Newbie - FAQ

How do I ....
LaurenFairfield See my TER Reviews 9117 reads

Link my reviews to my TER posts? I couldn't find the answer listed anywhere so hopefully someone will know.


are three lines where you can cut and paste a website link, the "name" you wish to give that link (e.g. paste your website on the first line, and "Do Me" on the second line, and people will go to your site when they click on Do Me).
 And the third line is for a link to a pic, if all you wann'a do is drop your beautiful self in there...
 Now if I'm wrong about any of this, I'm sure I'll get set straight soon enough....

That's what I meant and sent an email as you suggested. See it shows now. Woohoo!!! Although it should say "[See my TER review]" not "reviews" as I only have one. lol

Which browser are you using to view the internet?

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