP and the squeakiest wheels get the grease. That's why you will notice that certain posters seem to have more posts/threads pulled than others, even when there don't seem to be any rules infractions. Once upon a time there were mods that read every single post made on their respective boards and rather than pulling posts/threads after they reached train wreck status, the posts were either never allowed to be aired in the first place or were pulled immediately, before they ever grew any branches.

This is not meant as a criticism of the current system (well maybe a little lol) but an explanation of why there seem to be so many troll posts and out and out train wreck threads.

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