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New with questions about reviews....need advice on how to ask for them and not feel to awkwardred_smile
Sophiaelise 3033 reads

I am new (almost two months in the business)and I was wondering, what is a good and polite way to ask for reviews.  I feel so awkward asking at the end...

Also, I was recently reviewed on another site and even though the review was positive *^_^*, I still feel....idk weird about it. I know that reviews can be good things, but I still feel, weird about all those details floating out there in web land....

they do seem so public and so intimate. But I think most providers find they are very important to their business.

My advice is that you don't put so much emphasis on asking for reviews, but focus more on targeting the kinds of clients who write reviews – those being active TER members. The regional boards differ in their policies, but on many it is acceptable to offer a discount to TER members with more than x number of reviews. (It's good to check with the moderator of the board before proceeding.) You don't need to be so obvious to say that you're offering the discount in exchange for a review, but if you manage to connect with active reviewers the reviews will follow.

Another approach is to have a friend in the business recommend you to some active hobbyists who write reviews.

Those first reviews on TER can really be critical. A great, descriptive review or two among your first three or four can let clients know what to expect and build the fantasy. Then it just seems to snowball from there so long as you can provide a consistent level of service.

Good luck. It's less important to ask for reviews than to try to connect with the kind of guy who writes good ones.

As recommended by a man that has done many reviews of course.  LOL

We are entertainers and reviews are for entertainment purposes only.  :) wink

I believe reviews are the best marketing tool a provider can have. When you get reviews, people read them.
While you might not like the juicy details in reviews. Be confident and stand behind the services that are written about you.

When you are screening your clients, you should be able to find out if they write reviews. I think there is nothing wrong with suggesting that if they do write reviews that you'd appreciate one written for you. Sometimes guys might volunteer sending it past you for a reading before they submit it. Decline this. I would much rather he write it in his own words.
Also, never let a client use your computer to submit a review, or think about writing your own. You willl get caught.

Keep providing great service and be confident. Reviews serve serve us well.
But be prepared. Sometimes we meet a client and think we both had a great time. But he didn't quite see it the same way. Be prepared. Not every review is going to be 8's, 9's and 10's. Just do your best and enjoy yourself and have fun with your clients.

Sexy Carolina

It makes  you loook weak and if you arent in control of your business, if you come off this way you will get terribly taken advantage of !!

Never ask about reviews...
If a man finds your performance stellar enough, he WILL review you.. Most reviewers wont tell you they are reviewers, simply so a girl doesnt put on a fake show..

as well, its never good to announce you are new and need reviews in the same sentence.. Some man will tell you if  you dont stand on your head and spit wooden nickels, they will give you a bad review...

First of all not one person said she should grovel.
Another thing, there is no such thing as only getting a review if the guy thinks you are stellar, enough.

Saying that MOST reviewers won't tell you that they are reviewers? Because if you knew who they would FAKE a performance? This is hogwash.
We are here to assist newbies and I don't believe this post helps. Where did all of this come from? Sounds like old wives tales.

In fact almost every person who responded states that it is okay to ask. And even to ask for their ter handle.

Hopefully you are not speaking from experience.

I Speak from helping thousands of girls daily for 11 years  -

They are all successful -
Because our opinions differ , doesnt mean they are hogwash :)

There is always PM'S, if you need to ever pm me, Because it's not very smoshing dahling to be mean to providers. Its not very helpful to the new girls :)

Have a great week! Smile some !

I'm merely trying to make sure this newbie gets the best advice.

Your advice sounds a little jaded.

I'm sorry if I offended you , but I felt I needed to say what I did.

Sexy Carolina

Don't overlook the power of positive thinking.

What's the worst that can happen?

He's just say yes and not do it, more than likely, but maybe he will.

I would never have gotten involved with this board if a provider hadn't asked me to write a review.

He might be squeamish about joining TER because of the fact he would have to give TER his email address, but tell him he can get a free email from a place like Yahoo or hotmail, and not compromise his regular home or work email.

I had one provider just casually ask me during the after talk if I went on the review boards at all.  She was definetly hinting, but it didn't really feel like a direct solicitation.

Of course, since subtlety is wasted on 90% of the population, this method my not be overly productive.

Sexy Carolina's suggestions were great.  Here are three more:

First, pre-qualify the hobbyist: ask if he participates in TER, or if he is familiar with TER.

Second, if he says "yes," give him a GREAT session.  Be enthusiastic, willing, and awesome.

Third, at the end of the session, ASK him if he was satisfied.  For example, say "I enjoyed my time with you.  I hope you feel the same.  Would you recommend me to others?  Would you give me a good review?"

Here's a tip: The Truth Works.  If you say, "I'm new at this.  I would really appreciate a good review," and if the hobbyist liked you, and you were great, he is probably going to be more than glad to help you.

I know that I felt a little strange about writing my first review.  In fact, I didn't write one for the first few times that I met a provider.  It seemed kind of ... like kissing and telling.  I know that sounds ridiculous with regards to this site and this industry, but that is the way I initially felt.  Privacy kind of violated and all that.

Then, I met with a provider that really rocked my world.  She had about 10 reviews when I saw her, but she was relatively new to the scene.  I started thinking about two things:
1)  I would never have found her except for the previous reviews that she had received.
2)  She deserved to have as much positive exposure as possible to help her with her business.

I wrote my first review, and it was rejected for not having enough detail.  I struggled a bit to squeeze in some more juicy tidbits without getting all "Penthouse Forum Porn Gone Wild."  Finally managed to get it right.  The review got approved.

She was happy.  I got to see her multiple times afterwards.  And, well now I've gotten the hang of writing a review that I can feel comfortable with, but that also conveys enough information for other guys to properly evaluate the provider for themselves.

Check the reviews of guys in your area. Maybe you can find someone whose review writing style is what you would be comfortable with.  Try to see if they would be interested in meeting you.

Not so easy, I know.  But maybe worth a shot.

And, keep in mind.  Most savvy members here realize that a lot of guys embelish or even make some stuff up.  We all take each review with a weighted grain of salt.  For some reviewers, it's a dash of salt, for others it's an entire salt lick.

Good luck.  Be safe.

I am generally a discreet person.  I joined TER just to verify some EROS girls for my first time.  Glad I did.  None of them turned out but I found replacement candidates here.  One total sweetheart took a chance on an older newbie so my evening ended up toally enjoyable rather than a miserable bust.  Still, really was not planning on doing a review.  She never even discussed wanting me to do a review.  But after some time I realized the two things dblhappy mentioned:
1 - TER reviews is how I found her, so I owed it to TER and the guys
2 - This site is an important part of their business, and like us guys, business is how they provide for themselves or even families.  She came through for me and deserved the review.

If you treat clients well and just discuss TER in general (you being new here is not the same as telling them you are new in the business), enough will be happy to sing your praises.  But be yourself.  Don't set the bar so high for a reviewer that you can not do for all of your clients.  If you can not live up to your reviews, it will catch up to you.

-- Modified on 4/2/2009 7:30:55 PM

once you click with the right provider you will be off and rollin, i have put up a few reviews and im always very partial in being just nice.i i dont think its a thing for every guy to do, sum are to judgemental, its a a fantasy and it should reflect the fantasy not so much about all the dos and donts.

It May take while to get use with reviews...
But reviews  when is well written  can helps you to capture a little bit about yourself.
your personality /looks /Attitude /preferences
So guys know what expect from you .
But be ready for complements  but also for critiques
Be sport about!!
Don't take anything too personal..
Kisses Carla

Sometimes I don't write a review (yet) because I don't feel I can do justice to a provider's talents. For example, I saw Carla when I was visiting LA. I adore her. She is amazing. But I need to find my way back for another, longer session before I can write my review. She's that special.

Of course, Carla hardly needs reviews. To me, a great review is a form of flattery.

Sophia Elise,

Carolina provided some great tips for you.  I just wanted to add something about your concern over details in the reviews being all over the web.  

I'm assuming that you are advertising via the web.  You likely have photos, though maybe without showing your face.  What you have chosen to do for a living is already out there on the web in a form much more accessible than reviews.  Details are just that.  If, heaven forbid, someone close to you does discover your line of work, the reviews really don't make the situation any worse. They do know what goes on behind closed doors.

Take pride in your ability to bring pleasure to men.  Think of the reviews as an homage to your skills.

I wish you the best of luck in your career.

go to the reviews page and do a "Search by Reviewer", and enter his handle.  You will then know who he has reviewed and you can read his reviews.  You may need VIP status to read the entire thing.

IMO, that is the only way to really get a feel for the type of review he writes, and if you want him to write a review after your session.


Please do not say something like "Only write me a review if you are going to give me 9's or 10s".  I hope this needs no further explantion, but it happens.

I have never had a provider give me the, 'Please don't review me unless it's a 9 or 10,' line before.  I do know that many other guys have experienced this.

If I ever hear that line, it will probably have a negative impact on my impression of the provider.

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