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It might be helpful if we knew which verification you used
GaGambler 444 reads

One of the most popular such services is P411 and if that is the case, contact Gina and be prepared to send her your paper trail of emails where the woman admits she took your money, and they will deal with her rather harshly, most likely kicking her off the site if she doesn't make it right.

There are several other verification services out there with varying policies, which is why I asked which one you used. Personally I would not limit my "Outing" her simply by PM, I'd plaster her name all over her local board if it were me, but of course I would NEVER send a deposit in the first place, for reasons all too obvious to you now.  

Good luck, and despite much of the advice you have been given so far. I would not give up quite yet, and I would NOT take this lying down.

Hi, new to the board here, have a question seeking recommendations.  

I've set up appointment with a provider in February and put down a sizable deposit, she contacted me half an hour after the appointment time on the day of the appointment to cancel due to personal injuries. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt and later on we rescheduled the appointment to March.  

The March appointment was a no call now show. No communication form her until I attempted to have the verification service as mediator. She have already spent the deposit and unable to return it. We came to an agreement to resolve the issue by May (She would return my deposit). Saw her returning to the same city in May, set up an appointment and it was another no call no show. No communication since the May appointment and I hate to drag the verification service into this again.

Since she only does out call, I'm out with the deposit and hotel costs.

I want to try to get this resolved without any drama and ill feelings.

Should I just cut my loss and leave it as it is?

Advance deposits are a bad idea in general, unless you know the lady very well.  

Pardon my directness, but you should have cut contacts in March

...and sounds like she has no respect for the verification service as well. Her reputation isn't important to her. Consider it a loss and move on.

by PM request to avoid the sob story response.

Your options are limited. You can inform the verification service that they have a ROB on their site, it wont help you but it may help another guy if they kick her off the site.  
 When you see she's coming back to town mention her less than honorable behavior on the local board, that might not help get your money back but it should piss her off and that's worth something.  
The idea that she can't pay you back because she already spent it is BS because she would have enough to repay you as soon as she rips off the next guy.  
 What it comes down to is that you will never see your money and you bought yourself an expensive lesson.

I would've let it go awhile ago if I were you but it is fine that you did not. At this point, the benefit out the doubt period is long gone and that is very unprofessional of her. I'd say cut your loss before you end up wasting more time and potentially more money.

...and I do not use/spend them, until after I have visited with the gentleman.  

   I know Preferred411 has a very strict cancellation policy. If a lady has her cancellation policy posted in her P411 profile, her ad, website, and correspondence, P411 will suspend a gentleman's account until he pays said fee.  Ladies should be held accountable, as well, if they accept deposits.

   My cancellation policy is written in many locations, and my "refund policy" is, as well.  Not only do I return the deposit, I add ten percent.

   I would definitely let ladies and gentlemen know who she is via pm.

   Happy Fourth of July!

Hugs and Kisses,

Thank you all, I will contact the verification service again and leave it at that if nothing else happened.

GaGambler445 reads

One of the most popular such services is P411 and if that is the case, contact Gina and be prepared to send her your paper trail of emails where the woman admits she took your money, and they will deal with her rather harshly, most likely kicking her off the site if she doesn't make it right.

There are several other verification services out there with varying policies, which is why I asked which one you used. Personally I would not limit my "Outing" her simply by PM, I'd plaster her name all over her local board if it were me, but of course I would NEVER send a deposit in the first place, for reasons all too obvious to you now.  

Good luck, and despite much of the advice you have been given so far. I would not give up quite yet, and I would NOT take this lying down.

Post the story on your regional board w/o naming her in public.  Tell the guys they can PM you for her name.  That's what I did when it happened to me.  In my case, I was only out time and gas money.  For future reference, I'd avoid providers asking for a healthy deposit.


GaGambler392 reads

I say "out the bitch" she didn't just flake on you, she stole from you.  

Flakes always have "their side of the story" as to why they flaked, there is no excuse for a thief. I say shout her name from the tallest building and cost her at least as much money in lost business as she gained from you by stealing, besides warning EVERYBODY, and not just the few that reach out to you is a public service.

Posted By: GaGambler
I say shout her name from the tallest building and cost her at least as much money in lost business as she gained from you by stealing
GaG has me wondering about these and similar circumstances.  In order for her to lose as much $ as she stole from the OP, she has to lose at least one date that she had hoped and counted on to schedule.  But that date isn't fixed.  Per her choice, it can happen today at 4 PM or tomorrow at 10 AM or next week at 2 PM.  She picks her dates from the calls that come in.  The only way to guarantee elimination of a date and loss of that revenue is to reduce her calls to ZERO for a non-zero period of time.  Even one call from a non-TER sleaze bag puts money in her pocket once she agrees to and follows thru on the date. (Let's assume a successful, positive date.) Many calls (from guys with good reputations) gives her more options to schedule who she wants, when she wants according to her preferences.  But she doesn't lose money until she can't schedule a date that she really needs.  The good-guy calls might decrease in number but do they ever go to zero?

I don't like where this is going ... I don't see how she loses actual money until the calls stop coming in.  Her "loss" is maybe have to meet a couple of guys she'd have preferred to avoid.  

Can I get a Nobel Prize if I figure this out

Your theory presupposes that providers all have full calendars and routinely turn away business, if that was the case we would never read posts asking why business is so slow.  
 She doesn't need to have zero calls to realize she isn't making enough to cover her expenses. It sounds like she tours through his town occasionally and a little bad publicity can quickly turn a successful trip into a bust.

GaGambler369 reads

and "outing the bitch" will certainly impact the business she gets from TER, especially since it's not a gray area regarding looks or performance which are highly subjective. Here the woman flat out stole his money, it takes a lot for people to get past a 100% ripoff. perhaps enough guys will flat out post on his regional board that she WAS on their "to do" list, but after reading about her dishonesty they no longer want to see her. Now THAT might be enough for him to even get his money back. Probably not, but better than the zero chance that he appears to have now.

I didn't recommend naming her publicly because you never know how she will react.  In this case, since she actually accepted his money, naming her might not be a really bad idea.  I'd just prefer avoiding the possible shitstorm that might happen if I named her in the post.  FWIW, I got about a couple dozen requests for the provider's name, which I happily gave them.  She's still active since she got a review not too long ago.


GaGambler384 reads

She deserves any shit storm she gets.  

This is not like a NCNS where there are two sides to the story, where she "might" have a legit excuse. There is no legit excuse for stealing the mans money, and she would not be the first "well reviewed" provider to have done so. Remember the shit storm in Vegas when a very highly reviewed lady stole thousands of dollars from a guy, she deserved all the bad publicity that she got. This woman needs to have her name plastered everywhere hookers and johns are likely to read it.

she has your money & has done nothing to earn it.  Scammers will suddenly become hard to reach or just ignore your requests.  After the word gets out, they'll reinvent themselves with a new name & proceed to scam a new crop of guys.   As a general rule, deposits should not be required.  I have never paid a deposit.

There are a few exceptions...  if she's settng asside a large block of paying time for you like a weekend or you want her to travel to you which she'll have to pick up the costs for (even if you reimburse her later).  A few have done these things on the firstdate & not been burned...  I could not imagine doing so with someone I'd never even met yet.  

This is the safest course.  There are a few gals who insist they require deposits...  I guess we'll never meet.

True both in and out of hobby.  

You have almost no chance of recovering anything with the provider who's burnt you thrice...the Hat Trick is bad enough, but compared to the Golden Sombrero...

Why would you pay a deposit? There are too many ladies out here that do not require this upfront money. Just stick to ladies who don't. The only time you should be paying a deposit is maybe if you were booking a really long date or perhaps an overnight......and if that is the case it should be with someone you have already seen before whom you know and trust well. Otherwise do not do it because  you do not have too.  

Buyer beware.

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