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Stvpatrick33 6 Reviews 2055 reads
1 / 12

When a provider views my profile, I get an email from P411. Do providers get an email when I view their profile?

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 376 reads
2 / 12


Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 229 reads
3 / 12
NoGreenBorderedEnvelope 430 reads
5 / 12

... that she can see how many times her P411 profile was accessed. I think she also told me she can tell which P411 members accessed her profile, if they were logged on (and not coming in indirectly eg through TER).  I'm not 100% sure about the latter, as it's been awhile since the provider mentioned this, but I'm sure she told me she can see the number of accesses.  Not emails of course, but I thought I'd mention it.

sinfin 407 reads
6 / 12

Posted By: Stvpatrick33
When a provider views my profile, I get an email from P411. Do providers get an email when I view their profile?

GaGambler 398 reads
7 / 12

Not to mention this is the Newbie board where even assholes like me are "Nice"

As for your question about why a guy might care. He may want to know if EVERY woman who's profile he views is going to get an email saying he viewed her? Maybe he is jerking off to one certain providers pics and he wants to know if she gets notified every time he views her profile? There are several legitimate reasons he may want to know, now be nice or find somewhere else to post.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 326 reads
8 / 12

No, we can not see who looked at our profile. We only see the statistics of # of members and non-members who have viewed our profile and from what state and date.

Be nice if we could but there is no option to allow us to do that.

I can't even see which providers have looked at my profile, but the guys can see who views theirs. Oh well.
Posted By: GaGambler
Not to mention this is the Newbie board where even assholes like me are "Nice"  
 As for your question about why a guy might care. He may want to know if EVERY woman who's profile he views is going to get an email saying he viewed her? Maybe he is jerking off to one certain providers pics and he wants to know if she gets notified every time he views her profile? There are several legitimate reasons he may want to know, now be nice or find somewhere else to post.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 373 reads
9 / 12

It is a legitimate question on the newbie board, and there was no reason for your snippy remark. Play nice in the newbie board.

Posted By: sinfin
Posted By: Stvpatrick33
When a provider views my profile, I get an email from P411. Do providers get an email when I view their profile?

hey mikey 8 Reviews 289 reads
11 / 12

I like that providers can see the home state of people looking at them. Hopefully this might encourage them to plan their tours accordingly.

AlexATF See my TER Reviews 328 reads
12 / 12

Sometimes I will go back a few times before a date to remind myself of the guys drink, lingerie, or whatever preference before my date and often my iPad drops out or I get distracted and have to go back several times. It probably makes me look like a psycho on their end lol but I'm just trying to make sure I provide a good service. Plus if a provider messages me and I have to look the guy up for her he gets a notice of that too and if he didn't specifically give me as a reference that might seem weird on his end too. Ce la vie..

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