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Hobby phone
invariance 33 Reviews 2765 reads

I read recommendations that we obtain "hobby phones," prepaid cell phones for which we pay cash and register using a fictitious name and address.  But providers rely on caller ID, and those who do not screen extensively rely almost completely on caller ID for protection.  If hobby phones become widespread, I would expect more providers to require more time-consuming screening, which would be a nuisance.  Responses?

Bootzie582308 reads

I have one and once I give the lady my phone no in an email, she has it.  It has worked very well for me and I don't have to worry about numbers that my SO may see.  I use a paypal account to pay for the usage.  Everything is done online.  Its really very easy to do

followme821 reads

You can get a pre-paid cell phone at a number of, best buy, radio shack, the mart brothers (k and wal) .......and many others

Thank you
2009 = 27

They still get the number, just not the name.  And since most providers are using cell phones they will likely not see the name of the caller, just the number (I'm not aware of any cell plans that pass both name and number along, though they will add the name if the number is in your address book).

A hobby phone saves you a number of hassles. It also stops ladies from receiving phone calls from suspicious wives if they start checking call records.

I know that I am in the minority on this one, but I don't like the idea of a hobby phone.  My concern is that my wife will find the phone and wonder what it is.   By using my regular phone, I arouse no suspicions.   True, I should be more careful about the texts in my phone.   But she has no idea who the calls come from, and my phone directory has male substitutes for the names of female friends (e.g. Sherman for Sharon)

This brings up another question. Do you guys keep the lady's number in your phones after your dates (like the proverbial little black book)? Or do you delete them if you aren't sure you'll be seeing them again? Having an extra phone filled with women's names and numbers would seem to be risky both from an SO and LE perspective.

I delete all provider numbers as soon as I'm done. I can always look them up again, and the best are committed to memory.  I also delete all Restricted call IDs so as to not raise suspicion. I do not have a "hobby phone." I don't want her to find a spare cell phone.

I'm with you on this K.   I am single now but even when I was married I did not have a hobby phone. I just found it easier to be careful with my phone and my number rather than give my self the false sense of security in thinking that second phone, if found, would not arouse suspicion from my wife.

There are already quite a few ladies and agencies who won't deal with guys using hobby phones.

-- Modified on 2/10/2009 5:23:57 PM

how would they know if it is "hobby" phone??

"Why would you have a second phone?"  
"Why is it in the glove box of your truck?"  
"Where is the bill?"
"Why is it a prepaid phone?"
"Why is there a box of condoms and a tube of KY in  the same bag that I found the phone in?"

Questions dude, women always ask questions...

shudaknownbetter1157 reads

To get a hobby phone or not is a personal decision.  
If you use your normal phone, then ladies can accidentally call you back at inconvenient times.  And you have to be sure records never fall into SO's hands.  An atty could get access to the records at a later date.
If you have a hobby phone, it is only turned on when you are expecting & can recieve a call.  You would have to keep it hidden but I have other items that I do that with already.
I use a tracfone.  Bought at WM for cash.  Buy refills for cash, enter through the phone then ditch the plastic.  

You should also have a secure (private) e-mail account.

I have once provided a landline number for verification, without any calls to it.  I presume a reverse directory was used.  Hobby phones are standard of the sport, so providers must have found other verification means.

Being single with no SO, I have only one phone.  One thing I do with ladies who only use first names, is give them a last name, like their city.  In the hands of LE, a first and last name entry would raise less suspicion than just a first name, I think.


I didn't have one until recently, and was deftly afraid my call records would be found out - or the girl/agencies I have used would be busted and their phone records subpeonaed and I'd end up outed like David Vitter.  I changed my cell phone carrier and just had the number changed "because of the telemarketing calls I was getting" was my excuse.  I then went out, spent $40 bucks cash and got a hobby phone.  Yes, I'm still in the danger zone for a couple of years, but that likelihood drops more and more each month.

A couple of thoughts...

1.  Yes, you need to keep it hidden.  Mine is in my office drawer.  But, you have to keep your hobby cash hidden as well.  And, if you can't hide a cell phone, how can you hide a secret?

2.  I don't know if verification is a problem now, but with references and a consistent hobby email address, it shouldn't be a problem.  If it is, I'm at the point now where I'll just recognize a bridge too far and won't see that lady.  There aren't too many women I've seen who are worth increasing the chances of getting busted/divorced over.  If you develop a relationship with an agency or a couple of girls, using the hobby phone won't be a problem.


'Cause it is. I'd rather not pay extra on my regular cell bill for hobby calls/texts, and it's too tricky and looks shady to try and deduct my personal phone expenses.

Hobby phones are a godsend for some clients, unnecessary for others.

(Who on earth are you seeing who only screens you by your phone number?? Yikes! Cops and psychos alike can have cell phones too. Screen, ladies, screen! Your life and freedom depend upon it!)

Can you also prepay for test messaging and how does that work?

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