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I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.
Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 517 reads

Do you mean, what should you do for planning the trip & activities?  Or how to ensure everything goes smoothly and you both get along?  :-)

I've done a few travel engagements but I no longer offer this publicly..... I'll only travel with, or to, clients with whom I have an established rapport.   :-)

If you're going to be spending multiple nights sleeping together (same room, same bed) then it's generally considered wise to do at least one overnight with that person first.   If not, then you should have a very open & frank conversation as to expectations prior to your trip.    

Keep in mind that in civvie relationships it is often said that you don't really know someone until you travel together.

Even if you think you're both on the same page, communication is still very important to be sure that really is the case.
Talk about how much time you expect for personal space, whether or not middle-of-the-night playtime is expected, what your usual routine is and how long it really takes you to get ready to leave the room, if you have dietary restrictions, and anything/everything about your daily life/routine or travel habits that will come into play!  :-)

As usual, I have an example from my own experiences to share: I'd been seeing a gentleman for weekly multi-hour visits for the better part of a year.  He was unable to do an overnight date prior to the proposed trip, but having spent so much time together both BCD and on public dates, I thought I knew what to expect.   WRONG.  
The term "up my ass" doesn't even begin to describe it: he was stunned that I expected time to myself to work-out every morning as well as some privacy for daily phone calls to my children.  Not to mention the fact that he was the type who likes to cuddle all night long, literally sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.  He thought that was normal and expected of two people sharing a bed but I cannot sleep that way.   So after a few sleepless nights I wound up on the verge of a mental breakdown, and only when I was making my flight-change arrangements to go home early did he agree to give me some space at night.  But the remainder of the trip wasn't fun, and we only saw each other a couple times afterwards.  

Oh, and a longtime friend/client recently asked me to accompany him on a trip for which I made a couple stipulations based upon our past experiences travelling together: I need my own room and he has to discuss choices of restaurants with me prior to making the reservations.  Why?  Because there were things I learned about him when travelling together that hadn't come up on overnights.  
Shockingly, he still wants to take my high-maintenance ass with him.  LOL.  

So don't be afraid to speak up!  If a client wants YOU as his travel companion, he may be far more accommodating than one might expect.  ;-)


I always want to know what do you guys do before you travel with a client. I want to know what should I do to make each other comfortable. if you have any advice, you can private message me.

Posted By: Chanel72014
 I always want to know what do you guys do before you travel with a client. I want to know what should I do to make each other comfortable. if you have any advice, you can private message me.

Do you mean, what should you do for planning the trip & activities?  Or how to ensure everything goes smoothly and you both get along?  :-)

I've done a few travel engagements but I no longer offer this publicly..... I'll only travel with, or to, clients with whom I have an established rapport.   :-)

If you're going to be spending multiple nights sleeping together (same room, same bed) then it's generally considered wise to do at least one overnight with that person first.   If not, then you should have a very open & frank conversation as to expectations prior to your trip.    

Keep in mind that in civvie relationships it is often said that you don't really know someone until you travel together.

Even if you think you're both on the same page, communication is still very important to be sure that really is the case.
Talk about how much time you expect for personal space, whether or not middle-of-the-night playtime is expected, what your usual routine is and how long it really takes you to get ready to leave the room, if you have dietary restrictions, and anything/everything about your daily life/routine or travel habits that will come into play!  :-)

As usual, I have an example from my own experiences to share: I'd been seeing a gentleman for weekly multi-hour visits for the better part of a year.  He was unable to do an overnight date prior to the proposed trip, but having spent so much time together both BCD and on public dates, I thought I knew what to expect.   WRONG.  
The term "up my ass" doesn't even begin to describe it: he was stunned that I expected time to myself to work-out every morning as well as some privacy for daily phone calls to my children.  Not to mention the fact that he was the type who likes to cuddle all night long, literally sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.  He thought that was normal and expected of two people sharing a bed but I cannot sleep that way.   So after a few sleepless nights I wound up on the verge of a mental breakdown, and only when I was making my flight-change arrangements to go home early did he agree to give me some space at night.  But the remainder of the trip wasn't fun, and we only saw each other a couple times afterwards.  

Oh, and a longtime friend/client recently asked me to accompany him on a trip for which I made a couple stipulations based upon our past experiences travelling together: I need my own room and he has to discuss choices of restaurants with me prior to making the reservations.  Why?  Because there were things I learned about him when travelling together that hadn't come up on overnights.  
Shockingly, he still wants to take my high-maintenance ass with him.  LOL.  

So don't be afraid to speak up!  If a client wants YOU as his travel companion, he may be far more accommodating than one might expect.  ;-)

I'd like to add:  Be sure that you have compatible interests in terms of spending time together.

If one of you is into museums, and the other is into late night dancing and drinking, then I think it will not work out

GaGambler409 reads

as long as they allow late night drinking and dancing of course.

Seriously though, although I am 100% a "spur of the moment" kind of guy who usually just "wings it" travelling together really is one of those things where managing expectations should be a prerequisite. I have travelled with a lot of women, both civvie and P4P and I have had some of the best times of my life along with some of the worst.

The best were with gals nearer to my age who also had interests closer to mine such as museums and sight seeing.

The worst was with a gal who decided quite unexpectedly to take off in the middle of the night "for a couple of hours", leaving me until around 8 AM the next morning while I waited not knowing if I should be filing a missing persons report on them or not.

Of course this was a youngun.

Kids these days

I loath the word Youngun, just because it generalize and not all young ladies are like that.  

Anyway, I think interest is Key but to be honest, I dont think potentials care if you like going to the museum or the night club. On one had I love art, culture and theater and on the other hand I like Clubs, Dance halls and other fun activites.  

However, I was talking about on the lines of providers preparing for the trip. What do the provider do before they click book ticket.  

Posted By: mrfisher
The best were with gals nearer to my age who also had interests closer to mine such as museums and sight seeing.  
 The worst was with a gal who decided quite unexpectedly to take off in the middle of the night "for a couple of hours", leaving me until around 8 AM the next morning while I waited not knowing if I should be filing a missing persons report on them or not.  
 Of course this was a youngun.  
 Kids these days.  

Posted By: Chanel72014

 However, I was talking about on the lines of providers preparing for the trip. What do the provider do before they click book ticket.  
What do you mean by preparing?  

I already covered the basics of trying to ascertain compatibility so if that's not what you meant then please elucidate.  :-)

Many ladies require a deposit from the gentleman for either flying to him or travelling together.  

If I were flying to visit someone, I would at least need the cost of my travel prior to booking my flights or incurring other related expenses.
Then I'd also ask for half of the agreed-upon fee for my time (as a deposit) by a certain date prior to the trip.    
Is that what you meant?  ;-)

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 3:32:46 PM

GaGambler394 reads

but on a more serious note, I am with Deb in being a bit unclear as to what you are asking.

I would imagine besides the usual things like feeding the cat and watering the plants, you should make sure someone knows where you are at all times, make sure you are on the same page about expectations, things like, how much sex? How much sleep? Are you a cuddler? a snorer? etc etc etc.

One last thing, as a guy I am dead set against deposits, EXCEPT in instances like you describe. If you are going to be the one clicking "book ticket" that means you are laying out money "just for him" you have to be guaranteed you won't be left holding the bag. I think Debbie's suggestion that you get all of your out of pocket expenses and at least part of your actual fee in advance is reasonable.

BTW, when you are old like fishbro, everyone is a youngun. Look at it this way, you will grow out of being young much sooner than you realize, but us old fuckers will be old until we die:)

(Is that PC?)

asks you if you have an AARP card.

The first time I belted them, the second time I scowled, and the third time I took out my AARP card

GaGambler354 reads

I was so fucking pissed, followed by a sensation of feeling prematurely fucking old. Unfortunately the postman had already left so there was no one to belt, but I did do a lot of scowling if my memory serves me right, not something to be taken for granted after a certain age. lol

From my experience travel dates  do care a great deal what your interests are. They are likely investing a considerable amount of money and time in having a great experience and usually have precise expectations for the type of trip and/or itinerary they are planning. They want companion who truly shares the same interests (or is really good at faking it, which I am not). For instance if someone wants a date to Vegas for late night escapades and hours of gambling I am not your gal, and would never sell myself as such to a prospective date. If you are checking your phone at the opera because you are bored, that is probably not going to get you a subsequent invite.  

Like others have said, You are not being very precise in your questioning. For me, what I might do before clicking 'buy ticket' is different if it is a new client or a trusted regular.  

Screening for me is key. I absolutely will not travel with someone who I do have their full legal name, and an easy way to verify who they are. If this is someone new, I will require meeting in a public place once I arrive, and for them to find a way to discretely show me their ID. I will not travel to stay at a private residence, until I have built a lot of trust previously (this is true for local arrangements also).  

Communication, communication, communication. Also as others have stated, make sure that you are on the same page about all expectations, from activities, to sleeping time, to any private time you might require.  The importance of this can not be underestimated.  

If it is someone new, I will also require a deposit for out of pocket expenses plus 25% non-refundable (if ample notice of plan changes are given, this part of the deposit is transferable to a later date). For someone who I trust, I might only ask that they either arrange my travel for me, or give me a deposit to cover my travel expenses. The rest can be taken care of later.  

If you travel more than a couple of times a year I also suggest getting TSA PreCheck. This will save you some headaches on travel days. If you travel internationally regularly I also suggest Global Entry, again this just saves you some travel time and headaches.  

Don't forget travel insurance. I have used mine quite often and have been happy to have it. Also for international travel, don't forget travel health insurance. I have never used it, but would never travel without it.  

If you are looking for different information, please be more specific in your questions. In the future, you may also want to refrain from chastising a respected member of the community here for a benign remark that was not even directed at you. It comes off as petty and immature.

VOO-doo394 reads

That you want to know how to feel safe and secure w/a new (or newish) client for that duration.

First, make sure you've screened him. I'd have at MINIMUM a verified full name (and preferably references, too). If you don't know his name, what will you do if you get locked out of the hotel room while he's at work? Or get into trouble elsewhere? "Gee, I'm staying with a guy in room 502 at the Ritz. He says his name is John Smith but I think it might be David Johnson. Or maybe Chris Martin. He wears glasses."

Get a deposit upfront, so that your travel expenses and some minimum amount of time is covered. Don't front the $$ and hope for the best. If he's a nice guy, he won't expect you to do that. So, for instance, if you have to book round trip airfare to see him... tell him that you expect a deposit for the amount of air fare + cab to hotel + accommodations for one night + some percentage of your fee for one night. That way, if things don't work out, you won't be left stranded and scrambling. And you won't be frustrated at having turned down other dates for that night.

If he doesn't understand why all of that is necessary, I personally wouldn't see him.

As others have said, make sure you're on the same page as to what types of activities will take place during your time together. Will he be at work the entire time, or will he be, as Deb said, up your ass all day/night? If you need your own space (or "at least six hours uninterrupted sleep" as many girls phrase it on their websites) during sleepy time, make that clear to him in advance.  

Hope this helps

..mrfisher says he never leaves home without them

though traveling with a new GF was an eye opener.  

I would get clear how much play time is avalable.  Some people need uninterrupted sleep.  Does anyone have sleep issues?  Sometimes separate beds or even separate rooms or suite might be necessary.  NOTHNG wrong with a romp, retire to a separate bed or even room...  then a morning play after a full night's rest.  

I am a restless sleeper & would not want to disturb my companion.  You can hug & kiss & then get back on your own pillow!    

YES, private time for phone calls, bathing, bathroom, bathing, skin care, makeup?  Both parties should have the right to some privacy.  It might not be all at once...   SHE might make calls while HE showers.  There should not be hard feelings over these necessities.

Time for exercise, yoga, swim pool, gym if available?

Middle of the night play?  Every night?  Occasonally?  If play time will extend late into the night..  how much sleep is required... by each? Agree up front.  If late nights...  quiet time to read a book or even nap?
Morning wake up?  Well, after a bathroom run, LOL!  Seriously, some don't want to play without a shower.  Or coffee or breakfast?  Communicate!  



-- Modified on 5/31/2016 8:13:17 PM

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