Newbie - FAQ

6lbwalleye 1 Reviews 3993 reads

I'm a newbie to this. Had my first encounter with a provider a couple of days ago.Very nice, very sweet, lady. My question has to do with covers.
Are we as customers allowed to provide these or must we accept what the provider supplies?(you could have re-treaded a truck tire with these things)
Ladies, if you insist upon using this type of(government surplus) equipment. Don't bother asking.-
a:How's that feel?
b:Are you having a good time?
The answers will be.-
a:Not so good
b:No I'm not

WillHammerYou1427 reads

I always bring my own. I've never had a provider question me about it.

Only once have I had a provider question me on the ones I bring, and that was because she had an allergy to latex.

for several reasons, but chiefly because they want to be sure they are safe and for reasons of comfort and possibly allergic reactions.

I have found that the providers I've seen use very good and sensitive condoms.  I suppose it wouldn't hurt to discuss it before hand and see if she is open to using a make that you prefer.

I agree that most providers bring their  own to  the sessions.  They bring ones that they are comfortable with , and that they know are of good quality.  I always bring some with me just in case the lady forgot to bring any, but I think you have to get used to the idea of using the condoms the lady brings.

-- Modified on 11/10/2007 12:49:44 PM

-- Modified on 11/10/2007 2:37:37 PM

I've yet to be with a GFE gal who didn't have her own condoms and a preference for using them. One gal doesn't allow guys to bring their own ever as she got tired of guys showing up with the "ribbed" ones that she just couldn't stand...
I have found that a real GFE gal will use the thinest condom that she feels safe with. I actually discovered my favorite brand through my current fav.
I have had some decidedly lower priced non-GFE ladies that used the equivalent of a Playtex rubber glove-no chance of any pleasure what so ever. As in all aspects of the hobby you get what you pay for.

Most gals use a regular standard condom. Not an extra-thin, extra-sensation, as the thinner they are the higher the risk of breakage. But then again, most ladies don't use the "extra strength" ones, which are thicker than average, either. To me, it's a happy medium, and a compromise I'm comfortable with. Get used to the fact that a good provider will provide the thinnest and highest quality condoms she feels okay about- it is her life and safety that is at stake, and most of us are highly aware of the risks and take them very seriously. That said, if you saw a gal who insists on an extra-strength/double thick condom, respect that it is her comfort level, and then move on to see another until you find a gal whose comfort level meets your own preferences. Another option is to alternate between activities. Covered sex, uncovered oral (if offered), Russian (titty fucking, also uncovered in most-all cases).. Penetration is not the only pleasurable sex act, and to insinuate that you can't have a good time with a condom is pointless- these women (myself included) are willing to have sex with strangers and share their time and bodies with you. If you are going to be resentful and not enjoy it because of the need for safety and protection, you may as well seek out a different hobby. Don't act like the provider in your example is depriving you of some god-given right, or intentionally diminishing your experience. She is sharing her body with you and trying to make it enjoyable, and the fact that she asked means she really did want to see you have a good time. You are under no obligation to see her again, but you certainly do not have the right to penalize providers for making decisions about their safety and their future. In addition, much of it is in the attitude. If you already have decided that condoms in general, and/or condoms of a certain brand or thickness, are going to render the experience worthless and horrible, it will, because you've already made up your mind. Try to enjoy it the best you can, and obviously you can experiment and keep looking until you find a gal who meets your needs. In addition, you can bring your own, but be prepared for the fact that many gals don't allow this, and don't get upset if you are declined. That said, it never hurts to ask, as long as you are respectful about it, but your best bet is to find a gal who already uses a product that you are comfortable with as her "standard operating procedure."


-- Modified on 11/10/2007 12:06:03 PM

Ana Lee1974 reads

I agree.

I stock many brands of condoms including non-latex (I have a few clients that are allergic to latex)and the Female Condom.

I use my own condoms and have used a clients only once (he brought his own female condom).

That the female condom may be offered, or allowed, but they are expensive and rarely used when compared with their traditional counterpart, so don't expect every provider to be stocked with them.


Whoa! Hello to you too, rough day?
I'm sorry if I offended you in some way.
I thought mine, was a reasonable question. If you read the first sentence I think you'd realize that it was not my intention to penalize anyone for anything,(with the possible exeption of the manufacturer of the product in question). Maybe you read more into this than was stated, not a good idea. I don't think I deserved to be blasted by some two page diatribe about what an a**hole I am.In closing I'd like to say that,in my opinion, you should liten-up, you seem a little bitter.

There is no less sarcasm coming from anyone responding here than there was in the last portion of your original post. The only poster calling you names is you yourself.
This board is populated by seasoned providers and hobbyists. If you ask a question you are going to get straight up answers.
The condom is the only form of protection, aside from common sense, in the room when you are with a provider. It's a bit naive of you not to expect a provider responding here not to take the issue seriously. In case you have forgotten that thing protects you too.

"I have had some decidedly lower priced non-GFE ladies that used the equivalent of a Playtex rubber glove-no chance of any pleasure what so ever. As in all aspects of the hobby you get what you pay for."
In what context should this be taken?
Let it go

I wasn't attacking anybody with that line. Your entire last post was an attack on another poster.
If you had "let it go" to begin with we wouldn't be having this exchange right now.

Who called you an a-whole?!?

Yes a provider wrote a lengthy message about how/why she chooses a certain type of condom.  Her consideration on this matter has very little to do with you, she is talking about her life and livelihood.  Several hobbyist spoke about the possibility of bring your own (sometimes that works, other times it doesn't), all good information.

By my reading, the only person in this exchange who is taking him/herself too seriously is YOU!

-- Modified on 11/11/2007 4:55:54 AM

There seems to be more of you now. I'm not going to answer you all individualy. I'll try to adress these issues chronologically. Let me start by saying that if some part of my post was in bad taste, I apologize. Runningman65 your reply was to the point, without commentary, and helpful. Bostonguy57, you are a piece of work. Your comments have insulted not only me , but the lady as well. In a short period of time you've managed to call me both cheap, and stupid. Still you persist in trying to make me the villan. I should think you'd be the last person on earth to point a finger at anyone for anything. My comments to marere4 were in no way meant as an attack. The implication that I was advocating the use of no protection at all was simply not true. Jazz32 I don't know what your stake is in any of this. If you're the moderator here and take exeption to something I have to say, don't put my posts up. I'm done defending myself for what was at worst a verbal misstep on my part.

As Jazz said in an earlier post. No one here is calling you any are doing a fine job of that all by yourself. What we are doing is responding to your post(s) with our opinions on the topic. That is the nature of how a board like this works. As to why I should be the last person pointing fingers, I'm puzzled by what you are trying to say but you are welcome to PM me if you would like to explain it.

I moderate what I hope and believe is the friendliest and most informative board in the hobby.  You have clearly indicated that you have been offended, which I simply don't see!!!

You asked a question, and received answers from a number of perspectives.

Ok, Bostonguy57 said he has visited cheap women who use cheap industrial grade condoms.  How is that an insult to you, or the ladies you have visited?!?  Marere4 provided the complete and comprehensive answer to to your question from a provider's view, which has been confirmed by others.

Honestly, the only person I see reading more into the posts than what is written is you.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone here, including yourself, would not have been offended by Bostonguy57's comment. Particularly in light of the browbeating I've had to endure. His comments have been every bit as inflamatory as anything I've said. Concerning my comments to marere4. Seems to me she went on at some length about what an insensative, uncaring individual I was for even asking a question about providing my own condoms. To equate my question with making demands on someone,was in my opinion, going a little over the line.As for reading something into her statements.When the word "you" kept popping up in this tirade was it unreasonable to assume she meant me. You're right, this is a friendly place. As long as you,re willing to sit and nod in agreement with certain members opinions and never voice any of your own. Is this witch hunt over now?

I would not have been offended by anything BostonGuy57 or Marere would have said in this instance.   Personally if you're here on the boards long enough you will have seen this discussion occur before and have the answers be relatively the same.  There is a certain amount of "truth" you have to endure when you're posting questions and comments on this board, and you either have to accept it as most of us do or take it personally, which is counterproductive to learning the ins and outs of being in the hobby.   Pretty much everyone who has responded to this has said the same thing, that they are not offended, and that this is not a witch hunt.

In addition, I have to question the wisdom of taking on one of the fairest and best moderators on the boards.   You should be making the moderator your friend, not the other way around.

-- Modified on 11/12/2007 7:40:21 PM

Sorry that I'm late to the game, but it was a busy weekend.

Dude, you're outta line here.  So you don't like hefty bag condoms; join the male species.  But if you expect all of us to rub your belly and bring you hot cocoa, you've lost the last remnants of your sanity.

The folks above pointed out the game.  Clearly, you didn't like their words.  So then you attacked them.  All 3 of those mentioned are regular posters here (one being the moderator).  If there was a place for ULTRA-newbies, maybe you'd do better there.  Those of us that come her to help the new kids out, do so to pay back for when others did it for us.  We try to keep our sarcasm to a low roar, and Jazz reminds us when we forget :), but your problem doesn't appear to be newness, as much as thick-headedness.

Do yourself a favor.  Take a deep breath, re-read your initial post and the responses to it objectively.  Keep doing it until you begin to see the other side.  At that point, if you have something to say, I'd love to hear it.  In the meantime, you're just coming off as someone digging a hole, and rushing to make it as deep as possible.

GaGambler1375 reads

Arguing with the likes of JackO and Co will make him appreciate how nice we really are over here. lol

I don't know if we need a place for ULTRA newbies as much as we need a place for ULTRA SENSITIVE newbies. Oh yeah...."ultra sensetive" was exactly what he was looking for, now I understand why. It's not for his Johnson, it's for his ego...apparently, his bruises rather easily. lol

this is what a real personal attack looks like!

Why is it allowed?  You asked a reasonable question, and received reasonable answers from several perspectives.  Once a question is answered a newbie is answered, some good-natured hazing can occur.  Your replies to earlier posts opened you up to these.

Your original post was fine.  Your reaction to the replies is questionable.  Until the most recent posts, everyone was posting advice to help you.


-- Modified on 11/12/2007 4:55:00 PM

People form opinions based on ,I don't know, what?
The most conspicuous person here, if only by their absence, is the one that I'm supposed to have so viciously attacked. Go figure?
Someone suggested that you ban me. Hell you don't have to ban me, show me the cancel my membership button and I'll push it gladly. You asked me who I felt was attacking me.Maybe it was me? I did learn something and I'd like to credit somebody with it, (except its more blame than anything).
It would seem I got involved with this whole "hobbie" for the wrong reasons. In my case, I can't buy my medicine for someone thats not a doctor. Now I have to live with it. Seems like sorry don't sleep, (not for a while anyway)
....... not bitter. Just another drunken philospher.

Actually, I have nothing to say, other than that I figured you'd pile on.  I knew that you just needed the smallest of encouragement.  LOL

Your post has now become fodder for the boys (GaGambler, balathazar and little phil to have some fun.  You might really have cause for offense if you read enough to understand what they are talking about.

GaGambler1589 reads

Remind me not to play poker with you when I'm in Vegas. lol

Jazz, thanks for giving me a bit of latitude. I did promise to play nice, but you do have to admit, he was requesting "ultra sensitive". lol

I limit mine to the "liquor in the front; poker in the rear" variety.  It's one of the few casino games that I avoid, except for it's video form.  I take the approach (contrary to conventional wisdom) that I'd rather go against the house than another person.  I know that I'll lose, but I also know that they're governed by strict rules.

I hear you, but I'd much rather play poker against someone else who may be a) drunk b) high c) in the mood to throw money away d) just learning the game e) etc etc than play against a house with computers controlling who gets paid when and how much.  I at least have a chance of coming out on top every time I play, not the 2% that you usually have.  I generally manage to come out on top a grand or two when I visit Vegas...

GaGambler1121 reads

IMHO Poker, especially in a limit game, is a game of skill. The problem is, I can grind out a grand or two almost every day of the week, but it bores me to tears.

My father played professionally for years when I was a kid, and he was the who told me that gambling for a living is harder than work. Truer words have never been spoken. I have gambled professionally at times in my life, and trust me, while it may be a rush at first, it's like anything else that becomes a job, it's work.

You are indeed correct.  Since I live in the city of sin, my gaming serves 2 purposes.  The first is casual entertainment.  The 2nd is "laundering" money from the household account to the hobbying account.

I play at the tables enough that most of the floor people recognize me, and that affords me opportunities to "go to the casino" and end up in the arms of a gorgeous woman.  I play the machines enough that if the family wants to do something, we can get it comped.

So, for me it's not really about spending hours trying to eek out a few bucks.

I don't think that provider was telling you how much of an "a-hole" you are. I  think she was responding from the perspective of a provider.  You identified yourself at the beginning of your post as a newbie, and I think she was pretty thorough in her response.  Being a relative newbie myself, I love hearing from providers on many issues regarding the hobby.  This board has been a tremendous help  to me and many others, and when a question is asked, it is sure to be answered from a variety of perspectives.


I personally always use only products I provide. There are far too many reasons to list them here. I'll just suggest that sensitivities to compounds and unwanted adverse reactions are at the top of the list.

I did, however always have at least 3 to choose from that I am comfortable with and feel they appeal to a variety of tastes: Magnums, Female Condoms and my basic condom which, when combined with the lubricant gives the best sensation with a condom (*from my experience*)

Since I now only see gentlemen who are established clients of mine, I usually know what type of preferences they have in advance of tehir visit and always stick with the proven brand that they prefer. I'm not suggesting that every provider does this I'm just letting you know what I have done for 5+ years.

If you have concerns over the thickness, the thinness or the texture of a condom you should always speak up and nicely inquire if the provider might have something else or if she would mind using your supply. Some might be ok with it some might not but you will never know unless you ask.

Sorry your experience wasn't all you were looking for. You can be thankful TER allows you to place such concerns in a review. If you post a review and mention the challenge it might help the next hobbyist avoid such a situation. Hopefully your hobby will get better as you have more experiences.... kisses ~T

Lolli~pop~Minx922 reads

I left my economy variety pack back in the hotel my last time there. MAN was I upset!!! Different flavors too! UGH!
Sir...I ALSO like to supply my own. I make sure there is plenty of differences to choose from.
Cuz once the covers ON...the FUN can BEGIN!


in extra thin or ultra sensitive that I have been able to find.  So if you need a "magnum," you are pretty much limited to the "government surplus" issue.  lol

If anyone does know of some more sensitive ones for larger guys... let me know!

Also, there is such a thing as a female condom, worn by the lady.  Great for guys; a) allergic to latex or b) who lose sensitivity from regular condoms.  They do take some getting used to!  *wink*

ducker721258 reads

I always bring my own but never have had to use one yet, they all have Magnums and the top shelf providers will put them on with thier mouths.

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