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From One Alias to Another : ) ..But serious words..confused_smile
7cardstraightflush 465 reads

From an alias can't tell just how new you are but let's look at this realistically.  The meeting is two weeks away and he is already pushing boundaries and trying to hit you up for free time and you've never even met.   What part of this process makes you think it would be any better once you are behind closed doors?  This sounds like someone who thinks they may be able to take advantage of you as a "new" or "newer" provider.  He's convinced his "performance" will "pay" for the extra time that he's already indicating he intends to try and take.  And hey maybe it would be the best you've ever had (ha ha) and you would see him OTC in the future (yeah right).  

You are already being sent clear signs and you have confirmed here that it makes you uncomfortable.  No harm, no foul at this point and above all this is about safety.  Nothing you've stated here sounds like its a safety issue, but how are you going to handle it if he doesn't want to leave at the 90 minute mark?  You think you are pissed now?  Wait until that happens and you'll be more pissed at yourself because you saw it coming and didn't avoid it when you could have.  

Look at if from all angles and I think you'll see, this is one that's probably better to cancel and move on to someone who will respect you, your time, and the boundaries.  

It's about safety and comfort first.  The fun comes after those two things and who the hell wants drama?  You can get that in the civvie world for free !  

My 2 cents... Happy New Year : ) ..  The year of no drama..

AnonymousHo996 reads

A new client booked a 90 minute session with me. I received an email from him and he says he broke the bank (ha) to schedule 90 minutes and he really wanted 2 hours. He then adds, "Hint, hint." I answered back, you booked 90 minutes. He replied, "You're going to love me, so don't schedule anything later." OMG!

His appointment is in 2 weeks. Do I cancel his appointment knowing he's go to push my buttons and attempt to go way over his allotted 90 minute schedule, and if I don't agree he'll give me a crappy review? Also, he's already kind of pissed me off and I'm unsure if I want to be with him.

What would you do?

I would cancel.  

Two weeks gives him plenty of time to find someone else, and it opens you up for a better client that doesn't piss you off :) Not all money is good money.

VOO-doo391 reads

You already know that his behavior is manipulative, and undesirable. It's your choice about how to handle him.  

Pre-date behavior is an important bellwether. If he's pissing you off now, he'll be ten times worse behind closed doors. Trust me on that...  

If you can afford to tell him to f** off, then by all means, do so. If you need the money, then unfortunately, you're stuck. Budget 3+ hours, make him happy, then maybe he'll leave you a great review (however, dealing with the likes of him is akin to signing a Faustian pact. You never quite make out as well as you think you will. He will likely be worse than you think in session, and continue to make demands of you after the date).  

While you might feel like he's one short experience - he will negatively affect your attitude toward future appointments. Think about the angst you'll carry toward the nice guys who really don't deserve it (and who do deserve your focused positive energy).  

If you do refuse him, try your best to do so VERY tactfully and discreetly. His kind doesn't take a 'no' very gracefully.

ROGM488 reads

I would do a one hour for a first Client. This way you can see if a future session is possible with him. 90 minutes or a 2 hour session seems long for a first time visit. Either from a Client's or Provider's point of view. If he insists on more than one hour I would cancel on him.

GaGambler312 reads

This is the Newbie board so I will be nice and not go on and on about how useless your advice.

And to the OP, you already know the answer to your question, I am pretty sure you are just looking for validation and as far as I am concerned, you have it.  

The guy in questions sounds just like the poster "CynicalPunter" who tried cancelling on the date he made a couple of weeks out, but left the door open for her to see him for free. Clients like this you most definitely do NOT need. If he is already hinting at extra time two weeks out, by the time appointment time rolls around he'll be expecting to pay you for thirty minutes and then stay all night for free.

as for you ROGM, please go stand in the corner along with Fancy until you are capable of offering useful advice or at least understanding the actual question.

I don't understand where he's coming from, with the "hint, hint" and the you're gonna love me. If he's fishing for free time, that's a stupid way to do it. If he's just hemming and hawing about booking the extra half an hour, he's probably a time-waster.  

I don't want to read anything into the situation, but you're within your rights to cut him loose. You can do that for any reason, really. You don't like the cut of his jib, you don't like a word he used in his emails, whatever.

7cardstraightflush466 reads

From an alias can't tell just how new you are but let's look at this realistically.  The meeting is two weeks away and he is already pushing boundaries and trying to hit you up for free time and you've never even met.   What part of this process makes you think it would be any better once you are behind closed doors?  This sounds like someone who thinks they may be able to take advantage of you as a "new" or "newer" provider.  He's convinced his "performance" will "pay" for the extra time that he's already indicating he intends to try and take.  And hey maybe it would be the best you've ever had (ha ha) and you would see him OTC in the future (yeah right).  

You are already being sent clear signs and you have confirmed here that it makes you uncomfortable.  No harm, no foul at this point and above all this is about safety.  Nothing you've stated here sounds like its a safety issue, but how are you going to handle it if he doesn't want to leave at the 90 minute mark?  You think you are pissed now?  Wait until that happens and you'll be more pissed at yourself because you saw it coming and didn't avoid it when you could have.  

Look at if from all angles and I think you'll see, this is one that's probably better to cancel and move on to someone who will respect you, your time, and the boundaries.  

It's about safety and comfort first.  The fun comes after those two things and who the hell wants drama?  You can get that in the civvie world for free !  

My 2 cents... Happy New Year : ) ..  The year of no drama..

To you to see someone who already is bothering you? Doing something you don't want to do for money will show through and leave you both less than satisfied.  Personally,  I would pass.

Posted By: NaughtyMaddy
To you to see someone who already is bothering you? Doing something you don't want to do for money will show through and leave you both less than satisfied.  Personally,  I would pass.
Good point client bothering pro.. .All sessions about $$$$$$$ without drama.

Posted By: AnonymousHo
A new client booked a 90 minute session with me. I received an email from him and he says he broke the bank (ha) to schedule 90 minutes and he really wanted 2 hours. He then adds, "Hint, hint." I answered back, you booked 90 minutes. He replied, "You're going to love me, so don't schedule anything later." OMG!  
 His appointment is in 2 weeks. Do I cancel his appointment knowing he's go to push my buttons and attempt to go way over his allotted 90 minute schedule, and if I don't agree he'll give me a crappy review? Also, he's already kind of pissed me off and I'm unsure if I want to be with him.  
 What would you do?
"I'm sorry, but I'm feeling very uncomfortable following our last conversation. I just don't I'd be able to guarantee your enjoyment (or) I just don't think I'd be able to give you my best" (or) some other polite, even honest excuse. "I think it would be best for both of us if we canceled. Perhaps we can reschedule some other time in the future. With 2 weeks notice, I think you should have no trouble finding someone else to harass or annoy -- oops! I mean -- someone else to meet with."

"You broke the bank for 90 minutes with me? I can't allow you to do that. Let's cancel so you can spend it on your wife and kids (or psychological counseling)."  

"You broke the bank for 90 minutes with me? I'm not really into cheap-ass paupers. Let's reschedule for another time, such as when you own the bank."  

If you decide to go through with the meeting I would try to have someone (do you travel with a friend?) knock on your door at an appointed time. That should bring him back to reality. If traveling alone, schedule with a friend to call you at an appointed time. Do you use a booker? Do you call your booker when your date arrives? Make sure she knows to call you (cell phone?) at the appointed 90 minute time; if you don't answer, she should call the hotel (I assume) and ask to be connected to your room phone; if still no answer, she should call them to send someone up to the room to knock on the door.  

I asked Magic Eight Ball for you: "Outlook not so good."  


I think you know what yo do and we're just looking for verification or support. That is fine. That is one of the purposes of this board. Disregard ROGM's statement and you got the verification you wanted. Everyone else is behind you. Cancel the appointment with that a-hole.

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