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code through your email
grahamlee 16 Reviews 222 reads

Okay TER doesn't allow any code within the body of a discussion board or mail message, so I've gone ahead and emailed you some revised coding to your personal email (which I got off your webpage).

It basically involves adding:  


to your code to open the ter site on a new page or tab.

Let me know if it works!

I have ter logo on the home page of my website.And whenever I put a link to my website in a ad,the ad gets declined.and ter says "when the logo is clicked,it should link to ter"
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?I have a wix website

It keeps you on your site, although I can see TER's website through the window.

When clicking the ter logo,intead of it taking me here,it opens up ter inside the logo.Its kind of weird.Im still trying to figure out how to fix it

The best I can figure, the ter ad is a window. So when you click on it, the ter website opens within the window.

This is a coding issue.  It has to be coded so that the ter ad opens in a new tab or web page.

Can anyone from wix help you out on this?

Okay TER doesn't allow any code within the body of a discussion board or mail message, so I've gone ahead and emailed you some revised coding to your personal email (which I got off your webpage).

It basically involves adding:  


to your code to open the ter site on a new page or tab.

Let me know if it works!

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