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I think you handled it well....
Timbow 4752 reads
1 / 6

I would  apreciate an opinion from the veterans on the forum.

I sent a email saying time and that an owner of an agency I had been doing business with for years would be a reference.
She emailed back that would be good time and to  
call before noon to confirm .

Well I did and no answer. Left message and just called one more time.
Later sent a nice email wondering if she would give me courtesy why the appt was not held.

Got to thinking and called madam I had known for years and found out she does not give references anymore and had bad attitude. I am thinking no wonder the girl was not receptive.

I call her back ,leave message and explain the deal that  the madam no longer gives reviews and that I saw a girl I know she has heard of and tell her I need to get permission of an another one and did not mean to waste her time and understood why she was wary.
Bottom line check references  frequently . I doubt she thought I was a cop do you ?
I guess I can wait a while and try to email her back with the good reference I have not gotten permission of yet.
This independent game is  an different  animal then agency !

So do y'all think I am screwd ? Did I handle this right to clear it up ? If you were a provider would you look at me again if I show proof of that provder and she is a A rate ?
I should get her permission but have not had chance.
The girl this happened with is a hottie that has good reviews on TER . Man I messed up .
Thanks for your thoughts .

tokai 1302 reads
2 / 6

Ladies are use to other ladies being flaky about references. If you give a reference that doesn't respond, usually the lady will ask for others. Why the lady you are trying to see isn't responding, I have no idea.

I personally prefer the verification services. RS2K, Date-check, P411. Lots of ladies in my area accept one of them.

FYI: For some reason, an Agency as a referral does not hold as much weight with the independent ladies.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1685 reads
3 / 6

A lot of independent ladies don't accept agencies as a reference. This is simply because most agencies don't screen as well as indie's do...if at all.

It's always best to get permission before using a lady or an agency as a reference.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1305 reads
4 / 6

with the agency owner about giving you a reference.  When the provider did not get said reference she took you for a flake and decided not to waste anymore time with you.

There's no long term harm done however, but you illustrate a good point that no client should ever take references for granted.

Wait a while and contact her again, this time with a rock solid reference, just as you've indicated.

Sinful1 See my TER Reviews 1796 reads
5 / 6

Also keep in mind that independents also have time limits on giving references.  Some have 6 months and others 1 year.  They do this for a reason.

Unfortunately, there are gents who start out as "great clients" and who consistently show up on time, with the correct donation and are gentlemen.  Somewhere along the line, possibly a few years, they quit being good clients for whatever reason.  These gents cannot get a reference from one of the providers they have recently seen for obvious reasons.  So they will give a reference of a lady that they saw when they were behaving well.

As providers, we have (unfortunately) seen this over and over again.  So, many of us have put limits on how long we will provide references for.  Its always wise to check with any provider, independent or agency, to verify that they are comfortable giving a reference for you.  If they are not, they will let you know and suggest a more current reference.

Have fun, be safe, and enjoy your erotic adventures!

SINfully sinthia
Seen Now in the March 2008 Issue of Gent

Timbow 1379 reads
6 / 6

Thanks for all your responses.

Update she did email me back saying time did not work out and she needs to have a trust built up before she usually takes new clients.
I  emailed  back   writing   it says  a lot about her character geting back in touch with me and trust goes both ways and that maybe we can work some thing out in the future.

I will contact her again after I get a OK from my good source and try to establish  a meeting.

In a way the anticipation and chase is kind of fun but it can be aggravating as hell too !4

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