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I don't mind rareescort site
geckoshark 1 Reviews 1218 reads

Speak for yourself.  I don't mind the rareescort site.  All the information is there and is consistently organized.  Professionally-designed sites are all well and good, but certainly aren't necessary.

I found a bug today.  Nothing too serious!!!  Not security threatening, just a threat to revenue!

If you use the "Contact" page for bookings, and if you have the "Booking Date" as an option, when a client selects a date from the calender icon (labeled "Select Date"), one year is added to the date.  If 05 Aug 2008 is entered, 05 Aug 2009 is populated in the date fields.

Gals, you want may want to choose the "All" from the predefined view options, and subtract a year from requests 12+ months out.

Guys, be sure that the correct year is entered in your requests.

I'm sure I'm not the first to notice this, and it has been reported, but I'm just trying to help,


anon76588491346 reads

It's being free/cheap is its ONLY redeeming feature. It's the Kmart of sites. Ladies, you can do better!

I know of several successful gals who use the template!!!

Yes, the rare escort template does set some people off, it can be used effectively!!!

I'm a rare escort lady and I have been happy with it. It's free and easy to set up. I'm a little lame when it comes to the mechanics of setting up a website and this was a breeze.

Kisses Haley

I hate websites that take too long to load, require some plugin (that I never have), or hide the necessary info.  I like the rare template because it is none of those things.  I wish there was more personalizations, but I think I've done a good job with what's available.

You have put everything on your site that I need to know, including what your personality will be like. What more do I need?------Nothing.

There is a place for all the information that you need. There are some ladies who just put the bare minimum into it, but most are pretty complete. I don't need music and flowers and special intros to find out what I need to know. If there is an "about me" page, pictures, rates, and maybe an "FAQ" page, that's all I need. The rest, I can find out right here.

...and what do you base your statistics on?

Do you have any facts to backup your claim?

I actually happen to prefer it, since I know where to find the pictures, and price.  

I actually dislike "flashy" websites where you need to endure pages and pager of clicks to find that the woman has not even put her rates or anything else useful on the site.   Or the sites where you cannot use them from mobile devices.  Remember, a lot of people use iPhones, or Windows Mobile devices which have very limited browsers.   The rare-escort sites work well on those devices.

Those who take the liberty and feel as if they can speak for all or 'most' of us.. LOL

The gal can post tons of pics, A rate page, and contact info.

What the hell else is necessary?

I would much rather look at a simple site than one full of useless graphics and loud music.

There is nuttin' wrong with the Rare template.  It tells me everything I need to know.


Top providers almost never use it. Some people like McDonalds too, but I'm NOT one of them. I agree btw that music is another no no.  I stand by my statement above. I don't know anyone that likes the cheesy rare escorts site. Sorry, but I abhor that site.

Speak for yourself.  I don't mind the rareescort site.  All the information is there and is consistently organized.  Professionally-designed sites are all well and good, but certainly aren't necessary.

Then how about YOU pay for us to have a website built....???

Its free.  It gets the point across.  It tells you what you need to know.  

I dont need all the fancy schmancy hooplah with streaming videos, flashing colors etc....

When looking at a providers site, if the "Info.  Bio.  Pics.  Rates.  Links to reviews.  Contact info." is there....then whats the big deal???  

When and if my business drops from using "rare"...then Ill take the necessary actions and do something...but I dont see that happening any time soon.

If you base your not seeing someone because they use a "free" may need to find a new hobby.  Or fork over some $$ and pay for a web designer...and Ive seen some really bad "paid" sites!

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