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Hindsight is always 20/20
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 1570 reads

Are you posting this because she was bigger than in her pictures or because you didn't have a good time?

If it's not the girl in the pictures I would walk without giving her a dime but in any other case you have an obligation to the lady. Yes it's a drag if the lady doesn't look EXACTLY like the photos but if you booked based on her reviews it shouldn't deter you from going in with an open mind and seeing what happens. If it's not great just chalk it up to experience, write an honest review and move on.

Timbow2265 reads

Have you ever shown up and the girl opens door and you know this ain't what you expected ?
If you did the driving is it ok to be straight and just tell her and give her 25 bucks and leave without remorse.
I did not but if I had it to do over again I damn well might next time.

It depends on why you feel its not what you expected. If, as often happens, she isn't the girl in the pictures, feel free to walk. She obviously lied to you by using pics that aren't her or are extremely outdated, so you have no obligation.

If it is for other reasons though, and you hand her $25 beofre leaving, expect to have your name and screening information submitted on private provider boards and/or a blacklist.

Timbow1229 reads

No the pics were same but pics did not show she was a lot bigger then I thought. I was in a good mood and she had good attitude but if I had it to do over after her performance like my gut told me I would have been nice and given her 25  and split .

UncleJazz2525 reads

Either you didn't do enough research, or have WAY too specific expectations.

No one says that you are obligated to go through with every encounter you schedule.  Likewise, we hall have either knocked on, or answered a door, only to see a lady that doesn't match the given description, or our expectations.

But $25?!?  I know gals that spend more on "product" than that simply preparing for a visit.

Remember, you are not paying for sex, you are paying for her time (OK, realistically, you're paying for time to have sex with her).  When you schedule an appointment, you have done 2 things:

1) You've made her unavailable during the time you've scheduled, and some a good deal of time both before and after.

2) You've put the lady in pre-session mode - grooming, setting the atmosphere, maybe even arranging the incall location.

So you knock on the door, and see a lady that you don't desire and decide to opt out.  And you expect that to hand over $25 will make everything OK?!?

Sorry dude, if this out if this is how you intend to operate, I expect that you will appear on a number of "do not see" lists, as has been suggested.

There is no set rule about what amount or percentage should be offered in this situation, but $25 would certainly be viewed as an insult!!!

Of course your best option is to work with her!  OK, her appearance doesn't match you expectation. but I assume that you did your research, and looked at performance.  Give her a chance to meet your expectations in that category.  This has happened to most of us, and in my experience, you will be pleased with the results!


-- Modified on 1/12/2008 4:13:35 PM

I have only had two different gentlemen show up and decide they didn't want to stay.  I was not offered any compensation and didn't ask for any.  Honestly I was happy they didn't stick around.  I always ask if they've looked at my website, so that way they know what to expect.

Uncle J,
I have to disagree with you on so many levels.  But before I do that I will agree with you that the Newb probably didn't do enough due diligence.  If the lady has enough reviews chances are someone had to mention she's much larger than her pics indicate.
But I'm damn sick & tired of providers who stretch their credibility beyond a certain point by lying about their age & appearance plus posting pics that are 15 yrs old and 35 lbs ago.  That to me is the moral equivalent of us deciding to pay #225 for a $300 session.  No lady should be in 'pre-session' mode if we're ringing their bell on time.  Be professional, be prepared.
I do agree that giving a provider $25 is an insult... an insult to the hobbyist.  If I go to a restaurant that advertises lobster for $75/plate and I show up just to get a plate of fish sticks, I'm not going to pay a single dime.  I'm going to walk.  
And I would make it clear to the provider in a polite way that why I wasn't staying for the session and how I feel that it is bad business practices to mis-represent what she has to offer.   It's akin to the tourist trap that knows no one will ever come back again anyway, so screw the customer.
In closing, Uncle J, let's not turn our Newbies into pussies.  We're the customer, we should get what's being advertised and we should be able to walk when we get bamboozled.  Just like in the rest of the consumer world.

the rest of the consumer world does not rely on references to get service from someone else. If you walk out on a restaurant meal, you won't get blacklisted to the point that you can't make a reservation at some other restaurant.

If there is a b&s, then walk - no payment necessary. Someone who engages in b&s wouldn't be useful for reference anyway. But just because a provider put on a few pounds.....if she's well reviewed, then she is worthwhile anyway. And even if you simply can't get past the weight issue, consider it an investment to stay off a blacklist.

GaGambler1615 reads

Paying strictly to stay off ablacklist,is nothing short of giving into extortion.

There is a huge difference between "a few pounds" and outdated and intentionally misleading pics. Nowhere on his post does he mention "well reviewed" Somehow I doubt that a provider using misleading pics would stay "well reiviewed"

I am of the opinion that if I felt the weight issue crossed over the line of "misleading" I wouldn't give $0.25 much less $25.00. If that gets me on a DNS of B&S providers, then so be it

you have entered into a verbal agreement and now want to back out. Going through with it in order to avoid being labeled as untrustworthy and getting blacklisted is no more extortion than a provider not backing out on you to avoid a bad review.

I can see both sides of this issue.  On the one hand, yes, there is a 'verbal contract' for fee for time.  But, the contract would be void if the woman was not who she represented herself to be.  This is the gray area.

Obviously, different person entirely from photos and/or description, then contract voided.

Provider is maybe 10 lbs heavier and 5 years older than advertised ... contract still valid.

Provider is 20 lbs heavier and 10 years older ...
now how does that rate?  Is the original offer still being fulfilled??

I do agree with GG, the desire to avoid a black listing could be extorted if the circumstances are well beyond the hobbyist's original expectations.  The reverse in your example is not really true.  There is no chance for the hobbyist to write a review for a provider backing out.

Services delivered are a whole other ball game.  Since, unless the provider actually listed services on her web site, you only have fictional accounts on which to base your expectations.

We need a Hobby Court.  Anyone volunteer to be judge?  ;)

Are you posting this because she was bigger than in her pictures or because you didn't have a good time?

If it's not the girl in the pictures I would walk without giving her a dime but in any other case you have an obligation to the lady. Yes it's a drag if the lady doesn't look EXACTLY like the photos but if you booked based on her reviews it shouldn't deter you from going in with an open mind and seeing what happens. If it's not great just chalk it up to experience, write an honest review and move on.

Timbow2042 reads

Oh I did the right thing .As I said above I was a complete gentleman and paid.
I have had other dates  and compared to her high reviews she was very overated IMO .
You are right hindsight is 20/20. Driving home I thought $250 for that lame session when it could have been used for a hot chick :)
I will not be put in that situation again and I have turned away girls when they came for outcall without any money especially when one was an hour late.
She was furious ,too bad .As far as being BL there are always going to be girls to call .

IMO - IF you are ever uncomfortable when you get there LEAVE.. NO time NO $$$ that is simple..
Same would apply if the tables were turned and SHE was the one who did not like you when you showed up.. She might close the door right in a face without even a good bye...

You cannot fault anyone who may be uncomfortable in not proceeding and leaving..
It would be a waste on money on the hobbyist part like below better used elsewhere..

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