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her stage name - eom
anabangbang 1894 reads


Ok...So I have only been into hobbying for a few weeks now and as I posted earlier, I am flying my ATF in for a few days of FUN!  In the process of setting up the flight, I learned her "real" name.

My question is this....should I simply pretend I don't know her given name and only call her by her stage name or do I ask which she prefers.  I just want her to be as comfortable as possible.  I think a lot of her and don't want to do anything that would make our time together anything less than incredible!

Ahhhh...what an AWESOME hobby....

i agree ask her.
But I know when I have traveled with a few of my gents I still prefer the name you know, Nicole. I think it keeps the lines drawn to a degree. I am the same person but its different and my other name that my SO and friends and family  call me is not meant for this biz.
 Going on a trip with your ATF may be difficult to define the lines if the chemistry is really great. By keeping with her "stage" name it keeps it defined better. Thats what I think anyway. She may feel differently but if she doesnt don't take offense.

GaGambler1177 reads

It is of course her call,normally speaking it is better to continue to use her "stage" name, but under the circumstances of the two of you traveling together it is probably more pratical to use her real name. It causes less confusion when checking into hotels,getting duplicate room keys, etc.

Of course it is, and should be the ladies choice. Personally I don't mind a little blurring of the lines especially on a multi day trip, but I am single and "dating" a provider for real does enter the realms of possibilty so there is not an abolute neccessity to draw the lines if there is a real connection.

I hope your trip is all you hope it will be.

shudaknownbetter1487 reads

I would expect to use her "stage" name.  You could ask how she'd like to be called...  "Nicole", or "Nic"?  If she wants you to use her given name, she'd speak up.    
If I was a lady & you suggested using my civie name I'd immediately be on edge, fearing that you were already crossing the line...  and potentially spoiling the fantasy date you've gone to so much trouble to set up.  
It is good of you to ask & think it through in advance, rather than stumble at a critcal moment.

but did you put the comma in the right place? :-)

tokai1024 reads

If you stick with her stage name, it will avoid problems in the future. There are a few times I will use her real name. If I'm calling her, I might say "Hi [real name], this is [name] from [location]". It helps her to remember who I am.

Other than that, use her stage name. You don't want her real name to come out accidentally when you are communicating with someone else.

is because you are not really someone that is in her life that she leads under her real name. Some ladies compartmentalize this and to use her real name might throw her off her game, annoy or disturb her, etc... See what I mean? Plus, some people get to be insane stalkers with the real name stuff.


Probably best to forget he ever knew her real name.

I compartmentalize thats why I had no guilt with my SO. That was my life as "ME" and this is my life as Nicole, it's a business. I am myself really in both places but they do not cross over into relationships. So still I say NO! I would rather it not work that way.

-- Modified on 4/17/2008 8:40:08 PM

after one review you already have an ATF.  Isn't this a "candy store" reaction to a good time?

I will admit, I only have one, maybe two reviews (elsewhere).  And I know I have only been doing this for a few weeks.  In that short time I have seen 5 providers but this young lady I have seen twice and yes, she was my favorite of the five, which is why I am flying her in for a few days.

I only know her name because I needed it to buy her a ticket.

I have a good friend that has been "hobbying" for years.  His advice was that if I found someone that I really clicked with and had the ability to spend a lot of time with her then that can be better than sampling.  

Yeah...I guess this is kind of a "candy store" experience...but man, that candy tastes GOOD!!!!!

As long as the candy "tastes good" then, by all means, enjoy.  I don't try every flavor of ice cream either but stick to a certain few flavors I enjoy.

I was merely trying to point out that it appeared you had minimal experience is the sampling dept.  If you are happy, then go for it.  There have been certain ladies I have see 3 or more times in a year (what I would call frequent) but my work schedule tends to limit my hobbying somewhat.

that doesn't always mean he has played only once in this playground. There are plenty of Gents I see who are not Ter members, or are Ter members but they don't review. He could have been doing this for a long time before he found ter or wrote his first review. Who knows but if this is his close to first encounter...he is quite smitten as you had said. At least it is a case of using Ter and getting what you wanted without hastles because he did his research. Either way its all good as long as he isn't illuding himself and everybodys happy.

-- Modified on 4/17/2008 8:01:08 PM

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