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Gonna try greek soon little nervoussad_smile
spinman91 61 Reviews 2021 reads

It's also gonna be the second overnight with two ladies, though this time it will be at my place, and not a hotel. Only the one girl is offering it so maybe the other girl can help me relax so I don't end up hurting the  one I'm taking the trip to the isles with. Other girl thought my size might be an issue, but the lady offering it doesn't seem to mind it, plus she said she'll take the lead since it''ll bee my first time at it. Any other advice you guys and gals can give, outside of using a lot of lube and to let her pace herself? Maybe something the other girl can do that might make it easier on the both of us.

justinian5617 reads

Your concern is meritorious.  I would feel the same way.  Your desire not to hurt the provider shows your respect for her and that tells me you are sincere.  It goes without saying that a trip to the isles has to be a covered journey.  The risk of rough seas without cover is too great for both of you.  My suggestion is that her friend help by opening a passageway before you begin your voyage.  With a toy (comparable to your size) and lube, she can begin by softening up the area with her fingers, one at a time.  Then introduce the toy.  Short strokes at first will help ease the natural muscle contractions of the isles.  Once initial entry is reached and the isles are relaxed,  ask the friend to go deeper with the toy.   You will know when she is ready for you when there is no resistance to the toy. Switch positions with the friend and while covered and lubed, slide in slowly but not all the way. Rythmn is important as the contractions may mount as her pleasure mounts.  You may be inclined to go faster due to your own pleasure, as the isles have a different topography than anything you've ever felt.  Remember slow and deep and it will be smooth sailing for the two of you.

Damn........that was HOT!!!!!  EOM

Posted By: justinian5
Your concern is meritorious.  I would feel the same way.  Your desire not to hurt the provider shows your respect for her and that tells me you are sincere.  It goes without saying that a trip to the isles has to be a covered journey.  The risk of rough seas without cover is too great for both of you.  My suggestion is that her friend help by opening a passageway before you begin your voyage.  With a toy (comparable to your size) and lube, she can begin by softening up the area with her fingers, one at a time.  Then introduce the toy.  Short strokes at first will help ease the natural muscle contractions of the isles.  Once initial entry is reached and the isles are relaxed,  ask the friend to go deeper with the toy.   You will know when she is ready for you when there is no resistance to the toy. Switch positions with the friend and while covered and lubed, slide in slowly but not all the way. Rythmn is important as the contractions may mount as her pleasure mounts.  You may be inclined to go faster due to your own pleasure, as the isles have a different topography than anything you've ever felt.  Remember slow and deep and it will be smooth sailing for the two of you.

SweetSour347 reads

Posted By: justinian5
Wow.  I've never been turned on by the concept of greek until reading that, how poetic and erotic.

Slow and deep is not how all of us like it ... Everyone is different.  

My suggestion would be to bring anal-eze just in case ... It's a mildly numbing lube ... It's amazing.

justinian5232 reads

Thank you brilove for correcting my post as it refers to depth.  It is an excellent point and I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt.  I think I got a little ahead of myself!

But obviously your concern is valid and proof that you are a gentleman!

You sound like you're facing some kind of medical procedure.

Relax, it's fun as hell, like a really tight pussy.

And I'm sure she is a pro at it and knows what to do, and maybe will enjoy it even more than you do.

Remember, we do this to have fun, not to have more stuff to fret over.

Posted By: mrfisher
You sound like you're facing some kind of medical procedure.

Relax, it's fun as hell, like a really tight pussy.

And I'm sure she is a pro at it and knows what to do, and maybe will enjoy it even more than you do.

Remember, we do this to have fun, not to have more stuff to fret over.

More anxious than nervous I guess, I mean I really like her and I want us to have some fun, It's something I never experience and since we've seen each other a few times we developed a sort of trust there so I just asked her to communicate with me the whole way through so I don't make her feel uncomfortable, plus I don't know how often she gets asked it since she doesn't advertise it just something I've seen in one of her reviews and she's a tiny little thing and I've been told by several providers that my size kinda restricts their positions, some of them like feeling it some don't so I have to make sure I'm careful. And to think up until I popped my cherry over two years ago, I thought I was considered small. I even had the other girl whos doing the overnight one time tell me she forgot how big I was, so I guess she's not used to it. Plus I'm under 30 so my youthful libido is a factor.

emsjhs2009364 reads

will never understand the appeal of butt fucking when a willing pussy is just inches away !!!

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