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Are reviewers allowed to submit a new review for a provider they've already seen?
AlexandraMarie See my TER Reviews 871 reads

I've always been fit and have seen several guys repeatedly over the years.  But right now I'm int he best shape of my life and several guys would like to re-review to say I look better than ever.  And it's certainly making the sessions even hotter.

If a guy hasn't reviewed me in years is he allowed to review me again?  What if the review is recent and I provide even more services on the next appointment?  Doesn't that warrant a new review?

Just wondering the policy.  It's not clear to me and other providers didn't seem to know.

I am at a point where I am worthy of second reviews, according to reviewers.

Thank you!

Best, Alex

-- Modified on 6/30/2016 2:18:18 PM

NoYellowEnvelope277 reads

That's explained in Section 9 of the Review Guidelines:

"You may also submit an update on a provider that you have already reviewed. We will replace your old review, but you won’t be credited for an additional 15 days. Your new review must be a complete rewrite that adds something new to the experience in order for it to replace the old one."

I think there's a time limit between reviews, but it's not mentioned in the rules.

It isn't clear... Does anyone know what the time minimum must be?

It's one of TER's unwritten rules. To submit any review the meeting had to have taken place within the past 90 days. That rule is pretty clear in their guidelines. To submit a new review on a provider you already reviewed, it had to have been a new session, and it has to be more than 90 days since the last review.

So, going back to your OP, if a guy hasn't submitted a review for you in years but he recently saw you, he definitely can write a new current review, but if a guy reviewed you within the past 90 days, even if he saw you again since then, he has to wait a while before he can submit a new review.  

Posted By: AlexandraMarie
It isn't clear... Does anyone know what the time minimum must be?
-- Modified on 7/1/2016 5:28:11 AM

I wish they would just write these down somewhere!  Like add a tab that says "unwritten rules," lol...

I had a dude write me a review almost a year after I had seen him. I submitted proof of such and the admins told me that they have that rule so that guys won't forget to submit reviews (which isn't the reasoning they give on the site policies but that's what this particular staff member told me).

Dear Alexandra:
In fact I have submitted two for you as well. However the hobbyist doesn't get the benefit of time as a vip when he does submit the second review for the provider.  However Alex TER does discount the earlier review if a hobbyist does submit a review on the same provider.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
It's one of TER's unwritten rules. To submit any review the meeting had to have taken place within the past 90 days. That rule is pretty clear in their guidelines. To submit a new review on a provider you already reviewed, it had to have been a new session, and it has to be more than 90 days since the last review.  
 So, going back to your OP, if a guy hasn't submitted a review for you in years but he recently saw you, he definitely can write a new current review, but if a guy reviewed you within the past 90 days, even if he saw you again since then, he has to wait a while before he can submit a new review.  
Posted By: AlexandraMarie
It isn't clear... Does anyone know what the time minimum must be?
-- Modified on 7/1/2016 5:28:11 AM
-- Modified on 7/5/2016 6:04:14 PM

Posted By: AlexandraMarie
I've always been fit and have seen several guys repeatedly over the years.  But right now I'm int he best shape of my life and several guys would like to re-review to say I look better than ever.  And it's certainly making the sessions even hotter.  
 If a guy hasn't reviewed me in years is he allowed to review me again?  What if the review is recent and I provide even more services on the next appointment?  Doesn't that warrant a new review?  
 Just wondering the policy.  It's not clear to me and other providers didn't seem to know.  
 I am at a point where I am worthy of second reviews, according to reviewers.  
 Thank you!  
 Best, Alex

-- Modified on 6/30/2016 2:18:18 PM

When you say re-review do you mean write another review about another session, not the original but completely new booking and date. Or the same session but he suddenly remembers something that he forgot to mention in his first review so he needs to rewrite it?

I'm a provider but if I saw the same client writing multiple reviews for the same provider I would think something was wrong/weird.  

Are you not able to ask other clients to write a review for you?

This used to be allowed every 90 days.   It was supposed to include different details than his prior review of the same lady, to reflect that an additional session had happened.  

Like Ginger, though, I have recently heard that this is not being allowed.   So, ADMIN, have the rules been changed across the board?  Or is it on a case-by-case basis?  :-)

The reviewers write new reviews for a lady (or re-review, if you will) for various reasons, including: her appearance or performance have changed/improved enough that he wants to share it, she was gone for awhile and now that she's back he's writing a "fresh" review, he forgot to mention (or wants to correct) something in his first review so he's doing that now, or just because the lady asked him to  write a new one.  

There are more reasons, of course, but those seem to be the big ones.  ;-)

Yes, we can ask other/new clients to write reviews.   :-

Someone contacted me today that I haven't seen in over 6 years who write one of my first reviews so I know he'll want to write another review if we can get together next month.

But also I was wondering about more recent reviewers.  90 days sounds reasonable to me, but I wanted to make sure.

I'm hoping some enterprising hobbyist will make a list all of the unwritten rules.  It would be greatly appreciated by me!  I'll be your best friend... ;)

Posted By: MarieLuscious
When you say re-review do you mean write another review about another session, not the original but completely new booking and date. Or the same session but he suddenly remembers something that he forgot to mention in his first review so he needs to rewrite it?  
 I'm a provider but if I saw the same client writing multiple reviews for the same provider I would think something was wrong/weird.  
 Are you not able to ask other clients to write a review for you?

Some girls might not be taking on new clients and still want their name out there. Other will ask a good client to re-review to get good exposure and more business not sure what the client might think he will get out of it😊

My last review is a re review of a provider I had seen before. It was a new session that  felt was better than the first and scored accordingly.  
  Yes you do not get VIP days for the re review. I have done this for many ladies I have seen multiple times when the next session was better.
  Maybe clients don't feel like going through the trouble of updating a review if there is no benefit for them?

A reviewer can review you a second time should he decide to update your last review.   However, he will not be credited with an additional 15 days of VIP credit from TER to his account. If your menu has improved I am sure previous clients will wan to provide an update. I do it sometimes.

well over 90 days apart but I have second thoughts about it now.  Reviews are mostly for clients who have not seen her before...  so if i've seen a gal a bunch of times & we've gotten comfortable with each other, surely that would be a different experience.

That others can see, although we reviewers can see our earlier ones. and it counts in our total.

Posted By: Crazy Diamond
That others can see, although we reviewers can see our earlier ones. and it counts in our total.

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