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If you're in college--- get fucked for free by co-eds !!! >>>>confused_smile
A_John_Named_John 1041 reads

You shouldn't have to hobby, or WANT to hobby at 19. Most guys hobby because they're stuck in bad, or sexless marriages. Get fucked on campus, and stop the insanity. I fucked a few girls a week in college for free. I suggest you do the same. Unless you're a leper, forget the "hobby" until you get trapped by a wife that won't suck a cock.

gregnorman12908 reads

I am 19 and a student in college.

I am trying to find a woman with a lot of good reviews to help ensure it is not a sting. I am looking in the ATL area.

I've tried filling out the forms with my real name, etc... but I don't get replies I guess b/c I can't fill out "company name" and "company phone" etc.. b/c I am a student.


yeah, your age isn't helping... and the fact that you don't have a work reference. your best bet is seeing an agency, since they're a bit more lenient.

Hey, I totally understand your feeling, because I'm around your age, (well about couple of year diff), and almost in the same situation.

But keep on trying - become a VIP, and do a review research. Doing your homework is really worth it.

It might be your age.  Some ladies will only see older men because traditionally, older= more mature.  Why don't you send the lady of your choice a polite email explaining that you're a college student and don't have time to work a regular job?  Tell her about yourself, use spellcheck, and offer to give her whatever other assurances she needs to feel comfortable with you.

Once a lady agrees to meet you, please make sure to have read the following post!

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