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Heck, my handle is my real name! LOL!
inicky46 61 Reviews 875 reads

No, but it's based on something from my childhood.  When I picked it I had no idea of the kinds of things that went on on the boards here but I kept it anyway.  In order to protect myself from an obvious parody, I also reserved the alias "Inooky46," and would use it on occasion, though I'd always out myself because I didn't care.

Just wanted to explore the topic of handles. I have found myself kinda frightened by some people's handles. I think, Yikes!! Like people whose handles refer to large peni, or conote bizarre fetishes.

Do any other new providers feel this way?

And for the gents, how did you choose your handle? Did you choose them with the other men here in mind (like locker-room or street-cred) or with the providers in mind?

From a rainy day in Florida. :)

This topic has been discussed numerous times here.  Mine's simple, I have been a cometitive swimmer all my life, and a Star Trek fan as well, hence swim + trek + r to make it seem more like a name than a thing.


I recall a couple threads recently where a newbie would come on asking questions, and some of the answers were, "The first thing you should do is change your handle!"

No doubt that some could be considered scary for some providers. I'm sure the guys pick them in humor, but some thought should go into it. If you have things like 'psycho' in your handle, not sure too many gals would find that amusing.

As to how they are chosen, there have been some interesting threads on that topic too on some of the regional boards, and the 'over 60' board. Reasons for choosing them were as varied as the handles themselves. As for my own, no thoughts were given to other men, or to providers. It has some meaning to me personally, and it is something that popped into my head when I was applying for membership. (and it has very little to do with the book or movie)

Interesting. I like your handle, and hadn't even thought about the movie/book until you mentioned it. I think "perfect storm" is an excellent descriptive for certain paradigm-shifting moments in our lives.

Hopefully the ladies will also explain the origin of their "stage" name.  I generally on the third date, ask the lady why she choose her escort name.  Yeah guys, most of their names are not on their birth certificates!

As for my handle, I was called "Redbeard" when much younger and the "Chief" refers to my naval background.

I chose Sarah because it sounds sweet and I am sweet. :) Softly because I am also soft, my hair is soft, I am soft-hearted, and I love to touch softly.

think of something that went with Sarah that wasn't taken or didn't sound funny. And Michael Landon was pretty hot. :) Honestly, not a lot of thought went into it. I feel a little inadequate after reading all your stories! Lol!

No, but it's based on something from my childhood.  When I picked it I had no idea of the kinds of things that went on on the boards here but I kept it anyway.  In order to protect myself from an obvious parody, I also reserved the alias "Inooky46," and would use it on occasion, though I'd always out myself because I didn't care.

I am glad so much thought has gone into many people's handles.

I would love to know (but don't expect you to tell me) what from your childhood influenced your name. :)

-- Modified on 6/1/2012 5:53:22 PM

give you my real first name.  If I ever see you, I'll tell you in person. Deal?

When I first crossed the  threshold into the hobby after a long period of hesitancy and had to choose a handle,  I thought to myself .... "wow", I'm really doing this. The 0315 is not my birthday LOL. It's from Shakespear's Julius  Ceasear who is warned to be careful with the words, " beware the ides (15th) of March". Thus wow0315  was born. I would probably choose something different today but still nothing descriptively vulgar - that's just not me, maybe something like "appreciativeluver" :)

Thank you, wow. :)

Your explanation of your handle is pretty interesting.

Everyone's actually. I love learning about people here. :)

Thank you for posting!

PoundMeHardSarah would be even better!  LOL!

After all, someone with a name like psychokiller is probably just goofing around.

My handle was given to me, in a sense, by a provider because of my closeness to the provider Beverly Fisher of Denver.  When we visited her once, she reported that she had seen Ms and Mr. Fisher, so I told Bev:  I guess that's my handle, and so it was.

A real psycho killer would not call himself 'psychokiller.' He would probably use something like 'kindgentleman.'
However what some find amusing others are repulsed by. So some thought should go into choosing a handle that won't scare someone away. If I was a provider, I would not be amused by, and would not see 'serialrapist,' or 'wifebeater.'

Lol! So then should I be suspect of someone calling himself kindgentleman? :)

I have to say I would not be amused by a name that sounds brutal. I think most people would feel that way.

I also find people's choices of aliases pretty interesting. I don't yet have one (it's a concept I am still chewing on), but I find it all pretty interesting.

First of all, LOL. Not every person named 'kindgentlemen' will be a psycho killer.:)

As far as aliases, my favorites were when they allowed us multiple handles and people would make them up spur of the moment to purtain to the topic thread, or to the poster they were replying to. Granted some people abused aliases, but many aliases were very humerous, and I miss them.

Inicky46 was one of the masters of alias use.

Posted By: perfectstorm
First of all, LOL. Not every person named 'kindgentlemen' will be a psycho killer.:)
Whew!! That's good to know! Lol!! :D
Posted By: perfectstorm
As far as aliases, my favorites were when they allowed us multiple handles and people would make them up spur of the moment to purtain to the topic thread, or to the poster they were replying to. Granted some people abused aliases, but many aliases were very humerous, and I miss them.

Inicky46 was one of the masters of alias use.
Someone else was telling me the same thing. That was all before my time here. :)

Here is an example. This thread wasn't even that funny, but it was one that I kind of remembered so it was easy for me to find in search. There were some much better 'spur of the moment" alias threads. But since it was before your time, I wanted to show you an example of how it was occasionally.

Love it! I have never met Ms. Fisher, but I love some of the things she's written.

saturnsky616 reads

There was one guy who had an obnoxious and rude handle that contacted me and he was very aptly named. A complete jerk and pitched a huge fit because I would not see him...go figure.

Yeah, would not see someone with psychokiller as a handle...

Lol!! I doubt any of us would.

So has your experience given you pause when someone with an off-putting handle writes to you?

saturnsky740 reads

It is one strike. I then check board posts and if they are like the handle, that's strike number two. I then politely refuse to meet and if he pitches said fit, he gives himself the third strike...yourrrrrrr out!!!!!

cure4sanity679 reads

My alias is from an album titled cure for sanity from a British group that was never really popular back in the early '90s. I changed for to 4 to reduce the number of characters. I've used it as a handle for many years and back in the early days of the internet cure for sanity was too long.

I only use my alias on the boards. That way there's no tie in between the insanity on the boards and my reviews.

Interestingly obscure! I will have to check them out. I found "Axe of Men" by the group on youtube, and will listen to it later.

everyone who's responded has neutral screen names. Nobody who has a crazy name has yet responded. Hmmm... lol!!

shaka2ur1018 reads

I have a weird handle.  Believe it or not, it was actually a randomly generated password some website gave to me many years ago.  I used it here for anonymity since it has no real tie to me whatsoever.  Then someone pointed out to me then when you say my handle out loud it makes it sound like I want to shock people or something.  I'm about as unkinky as you can get so nothing could be further from the truth.  Ever since someone pointed that out to me I have been hesitant to use TER to contact providers or to post reviews for exactly this reason (i.e., I don't want to get on a DNS list becuase of my bleeping board handle!).  

I'd love to change my handle but I haven't figured out a way to do that other than signing up for a new account and I pay for VIP so I don't want to do that . . .

saturnsky638 reads

And I am not new. A badly chosen handle, let's say like Ipoundbitches would be a huge turn off and I would not see that guy solely on his handle.

BoyToy is a younger guy who likes mature women.  And since im in my early 20's and like more mature women and will let them have their way with me.  

By "mature" I mean not too much older than me

nothing fancy or catchy.. just like me! just staying under the radar.. The 11 is part of a lucky number combination for me.. David..

serpius659 reads

Hey Sarah,

I think some handles are meant to be intimidating, others are meant to be funny and others are meant to show one's personality like mine.

My handle came from the combination of the 2 star constellations, Serpens and Cepheus.

So, that gives you the idea that I like anything connected with space and space exploration.


Posted By: SoftlySarah
Just wanted to explore the topic of handles. I have found myself kinda frightened by some people's handles. I think, Yikes!! Like people whose handles refer to large peni, or conote bizarre fetishes.

Do any other new providers feel this way?

And for the gents, how did you choose your handle? Did you choose them with the other men here in mind (like locker-room or street-cred) or with the providers in mind?

From a rainy day in Florida. :)

That's a cool handle! I love it!

I am also fascinated with space, astronomy, cosmology, theoretical physics, etc. (I am not by any means gifted enough to be a rocket scientist, but it doesn't stop my fascination.) So I find that very sexxxy!! And, see, I would never have known that if I hadn't asked. :)

Posted By: serpius
Hey Sarah,

I think some handles are meant to be intimidating, others are meant to be funny and others are meant to show one's personality like mine.

My handle came from the combination of the 2 star constellations, Serpens and Cepheus.

So, that gives you the idea that I like anything connected with space and space exploration.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
Just wanted to explore the topic of handles. I have found myself kinda frightened by some people's handles. I think, Yikes!! Like people whose handles refer to large peni, or conote bizarre fetishes.

Do any other new providers feel this way?

And for the gents, how did you choose your handle? Did you choose them with the other men here in mind (like locker-room or street-cred) or with the providers in mind?

From a rainy day in Florida. :)

I once got an email from someone called the crypt keeper.  Damn sure I didnt respond to him.  I am not looking for crazy.  Also, if some puts   _______ izdope after their name they dont get a reply either.  Sorry, need to keep our wits around us at all times.

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