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I'm not sure that changing hotels adds anything to your security...
beach6216 8 Reviews 1623 reads
1 / 17

Is there a better way than to just start calling around? I had to call 6 places last week before I found an available room.

phillyfun32 807 reads
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When I travel it's usually hit or miss to get a early check-in.  You might have better success calling hotels near airports.

beach6216 8 Reviews 653 reads
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All 6 were at the airport exit.

lessdoitagain 29 Reviews 663 reads
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Someone earlier said that you could book a hotel for the day before and then use it that morning before you check out.  This way you can use the room more than once if you like.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 669 reads
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I'm only available in the daytime, and frequently have dates at 9am or even earlier..... so I book it for the previous evening, then call and tell them that I won't actually be arriving till first thing the following morning.   Plus, I'll ask for late checkout and that they put a do-not-disturb on my room's phone line, so it sounds like I'll actually be using the room to sleep in.  ;-)

beach6216 8 Reviews 513 reads
6 / 17

The two times I've done it my date was noon to 2:00.

LSMJD 33 Reviews 541 reads
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That's pressing it. The best I've seen is a 1pm late checkout. Most have normal check outs at 11 or 12pm. Hotels hate to do this as a rule, unless you're carrying one of their elite level memberships and even then they're stingy. You always get the line we're fully booked, so need to clean and turnover too many rooms.  

However,what I've done is just hang out until housekeeping comes and ask her if she could do another few rooms before mine and I'll be out in an hour. A $10 spot will usually help with this.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 532 reads
8 / 17

Like someone else mentioned, the latest I've seen in terms of the late check-out option is 1pm. That's about the earliest I've gotten for early check-in as well. The only real foolproof option is to book the room for two nights. It's not particularly cost-effective, obviously, but in many situations it's better than finding out at the last minute that late check-out/early check-in isn't doable.

Remy-Atlanta 676 reads
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When renting a hotel room for multiple days should I keep the same room or change dail

xyz23 45 Reviews 608 reads
10 / 17

...the hotel charged me $20 for 2p.m. to 3p.m.

While the session turned out well the stuff with the check out was a pain.

smallsteps 4 Reviews 543 reads
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and put in their message box that I need to check in shortly before noon.   Then I will call them that morning around 9am to check on that happening.  I've never had a problem with checking in by 11:30, and sometimes even 10:30.  And if it doesn't happen, my date might be willing to wait a bit or I can still cancel with no penalty and check other options.  

If you use that hotel a lot, and get to know the front desk person, that makes it much easier too.  Especially if you pony up a 10 or 20 to them.   I think any decent hotel ALWAYS has at least one room available at any time

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 438 reads
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GaGambler 493 reads
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The problem is, you can't ever be assured that will happen, and you definitely can't be assured that housekeeping won't come pounding on your door and that the front desk won't call you repeatedly if you try to stay that late. Kind of a tough environment in which to have a session.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 386 reads
14 / 17

Back when my weekends and evenings were taken up with family, I had to sneak in this time period.  I could always tell the office that I had a doctor's appointment or some such after lunch and get in a date.

For whatever reason back then I never had a problem booking a half decent place for those times.  I'd just call as I was driving to them and ask if they had a room available immediately.  It was rare for a place to decline.

I suppose there's a lot more demand for hotel rooms now-a-days.  I'm glad to be beyond that stage in any case

mrfisher 108 Reviews 540 reads
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presume by "rooms", you mean hotels; there would be little upside to just getting a different room in the same hotel, after all.  In fact, it may arouse suspicion on the hotel's part.

There seems to be a divide on this point.

I've known several traveling gals whose mantra is never the same hotel two nights in a row.  They are concerned that the hotel will get wind of their trade and bust them.  But I've known other gals to land in a city and spend 4-5 nights in a row at the same hotel.  I can't say that I've ever heard of them having a problem either.  Of course how discreet they are plays a big factor in their security.

One point to consider is whether or not a certain date went badly.  In that case, I would change hotels if you feel the client is capable of returning to your room or outing you to LE, etc

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 478 reads
16 / 17

Some hotels are definitely keeping an eye out for what they deem, "suspicious activity" so whether or not it really is safer, I FEEL better if I move around often.

Just always maintain as low a profile as possible: keep to yourself, don't hang out in the lobby, don't go out to your car and back multiple times in a day, warn visitors not to knock on your door and DO NOT ASK HOUSEKEEPING FOR EXTRA TOWELS!!!

But even doing everything right, if you have more than one visitor per day and are unfortunate enough to have a nosy member of the housekeeping staff working your section, you may still be hassled/embarrassed.   Just move on (even if you'll lose money on that hotel reservation) and don't go back to that establishment.    



beach6216 8 Reviews 518 reads
17 / 17

Posted By: smallsteps
and put in their message box that I need to check in shortly before noon.   Then I will call them that morning around 9am to check on that happening.  I've never had a problem with checking in by 11:30, and sometimes even 10:30.  And if it doesn't happen, my date might be willing to wait a bit or I can still cancel with no penalty and check other options.    
 If you use that hotel a lot, and get to know the front desk person, that makes it much easier too.  Especially if you pony up a 10 or 20 to them.   I think any decent hotel ALWAYS has at least one room available at any time.  
I'll try this.  I've been able to find a room each time and check in at 9 or 10 but I just wondered if there were an easier way then sitting in a parking lot calling 6 places to find one

Thanks for all the feedback everyone.

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