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Asking other hobbyists for information...what am I missing?
haruko 1333 reads

So, per the advice for newbies, I've PM'd the most recent reviewers of a few ladies I'm interested in. Nothing too crazy, basically just "hey, anything in particular I should know about her?" So far, no response.

Is there a standard form or something to these sorts of things that I'm missing? Or do you tend not to hear back too often, especially when you're a newbie?

I wouldn't anticipate hearing back regarding any of your inquiries.  If the ladies in question have several reviews, I would say that pretty much everything has been discussed.

Posted By: haruko
So, per the advice for newbies, I've PM'd the most recent reviewers of a few ladies I'm interested in. Nothing too crazy, basically just "hey, anything in particular I should know about her?" So far, no response.  
 Is there a standard form or something to these sorts of things that I'm missing? Or do you tend not to hear back too often, especially when you're a newbie?
I, for one, am reluctant to reply to a newbie with no history or a presence on the boards.  (It depends on the specific question, of course.)

I tend to ignore q's about something from too many years ago.  I tend to ignore q's that have already been answered, e.g., in my or someone else's reviews.  

Sometimes, you are PMing someone who no longer has VIP and can't read or reply to PMs.  (I was without PM for a month while TER admin tracked down a clerical error.)  When sending a PM, you get no  notice about the status of the account you are PMing, so you just won't know.  

Sometimes, you can ask a careful q on your local board and hope for public or PM reply. "Anyone seen NAME recently? [INCLUDE A LINK TO HER PROFILE OR AD SO OTHERS DON"T HAVE TO SEARCH FOR WHO YOU MEAN.]"  If she DOES have recent reviews, be prepared to get flamed.  If the most recent is several months old, you might get neutral "She's still around.  Saw her last week." or more.

Sometimes, we're just too busy with other stuff.  (How long are you waiting for the replies?  An hour or a week?)  

Yes, there is some newbie inertia.  Be patient and you'll cease to be newbie in due course

Reviews are meant to give enough information for a prospective hobbyist to make a decision (at least that is what I try to convey in mine).

A few times I've responded to specific questions regarding appearance. I see no real reason to answer open-ended questions such as yours. Up to you to take a little chance in life and enjoy the discovery process.

Do your research and dive in, the water is nice....

The person you pm'd may not be VIP and thus don't have access to the pm system here.

Also, some guys don't check their pm often. Many times guys won't get back to me for weeks.

In addition, many guys won't reply to others with no reviews.

I would suggest you contact more of the reviewers and go back in time a little more. I usually pm 7 or 8 guys, knowing 3-4 will never respond and a few may take a long time.

Don't be afraid to ask more specific questions re: her looks, menu, enthusiasm, etc. Many guys will cop to being overboard witht their ratings and words for the reviews that they know the girl will see.

As others have mentioned, just the way it is for me. Ask me a dumb question,  even if you have written reviews  no  reply either.  

Posted By: haruko
So, per the advice for newbies, I've PM'd the most recent reviewers of a few ladies I'm interested in. Nothing too crazy, basically just "hey, anything in particular I should know about her?" So far, no response.  
 Is there a standard form or something to these sorts of things that I'm missing? Or do you tend not to hear back too often, especially when you're a newbie?

But I put everything I feel comfortable sharing in my reviews.   Most questions are by people who want someone else to do their work for them.

Have you done your own proper homework first?  
Read her full reviews.  Check the menu abreviations...  
Followed the links to her ads & web site.  Run Tineye or Google Image search on her pictures.  (HINT:  If you find hits all over the world, they're stolen pictures)    

I will NOT tell you anything which compromises her security plan or violates her privacy.  I can't imagine what you'd ask.  Are these pictures really her & recent?   Probably in my review.
Services?  Gals typically have a standard offering unless there's a problem...  (too big or not clean).  So there's no need in asking a reviewer, since the reviews probably already covered it.    

Review sections will likely reveal if there was a problem like lateness or not answering after you arrive at the second call location.  

Have you throughly read the self help section (link by the life ring)?

...deserves a lamblasting. What about the OP's question makes you think he deserves a harsh response but you won't give it to him because he's on the Newbie Board?

...for information about a provider. It is also true that many mongers won't respond to a newbie when they ask about a provider in a PM. Catch 22 just like you need references to see a provider but you have to see a provider to get a reference. You just have to work with it 'til you get something. I will answer a PM from a newbie about a provider but it depends on what they ask. If the question is specific, not compromising, and can't be answered from info already available then I'm ok with answering. If I can't answer I'll respond with an explanation why. I once had a guy I PM'd say he couldn't answer me because I might be a cop or someone up to no good. I had about 20 reviews and participated on the boards regularly. I just had to laugh.

Whoever you PM is just being careful since a newbie asking questions could be LE or boyfriend.  

Be specific in your questions and be prepared for some not to answer or simply refer you to their review. Don't ask anything compromising and make sure it's something that isn't answered somewhere already.

It's true too that not everyone keeps their VIP active so responding to you isn't possible.

Hang in there a keep on trying.

I think that most of us who have been here a while will be reluctant to share much intel with someone who has no history.  Like they said, do the research on your ladies, we did.  Yes, it takes time, but you learn a lot.  Biggest prob is, when you are new, and trying to get intel on providers, unless you have established a posting presence on your local regional board, the guys know nothing about you.  They don't know if you are a stalker, a nut, LE, or anything else unsavory for the ladies.

It takes time to get yourself accepted, but you gotta remember, this is an illegal enterprise and we must do our best to keep each other safe, both men and women.


an irate husband (hers) or BF or obcessed client or stalker...  trying to get information to get around her screenng or or LE or a jealous wife or GF of said client wanting to cause her trouble.  

As I see it...  reviews are to aassure a potential client that she is real & she renders the expected services (which can not really be discussed until you are both naked between the sheets)...  not some scam.  It is not possible to predict exactly how the chemistry or sex appeal will work for 2 unique individuals...   There is always a risk that you may not "click".  A professional should still be abe to give a good time IF you put the effort into it.  Frankly some gals are such good acctresses that WE may think they are into us when they are not.    

-- Modified on 6/28/2015 8:36:55 PM

I've only done so once that I recall.  
I don't get notification of a PM...  so don't know unless they actually log in.  I don't maintain VIP continously.  I select a few to call & then let it lapse until I need a new bucket list.  I collect a few Favorites & I rotate among them so don't look for new friends unless someone drops out

...anyone acknowledge (except me) that newbies are indeed told to PM recent reviewers. (Yes, they are also told to stick with well reviewed ladies.) Reading these replies makes it sound like that doesn't happen. The OP said he did it because of that advice. Where are the guys that give that advice? At least acknowledge that he didn't just make that up.

However, that doesn't mean that the OP hasn't.  Appears that he was diligent in reading the advice and suggestions of others.

It is a standard response here that a newbie should pm some of the recent reviewers. He isn't making that up. The problem lies in the fact that some don't have VIP to answer him back and others won't answer a newbie.

I think he will be fine as long as she has many reviews and at least some are done by guys who have many reviews. No need to pm the guys, many don't even log on much.

Once he has reviews, he can post locally and guys will pm him.  

Posted By: xyz23
...anyone acknowledge (except me) that newbies are indeed told to PM recent reviewers. (Yes, they are also told to stick with well reviewed ladies.) Reading these replies makes it sound like that doesn't happen. The OP said he did it because of that advice. Where are the guys that give that advice? At least acknowledge that he didn't just make that up.

You are correct in your statement that as a newbie you are often told to go PM other hobbyists for advice. It is one way to learn your way about the hobby from experienced men. I think its excellent advice and something you should take advantage of doing.  

You have to understand, though, that there are many reasons why you haven't received a PM back in return. One, some hobbyists may not respond to someone without a review history or at least a recent board presence. Two, some hobbyists won't respond to generalities of "is there anything else I should know". Many consider that to open ended and a time waster when many times the answers lie in the review. Read the reviews carefully. Three, many hobbyists may not have access to PM's or are out of town, or are taking a break from the hobby. Who knows.    

If you don't have VIP access, that is a must. Read the reviews carefully and if there is really something missing from the reviews that you want to know, feel free to send a PM to a recent reviewer.  

No matter how long you have been hobbying, however, WE ALL CAN LEARN something. I PM hobbyists on their thoughts of a sessions...trying to get a gage for the lady...perhaps they think of something later that they didn't include in their reviews. Or,  I may PM a hobbyist to compare two sessions if they have seen two ladies that I am deciding between. Information is gold. It never hurts to ask no matter how long you've been a hobbyist. Even as an experienced hobbyist, there are many times that I don't receive responses back from a fellow hobbyist (or I may receive a response a month later). I don't get discouraged and neither should you.  

Just continue to PM hobbyists in a professional manner and make sure what you are asking them is worthwhile. I am sure you will eventually get suitable responses in return.  


-- Modified on 6/29/2015 6:21:03 AM

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 6:58:11 AM

YoMaMaDo213 reads

You are asking for information regarding an illegal activity and those who may engage in it. There is a leap of faith here for all of us however, someone who is not VIP with no reviews will be regarded as one of two things...

1) Time waster  

2) A PIG

Either way you want it most will not respond due to those two probabilities.

If you are a legit dude trying to gain entry to the party I suggest that you pay a little bit of money to become a VIP, research your city/area for a provider who is newbie friendly and begin gaining a track record. After then you will find that your inquires are greeted with responses that will help you in your search for certain types of providers.

Be clean, bring the green and have fun.

If his PMs are being ignored it means he has VIP, he couldn't be PMing anyone without it. Otherwise you're advice is right on track.

YoMaMaDo246 reads

Thanks Man. Missed that part of his post.

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