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As to general location, sure....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 410 reads

But the actual address comes when you are there waiting to hear from her just before the appointment time.

It's called the 2 call system

I'm looking to see a provider who is located in a part of town I'm not familiar with. Is it okay to ask for her whereabouts ahead of time so I can map it? I don't want to make them uncomfortable but I don't want to be late or miss an appointment because I didn't know how to get there.                                                  


But the actual address comes when you are there waiting to hear from her just before the appointment time.

It's called the 2 call system

Then i ask to send the address at least an hour prior to the date

Senator.Blutarsky400 reads

If the gal has not let me know what part of town or hotel they are in when I make the appointment, I ask when I confirm.  I'll say something like... "if you don't mind, could you let me know what part of town you're at so I can plan my travel time".  I've always gotten a response with enough detail to know where I'm going.

Just tell her you're unsure how long it will take to travel, and note your general location and ask where you should be heading and what time to start.  Nothing wrong with that, and she can use note a business like a nearby restaurant or shopping center for you to park.

It's really tough if they use locally known nicknames: like in London they might say Kensington.  But what you need is their nearest Tube station or intersection.  It's like they don't realize we're thinking with the little head and navigation becomes difficult.

Chicago is another one where I get lost without some elementary directions.  Thank goodness for maps on the phone

...landmarks which are within a few blocks of my incall.  

Hugs and Kisses,

She gives you a general area to go to, you go there, call again and get the exact address.  Or, she tells you the name of the hotel she's at, and when you are close or there, 2nd call gets the room number.  For guys in an unfamiliar area, it can be a pain in the ass, but they are looking at safety first, not your feelings.....

If you have the general area, you should be able to get there in time, just plan your trip.  Use a GPS to get the rough travel time to the area.


for the general location such as downtown, airport, X business district, near a tourist attraction, etc.

Providers have almost always given me the information so I could plan my driving time.  Providers appreciate a guy who is on time.

We're all in the same boat on this one.  BeautywithBrains mentioned using (easily identifiable and well known) landmarks which is exactly what most of us need for planning / mapping / scheduling purposes.  

Don't worry if someone gives you a specific hotel location a few days in advance: in large cities, The Sheraton is next to The Hilton which is across from The Marriot ... which is not to be confused with The Other Marriot, down the street.  Once you're close, you will be given the exact address.  

If she does give you a landmark ("Your City's Convention Center") it doesn't mean she's expecting to hook up for a quickie on the elevator.  It's to get you close enough for planning purposes.

Good luck

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