Newbie - FAQ

How much the share is never really known
doubleurpleasure 2 Reviews 1148 reads
1 / 8

Okay, guys, please no flaming for asking a semi-newbie question. And if this has been addressed repeatedly in the past, I apologize. Do ladies ever share the information they got from a reference you provided? Is it improper to ask if there's anything they feel comfortable sharing? Thank you.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 383 reads
2 / 8

Beyond whether the person is safe or not safe.  Keep in mind that some ladies know of each other and they may share a bit more info.  

I've personally never asked one lady what another one has stated.  Not my place and truthfully not interested in knowing.  

lopaw 29 Reviews 396 reads
3 / 8

...of info. I have gotten to know several ladies on a personal level and they have mentioned that if the ladies know each other, all kinds of info can be shared.

Like HappyCamper mentioned, unless they offer to tell you whst they share, you just will never know for sure what has been shared beyond the basic safety issue.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 391 reads
4 / 8

guys do it as well as girls.  How else will people find out about others in the hobby?  Basic rule, don't give out info you don't want someone else to have besides the person you are giving it to.


TheMiaWestbrook See my TER Reviews 368 reads
5 / 8

When I respond to a reference request at minimum I let her know whether he is safe, whether he is someone I would recommend and see again. . Sometimes I may share information such as if he has something special that he likes (example: he loves feet and ha a foot fetish, nothing crazy though")  

On the other hand, if the client did something that was bad, I tell her. (for example: the first session went fine, and on the second session I didn't look into the envelope because I'd seen him before and trusted him a little bit. Won't make that mistake again. Because he shorted me."

I don't go into intimate details of a session during a reference request, as I feel that what happens during our session is personal to me.  

So yeah I think I answered what you were asking

-- Modified on 1/18/2017 12:24:22 AM

tantraerica See my TER Reviews 328 reads
6 / 8

We are pretty straight forward. We don't all sit around in a sewing circle and discuss the intimate details of our time together. "  Aint nobody got time for that"
I verify that the person asking is actually a provider first and foremost to protect my client. Then the next area of concern is the safety of the provider. Most of my responses are two simple lines to the standard questions: Is he safe? Would you see him again? Thats pretty much it.

ash1102 See my TER Reviews 98 reads
7 / 8

Not at all improper but depends on who you ask some girlsdish and some dont even text back

ANiceGuyToHookUp 114 Reviews 194 reads
8 / 8

What percentage of the time do you get a negative reference?  

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