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I agree with Jenny and do tip indies...
sleepydasher 1489 reads

An unpopular opinion as I got blasted by nasty pm's the last time I posted it, but Indies pay their outcall cost instead of using an agency outcall, and spend hours and hours in the screening/verification that could be spent income earning that agency gals don't have to do.

And..... I appreciate my ladies whether indie or agency!

sdm622315 reads

i am a newbie and have made my first appointment if she is a good gfe provider how much should i tip her?

is what you should tip.

Many if not most providers state catagorically that tipping is unnecessesary.  More than a few clients feel the same.

I do tip, about 20% or so, when I'm very happy with the session, but it's totally up to you.

There have been some long threads regarding this topic should you care to research the archives.

As MrFisher said this topic has been hashed into mush...

But it's dependenat on the parties involved, the amount, etc. A professional call girl isn't going to ask for or expect a tip.  A $100 pop off CL likely will.

I always appreciate when a gent shows me he really enjoyed our time by giving me a little more than my rate.  When it happens before a date, sure I think there's a little more incentive to want to be doubly sure his time is great.  But when it comes after it's great knowing that you really did make someones "fantasy" come true.

Personally I really like what I do, so I think it shows when I date someone and in turn they enjoy my surprise at a nice gift.

TS Jamie  :-)

It is not a popular one I am sure, but I don't tip Indys and will sometimes tip agency ladies.

In my opinion the Indy ladies are not being employed by anyone and are not sharing any of what I just gave them for a donation.

If I really like someone, I will show them my appreciation by going to see them again.

I would have to respectfully disagree. an agency girl doesnt have the same business/overhead costs as an indie. we sure do share our donations, we just don't give it to agency who handles our business expenses.

its a misnomer to think that agency girls get paid less.. i think it all evens out in the end but ALL providers appreciate tips. Tipping is a personal preference and if you want to tip a provider you should tip because you get great service not because someone else pays her advertising, travel expenses and answers her phone.

i know i ALWAYS appreciate tips but less and less gents are doing it these days so when i noticed the trend i raised my rates so that i didnt have to DEPEND on them. so now i dont depend on them but i do always remember the gesture especially if the gent schedules another appointment :)


sleepydasher1490 reads

An unpopular opinion as I got blasted by nasty pm's the last time I posted it, but Indies pay their outcall cost instead of using an agency outcall, and spend hours and hours in the screening/verification that could be spent income earning that agency gals don't have to do.

And..... I appreciate my ladies whether indie or agency!

I've only had one provider ask for a tip. I was a bit surprised. I gave her another $20. How do you say no to someone who just got you off?
Is there any etiquette to tipping? just pulling out your wallet seems a bit crass considering the whole envelope standing donation method.

In response to your question- Some gals don't like to handle money directly, but then again once the session is completed there is very little risk you are a cop.. still, it can be seen as somewhat crass to count or handle money. My advice would be to decide the amount you want to tip if the session exceeds expectation. Have that set aside in a separate envelope if possible, or in a separate pocket. Then after the session, you can discreetly set the tip in the bathroom, or on the bedside table, so she sees you setting it down (or not- doesn't really matter- but do be discreet either way)

Also, I agree that agency gals and indy gals both have different expenses. I cover my cell phone, my advertising costs, my gas for outcall, my hotel for incall, my photos, and spend hours upon hours on emails, booking, and screening. I make this choice, but it involved significant costs, both financially and time-wise. The reason agency gals give a part for their money to the agency is to cover these things- phone service, drivers, incall location, photos, ads, time invested, etc. I really don't think that agency gals make less overall or are exploited (in general).. it's just a matter of preference and personality. Some gals would rather spend all their time with clients and not have to deal with the other aspects of running a business. Personally, I prefer to see one or two gents in a day, and be responsible for my own screening and scheduling, so that I can do things in a way that feels right to me, and get a feel for my clients before meeting face to face. It's just a different approach, but IMHO has nothing to do with tipping. In fact, in the past I have nodded in agreement with such logic about tipping agency gals, but after giving it a lot of thought, I don't think it holds water.


-- Modified on 11/15/2007 4:05:02 AM

Upsell likely to be coming your way. :( Also, if you are planning to tip and are not comfortable taking out your wallet in front of her, just excuse yourself into the bathroom for a few seconds.  Then, hand to her as you say your good-byes...

My policy is to not tip independents and to rarely tip agency ladies.  Tipping a lady for merely being "good" sends the wrong message.  She's SUPPOSED to be good, that's why she's being paid.  If she feels her base compensation is not enough, she should raise her rates.

That said, there are times where I MIGHT tip:

a) Service above & beyond the call.  If I wake her up, tell her to wear my favorite outfit, get her to arrive immediately, and she's still good, that's probably worth something extra.

b) Extra services beyond the standard for the SP.  This gets into fees-for-services and is legally tricky.

c) If I want to be remembered.  I generally DO NOT want to be remembered, so I don't do the things that make me conspicuous.

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