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deleting computer History - HELP!!!
chuckstew 1 Reviews 2355 reads

Just recently the Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser seems to have changed its settings.  Used to be I could click on the star on the upper left (just above the web-page window), and when History dropped down, all the pages I'd visited at TER (for example) would be in another drop-down under TER.  I could delete the TER and they'd all disappear.  Now, however, each page appears separately, and in order to hide my visit from my SO, I have to delete about 20 separate pages.  Any ideas how I can re-set this to the previous setup??

I go to "tools", "internet options", then I hit "delete" under "browsing history".

It always does the trick.

When you get to browsing history also hit all to remove cookies and passwords...I wouldn't want my GF to log on and have quads password on hand..

Deletes most of the temp files IE saves while browsing the 'net, as well as most non-persistent cookies and other garbage that accumulates over time.  Running this once a week usually frees up hundreds of megabytes of hard disk space.  As for setting IE to not save this sh*t, go to Internet Options, General tab, Browsing History Settings, highlight "Never" save temp files.  Also, it never hurts to manually delete these files in the General tab...    

-- Modified on 7/20/2008 9:50:44 PM

anon76588491337 reads

Firefox has a feature that deletes ALL that crap every time you close down Firefox, and your computer. Firefox is FREE too! Window washer does the same thing. Both clean history, cookies, temp files etc.

I use firefox which has a clear private data function.  It also has a bookmarks profile utility which lets me save my "special" bookmarks on a remote server and not in the browser.  I also use ccleaner ( which will clean up after everything.  Then I use a secure erase utility to over-write all unused diskspace multiple times.  There are multiple versions of secure erase utilities, the one I use is here:

"Just becuase I am paranoid does not mean that they are not out to get me"

shudaknownbetter1350 reads

I delete via tools menu but remember that while this makes them "disappear", to avoid suspicion...  they can be recovered easily by tech with the right program including LE.  On the one hand if the SO gets tht far you're probably already screwed (the wrong way).  

There are window washing programs that removes them to government specs...  I mean, even if "caught" why supply them with the dirt to bury us?

the sure fir way to not get caught on a pc she uses may be to go pick up a cheap laptop and password protect it. Say its for work so theres no need for her to ever use it.  Other than that good luck.

Burn it and buy a new one every 30 days and she won't find  much info on you...Unless you are beefeater and then you need to burn that lap top every week

Nice thing about the LCD laptop screen is that you cannot see from an angle > 30 degrees +-.

Install (Hide Any Window)then you can instantly reconfigure screen when SO walks into viewing area.

shudaknownbetter2011 reads

Sorry but accessing indiscrete sites while SO is in the house...  just not smart!  It's sloppy & sloppy gets you busted sooner or later.  There enough risks to the hobby.  Don't add to it!  Take every possible precaution.  A guy getting caught makes us all look bad!

Agree that unsupervised computer access is best - but some of us may have no other options.  My internet activity is monitored at work so that is not an option.  I tried a wifi hotspot once during my lunch hour but TER was blocked (by the hotspot provider), and some associates joined me at the table anyway.  

My SO does not work outside of the home and is always in.  Sneaking off to use the computer in private would arouse more suspicion then using it in the open and having my finger on the trigger to sink the evidence.  I'm willing to listen to suggestions for a safer experience.

Get yourself an internet capable cell phone with a keyboard.  Clear the internet history daily, and never let the phone out of your sight.  You can also send and rec. hobby related emails with it.

One of the drawbacks, unless I just haven't figured it out, is that you cannot open multiple tabs or windows, which can be a problem if you are very active on the board.

Good luck

I like the phone idea.  I've had my eyes on the new iphone.  My hobby phone now is an old phone that I keep in a mail-in donation cell phone bag in my car.  i.e. if it is discovered, i'm just looking for the power supply so I can mail this thing in.  PS is in my work office.  

I live out in the sticks and 3G cell phone access is spotty.  But I like this idea and will check it out.

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