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avoiding LE
sly59 2952 reads

So you've gone with a well reviewed provider and unless she flips,you're safe right? So how often do you hear of well reviewed providers flipping?

That is only for the movies.  A provider may go undercover to catch a rapist and still that is too risky.  Since prostitution is techically not the crime of the hobbyist but solicitation. Most DA find it difficult to take to trial because solictation not a felony.  Its disorderly conduct payable by fines.  Some Jurisdiction fines are a deterrant, like in Michigan seizure of your car.  

Take Spitzer when it was all said and done, the only felomy law he violated was the Mann Act, which have not been used since before prohibition.

That is why when there is a major bust all the DA can do is publish the names of the clients

earlier that day and then convinces her to continue accepting appointments and receiving clients, whom they bust when they show up.

It is an extremely rare occurrence, but it does happen.  There is no way to really prep for that, and you should consider it one of the risks of hobbying, albeit an extremely low risk compared to the others.

low end providers.

I have not heard about a situation like that at an upscale hotel, or with a lady who's rate is over 250 an hour.

Drugs also becomes a factor at really low rent places.

This is just one example, but I reiterate that it is extremely rare.

Always be aware of your environment and follow the gut if you get that feeling.

That happened to a friend of mine but with a street walker.  She worked the corner at the famous 14th street track in DC and one day she directed all her "clients" to the alley, where LE was waiting. He was charged with disorderly conduct but because he was in the military he went to court rather than get busted a rank. Well would you know it, street walker did not show up to court charges were dropped.
That is why its a VERY rare case, prostiture are unreliable witnesses.

If by some stretch of astronomically bad luck you did get popped in such a sting you'd probably be booked, given a "ticket", and then released "ROR" at the point of arrest. The charge is so low level it amounts to little more than a speeding ticket, and it would negatively affect your subsequent daily life similarly.

This is so incredibly rare that I have NEVER personally known anyone it has happened to (provider or hobbyist) in the 5+ yrs that I've been a provider.  Nor have I seen such a situation played out on the provider boards.  A reputable provider is typically facing a very minor charge if caught.  If they show up in court with a lawyer - they almost always get off or get a reduced charge and receive their property back.  Yet, if she works with LE to snare clients she won't be able to work again - far worse than having to show up in court and deal with the situation.  Many many many providers get arrested in the US on a daily basis and without client issue or recrimination.

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